Pirate Family

Chapter 891 Crazy

Meanwhile, Kaido's lair.

In the cave of the head of the devil. The water droplets condensed on the top of the damp cave, then flowed along the cracks of the cave, and finally dripped to the ground.

The crisp sound of water droplets echoed in the silent cave.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

Two figures, a man and a woman, are constantly flickering in the cave.

"The terrain here is tortuous, and I haven't been here much, so I'm not familiar with it."

When they came to a corner, the two stopped, and the pale man in front spoke slowly.

"So, I can only try to take you to a safe place."

"Thank you, but aren't you Heitan Orochi's most capable subordinate? Why do you help me?"

Behind the man, there was a black robe, and the man who covered himself in it said slowly. Her voice was clear and sweet, but from the outside, it was completely impossible to tell her gender.

The woman looked at the man in front of her, and while she was grateful, she was also a little puzzled.

Ariel should have been imprisoned in that cage at this time, but just now, the moment Heitan Orochi led his men out of the cave, the man named Sleep Crazy Man released the cage that bound him, and Knocked out two guards and left there with himself.

"Black Charcoal Serpent..."

After mentioning this name, a trace of bitterness flashed in the man's eyes.

"No one wants to be a dog if given the choice."

"And it's ten years."

Infinite nostalgia flashed in the man's eyes, and his feelings for the name Heitan Orochi could be said to be extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he resented him for participating in the murder of his former lord, Kozuki Oden, and on the other hand, he was lurking beside Heitan Orochi. After being a dog for ten years, he has developed a subconscious will to Heitan Orochi His command becomes all habit.

He resented the habit of covering up.

"I'm not actually called Sleeper Crazy."

The man shook his head, the war had reached such a point, he decided to tear off the mask.

"My real name is Denjiro, Denjiro who serves His Highness Kozuki Oden."

Sleeper Kushiro, no, it should be said that Denjiro said so. After saying his name, he became obviously much more relaxed.

"I have already bet everything on Lord Lorne, so for the victory of Lord Lorne, the fate of the entire Wano Kingdom and the glory of the Kozuki clan, I must also protect you."

Boom boom boom.

Just as Denjiro finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of footsteps around the corner.

Ariel immediately held her breath and hid behind Denjiro.

Her current identity is very sensitive. If Kaido's people knew about her relationship with Lorne, they might take her as a hostage and blackmail Lorne.

A hostage is enough to go through once, and Ariel doesn't want to be Lorne's weakness.

And Denjiro also leaned his body against the wall, hiding in the darkness.

If the visitor discovers his secret, he will kill him without hesitation.

The footsteps were getting closer, and Denjiro was even ready to make a move!

This is the time!

Denjiro was about to make a move, but a familiar face appeared in front of him.

"It's you!? What are you doing here?"

Denjiro looked at the man in front of him and said cautiously.

Because this man is none other than Sagi-kun.

This place is in the depths of the devil's head, and even he has never been here, so he can only scurry around like a headless chicken in this cave.

What is Sagi-kun doing sneakily in this place?

"Oh? Then what are you doing?"

A strange smile appeared on Sagi-kun's face, and he looked at Denjiro.

"Do I have to tell you in advance about my actions?"

Denjiro frowned and said coldly.

At this time, his heart was beating wildly. If Mr. Zuo Mu knew about the female pope, he would really not be able to stop.

Lurking beside Heitan Orochi for ten years, Denjiro conducted a meticulous study of all the strong men under Heitan Orochi.

Only, I can't see through this Sagi-kun.

"Master Heitan Orochi has already rushed out to meet the enemy with his people, but you, the most loyal dog under Heitan Orochi, are hiding behind and wandering around at this time. It's really funny."

Sagi-kun looked at Denjiro...and Ariel, who was covered by a robe behind him, and said playfully.

"Could it be that you have some ulterior secret?"

"What I want to do has nothing to do with you."

"In fact, Heitan Orochi-sama has a more important task for me. If you are delayed, Heitan Orochi-sama will definitely punish you severely!"

Despite being extremely nervous, Denjiro still said coldly.

In terms of momentum, he couldn't lose, he didn't want to be targeted by this cold poisonous snake.

"Is that so?" Zuo Mu-kun said slowly.

"That's really disturbing you. Please don't blame me, Lord Sleeper, and continue with your mission."

Sagi-kun said so, and then he actually made way for Denjiro.

How could this person let him go so easily? Denjiro was a little dubious, but he didn't stop his movements. Instead, he snorted coldly and walked forward.

"Do your own thing."

Denjiro said coldly to Sagi-kun,

Ai Ruili hurriedly took small steps to keep up with Denjiro's pace, but when passing by Sagi-kun, this cold man seemed to smell something, and suddenly took a deep breath.

"What's wrong with you?"

Denjiro thought he had been discovered, turned around, and said coldly.

"It's nothing, it's just the heavy rain a few days ago, and I feel the wind and cold occasionally."

"Master Sleeper, please leave me alone, just keep doing your own thing."

When the figures of the two people disappeared before his eyes, Sagi-kun slowly stood up straight, with a playful smile on his face.

He closed his eyes and sniffed his nose again.

"A... woman?"

"Warriors, seemingly valiant, lay down their lives for vain things, while smug wise men hide in the rear, plotting clumsy tricks, and lowly traitors lurk in the shadows, Playing a game of mutual betrayal?"

"Is this war? Interesting interesting."

As he spoke, the man clutched his stomach and laughed loudly.

Like a crazy clown.

After laughing for a long time, Sagi-kun stood up straight, and stroked the wall of the cave with his hands, as if stroking the skin of his most beloved.

"Finally, I found it. It turns out that you are in this place."

Under his wiping, the stones and soil on the wall slowly fell off, revealing the true color.

A...pale color.

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