Pirate Family

Chapter 892 Soldiers vs Soldiers, Avengers vs Avengers

After the reinforcements from both sides joined, the situation on the battlefield became more complicated and confusing.

The two pirate emperors regard this place as the place where they will finally fight, and bet all their troops to wipe out all the other's vital forces.

A fighter falls, and immediately more fighters fill up. The entire island of ghosts has become a meat grinder that devours life.

Blood, stumps, and broken internal organs are all over the ruins of the battlefield.

Pirates, samurai, ninjas, fighters, for their own camp, even before death, they must do their best to leave a scar on the opponent's body.


Moorman stepped back dozens of steps, dodging the impact of a person with brown fluff in front of him.

There were several scratches on his chest, which were left by the opponent's sharp claws on his body.

As a price, the cheetah that attacked him also left a deep scratch on its abdomen.

"It's a little troublesome."

Mooreman said to himself, after he chopped the wild dog, the other party's actions did not stop at all, but became crazier after smelling the smell of blood.

But this is not the most important thing. It is the lizard that puts more pressure on Moorman.

It was poisonous snakes and wild dogs that confronted Fat Tiger, but it was cheetahs and poisonous lizards that entangled him.

After the battle between the two sides, the lizard escaped into the battlefield. Even Moorman's knowledgeable domineering power could not catch the other party's trace on the chaotic battlefield.

He never made a move, but Moorman knew that this lizard must be waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to kill him with one blow.

Real hunters are often very patient. Lizards, on the other hand, happen to be a kind of hunter.

And it's the top one.

The moment he showed up was when he really wanted to kill.

The cheetah licked the wound on its abdomen, and its eyes gradually turned red.

Then roared and rushed towards Moorman.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

His entire body turned into a brown whirlwind, passing straight across the battlefield, and anyone standing in front of him, whether it was a warrior from the Vinhill family or a pirate under Kaido, was torn to pieces by his sharp claws .


Mooreman said to himself, clenched his sword tightly, and then slashed at the wild dog that was rushing towards him.

The tens of meters long sword qi passed through the cut and roared towards the brown whirlwind. It hit the brown whirlwind straight.

The whirlwind stopped, but Mooreman did not breathe a sigh of relief, but turned around suddenly, and slashed behind him.

That lizard was waiting for the best opportunity, and now, after doing it yourself, is the best opportunity!

Under the full attack, there is no chance to react in the face of a sneak attack. This is the best chance for that lizard!

Sure enough, the moment Mooreman turned around, he smelled a stench.

It was the smell of a lizard's venomous saliva. A monster with dark green skin stood behind Moorman, aimed at him and opened his bloody mouth.

The sticky saliva sticks to the teeth, emitting a strange smell.

"go to hell!"

Moorman roared and clenched his sword with his right hand, then aimed at the lizard's mouth and stabbed down.


The black knife directly pierced the lizard's mouth, and blood gushed out from its mouth.

But it didn't end there. When the lizard was stabbed in the scene, Mooreman kicked the lizard's abdomen. At the moment of kicking it, he clenched the long knife and spun it around in his mouth several times. .


The black knife was pulled out, and with countless blood, the lizard man was kicked more than ten meters away, fell to the ground and twitched continuously.

The mouth is one of the softest parts of any creature, and it's dangerous for Moorman to do so.

"It's finally resolved."

Mooreman said to himself, and then wanted to raise his hand, but found that half of his body was completely paralyzed, and two groups of teeth marks appeared on his shoulder.

That was the "repayment" left by the lizard when he stabbed the black knife into it. When Mooreman attacked the lizard, the lizard's venom also flowed into Mooreman's body along the teeth.

"It seems that it is impossible to continue fighting."

As Mooreman said, he felt the venom spreading continuously in his body, and most of his body became extremely stiff.

After all, the six sons of Ling Kong are one of the top combat forces under the Kaido Pirates, and no one can easily deal with them.

It was also a kind of gamble for Moorman to do so. Fortunately, he won the gamble.

Now, he has lost the ability to continue fighting, and it is time to retreat.

But now, a cold voice sounded from behind Moorman.

"You don't think you won, do you?"

Moorman felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. The cheetah, after being directly hit by his slash, did not fall down. Instead, it survived tenaciously by relying on the terrifying resilience brought about by the awakening of the animal system.

His sharp claws were attached to Mooreman's shoulder, and Mooreman could even feel the heat of the air he breathed out,

And... the smell of blood oozes from his wound.

Now his body can't move at all, even if the cheetah's injury is serious, Mooreman is definitely not the other party's opponent.

"Are you going to die here?"

Mooreman murmured to himself, but there was no fear in his tone, but full of relief, and a trace of... regret.

He spent his whole life chasing the figure of the swordsman who also carried the black knife, but he didn't even see his back.

Mooreman is sorry.

"Then, go to hell."

The cheetah was not going to give Mooreman a chance to miss. In order to deal with this man, he had already lost a volley six son. He had to solve this trouble immediately, and then support the other companions who faced the senior officials of the Vinhill family.

Mooreman slowly closed his eyes, but the icy piercing sensation did not come through for a long time, and even the sense of crisis caused by the life being held hostage behind him gradually dissipated, and instead there was a trace of fear, and... confidence.

what did he see

The swordsman opened his eyes, and saw a tall figure shrouded in shadow slowly walking towards him. He said reminiscently as he walked.

"It has been many years since I set foot on this land."

"At that time, my companions all died in this place, but I could only watch them die in despair, and then, under the cover of their desperate efforts, fled humblely to the sea like a bereaved dog."

The man walked up to Moorman and took off his cloak.

His pale face was revealed.

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