Pirate Family

Chapter 893 The Cracked Floating Island

"Moonlight Moria! How dare you go back to this place!"

The cheetah behind Moorman roared, but his tone was no longer as cold as before.

Instead, it was full of disbelief, as if seeing something incredible.

"Are you ready to watch all your companions die in front of you again?"

The cheetah shouted sharply, but Mooreman heard a trace of...fear in his tone.


Moonlight Moriah seemed to have heard the funniest joke, clutching her stomach and laughing loudly.

"After I escaped, I don't know to be afraid of this emotion anymore."

"Also, things like companions."

Laughing, his smile fading away, he looked up at the cheetah behind Moorman. A trace of uncontrollable anger leaked from his eyes.

"I don't have any companions anymore, how can I talk about losing them?"

Countless shadow bats flew out from behind Moria. Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, almost covering the entire battlefield.

Moria stood in the very center of all the shadow bats, looking at the cheetah behind Mooreman, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.

"Right now, I'm nothing more than an Avenger."

Numerous shadow bats fused into chains, handcuffed the cheetah firmly, and then caught Moria in front of it.

"It's just that I'm curious."

"You were just an unknown pawn following Thaddeus back then, and now who gave you the courage to speak to me in this tone."

"Could it be that I haven't been to Wano Country for a long time, so that you have forgotten the war at the beginning?"

The cheetah was firmly imprisoned by chains and could not move at all. It turned into a docile kitten and was brought to Moria by the shadow.

Looking at the Avenger in front of him, the beast's eyes were finally no longer bloodthirsty and violent, but... filled with fear.

"I belong to Master Kaido..."

The cheetah roared in fear, but Jasmine didn't give him a hand, but took out a pair of large scissors from behind her. Grabbed the cheetah's shadow and cut it off from the cheetah's body.

The cheetah whose shadow was cut off was stunned for a moment, and then fell into a coma, paralyzed in the shadow chain, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The cheetah's shadow seemed to have its own life. After being cut off, it still wanted to struggle, but after seeing Moria's cold eyes, it seemed that loyal subjects completely surrendered to Moria's deterrence after seeing their king. Among them, not moving.

"Let your humble life burn out the last flame."

As Moriah said, after swallowing the shadow of the cheetah in one gulp, he discarded the cheetah like garbage on the battlefield at will.

"Thank you, Lord Moriah."

At this moment, Mooreman breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly to Moriah.

No matter what purpose Moria has, he is now an ally of the Vinhill family after all, and he must show enough respect.

What's more, the other party just saved his life.

"Even though that cheetah is a piece of scum, his identity as the sixth volley is not fake. You can deal with both of them at the same time. Although it is a fluke, it is already very powerful."

Moria walked to Mooreman's side. For some reason, he thought of the shadow of one of his companions.

He is also a cold and powerful swordsman, and he is also extremely loyal to his captain. But it has a completely different ending.

"You have met a good captain."

Moria said so, and then passed by Mooreman. Walked towards the depths of the battlefield.

There, an old friend of mine was directing his subordinates to organize a fierce counterattack against the warriors of the Vinhill family.

What he had lost, he wanted to get it back with his own hands.

And the shadow of the sixth volley is just the first step of his revenge.

And his next target is the "old friend" who is surrounded by a large group of people and commanding the war with spit.

Looking at the "old friend" who had also gained a lot of weight, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Moria's mouth.

"Damn! Why is he back!"

When Moria appeared, the dark shadows almost covered the entire sky, and the charcoal snake also noticed this man.

Looking at this fat and bloated Avenger, a trace of fear flashed in Moria's eyes.

Of course he remembered Moria. In fact, when Moria landed on the island, the time was basically the same as when they murdered Kozuki Oden.

If Kaido hadn't reacted quickly and sent the "flame calamity" out to stop Moriah's group for a period of time, once Moriah and Kozuki Oden joined forces, the direction of that war would be determined. becomes unpredictable.

After solving the difficult opponent of Kozuki Oden, Kaido was able to free up his hands to deal with Moria and his group who broke into Wano Country.

At that time, after solving Kozuki Oden, the morale of both Kurotan Orochi and Kaido's pirates was extremely high. Under the alliance, they easily captured the outsiders like Moria Then Kaido killed them one by one in an extremely cruel way in front of Moriah.

If Moriah's deputy hadn't tried his best in the end and won a chance to let Moriah devour their shadows, the famous big pirate would not have had the chance to leave Wano country alive.

In the end, Moria, who devoured the shadows of a thousand people, showed the power that Heitan Orochi still remembers, so when this avenger reappears on this land, Heitan Orochi will not take it lightly.

"There are no ghosts of death, only lingering in the sun."

"Back then, this general let you escape by chance, but now you dare to come back to die."

"It's really overwhelming."

Countless black shadows emerged from the back of the black charcoal snake.

Like several intertwined giant snakes.

Many people have a misunderstanding, that is, seeing Heitan Orochi so timid, they will think that his fighting power is weak.

This is a rather erroneous understanding. The reason why Kurotan Orochi didn't want to fight was because, as the general of Wano Country, he didn't need to fight.

However, when Moria, the avenger, rushed towards him aggressively, he certainly would not take a step back.

The two "old friends" who had been separated for ten years finally met again on this occasion.

However, just as Moria was about to make a move, several loud noises suddenly came from the sky. Everyone involuntarily raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

That floating island floating towards the sky, at some point, became fragmented.

Then a black shadow fell from the sky and fell heavily on the battlefield.


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