Pirate Family

Chapter 894 The beast that crushes everything

The sky began to crack, and countless rocks fell from the sky and hit the ground.

Everyone stopped fighting and began to dodge these famous falling objects.

And in the center of the battlefield, a big pit appeared, filled with smoke and dust, a young man with blond hair struggled to get up from the big pit.

Lorne's body was covered with blood. Although he was very cautious, he still underestimated Kaido's strength.

After losing its own abilities, the beast seemed to lose all restraints at the same time, turning into a monster roaring to the world.

Even Lorne feels that Kaido at this time is more terrifying than Kaido who was transformed into a dragon before. Like a ruthless fighting machine, he easily smashed all Lorne's defenses.

There is no strongest fruit, only the strongest capable person. After losing the fruit, the strong are also strong. This sentence is vividly expressed in Kaido.

"It's really careless. Is this the pinnacle of power in the world?"

After wiping the blood stains from the corner of his mouth clean, Lorne said to himself.

There was no trace of fear in his eyes, but a trace of fighting spirit appeared instead. His heart hadn't been so passionate for a long time.


A fragment of the island fell on the battlefield, Kaido jumped and finally returned to the island of ghosts.

He was holding a cluster of thunderbolts in his hand, and Enilu was struggling constantly in Kaido's hand, but Kaido's hand seemed to be made of iron, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape from Kaido's hand.

"You should be thankful that this stance of mine was originally intended to be used against that old guy with the white beard. I didn't expect it to be used on you before that."

Kaido flicked it casually, and the Thunderbolt in his hand was thrown out directly, rolling continuously on the ground, and finally flew directly out of the battlefield.

"Then I'm afraid I have already flown to the capital of flowers?"

After seeing this scene, a pirate swallowed his saliva, and then looked at Kaido in awe.

Can this kind of terrifying power really be possessed by human beings?

"It's just that you should be proud enough to be able to push me to this point. Before you die, tell me about your ambition. Maybe, if I'm in a good mood, I will help you realize it."

Kaido walked towards Lorne step by step, with a cruel smile on his face.

After Lorne himself and Enel were defeated by him, there was only one senior cadre of the Vinhill family left, Garrett.

But does that young girl dare to appear in front of her?

There is a common sense in this sea, that is, no matter how weird and powerful an ability user is, after his death, his ability will definitely be released.

Kaido couldn't find Garrett by himself, but as long as she dared to appear in front of him, he could quickly twist her head off.

After the ability returns to him, Lorne will have no chance of winning!

No, the current Lorne has no chance of winning!

Kaido looked at Lorne standing in the deep pit, dripping with blood, with a trace of sarcasm on his face.

"Or, do you still have any plots and tricks that you haven't used yet?"

"Cough cough cough."

Lorne felt his body in extreme pain, and he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, even though this body has been strengthened by Gaji and possesses unimaginable strength, but after all, he is just a mortal body, which cannot be compared with a monster like Kaido at all.

Falling from a height of several thousand meters, all the impact force gathered in Lorne's body.

Lorne only felt that the internal organs in his body were almost shattered. If he could not get timely treatment, he might die due to hemorrhage in his body!

It's just that at this moment, Kaido seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly stopped, turning his head to the side.

"I didn't expect you to come here."

He saw not far away, the tall and fat man with an angry face, and a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Is it because I colluded with Lorne and thought I could get revenge?"

"Or are you going to abandon Lorne and run away alone?"

Kaido paused, and then said the man's name.

"Moonlight Moria."


Moria also squeezed out the name of the enemy from between his teeth.

His hatred can hardly be concealed.

No need to cover up either.

"In the past ten years, every day, I have been thinking about how to avenge you."

Moria walked towards Kaido step by step, and countless black shadows appeared behind him.

Like a ghost in hell.

"There is only one reason for all the anger, and that is that one's own strength is not strong enough."

And Kaido said mercilessly.

"Look at you now. Your body is completely out of shape. Is it because of hatred in the past ten years that you have forgotten to exercise yourself? Or is it because I shattered your confidence and lost the courage to challenge me?"

Kaido looked at his former opponent, tilted his neck slightly, and a terrifying deterrent force centered on his body and spread to all directions.

"The breath of the weak permeates your body."

"The you now are not worthy of carrying shoes with the you ten years ago!"

Everyone, pirates, samurai, and fighters, after being shrouded in this deterrent force, felt a huge pressure on their knees, and their knees bent downward involuntarily.

This is the deterrent power of the complete domineering look! Without the matching courage, in front of the owner of this domineering look, he can only bow his knees!

And Moriah also felt that his breathing became difficult. As soon as he gritted his teeth, a shadow bat floated to his side, biting his shoulder forcefully, blood gushed out from the teeth marks, and with the help of the pain, he got rid of the feeling of kneeling down uncontrollably.

"I am no longer who I was. When I decided to return to this place, I already had the consciousness of death."

"Either use your blood to pay homage to my companions, or die where they died!"

"It's just that I won't let you feel better before I die."

Moria said so. Then he grabbed a shadow beside him and stuffed it into his mouth.

One, two, three.

Every time one was stuffed in, Moria's body swelled a bit. After stuffing a hundred shadows, his body had swelled to nearly ten meters.

Kaido, who was originally tall, stood in front of Moria at this time, like a child.

And Lorne also took advantage of the opportunity that Moria had fought for himself with his life, and hurriedly recovered.

Every time his strength recovers, his chances of winning will increase by one point.

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