Pirate Family

Chapter 895 The World's Peak Beast

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lorne began to recover his physical strength. At this time, Lola also drove the driver and came in front of Lorne, took out a tube of blue injection from her clothes, and injected it into Lorne's body at once.

As the azure blue liquid continued to flow into his body, Lorne frowned, as if he was enduring great pain.

This is the reagent of the "Awakening-02" model specially developed by Vegapunk. This is some of his conjectures after learning about Kaido's research on artificial devil fruits.

Science pays attention to principles, even something as mysterious as a devil fruit is no exception, there are rules for all playthings.

Vegapunk guessed that Kaido should have extracted a certain "bloodline factor" from animals, and then injected it into the fruit in a certain way to create artificial devil fruits. In this research, his old colleague M. Caesar Courant happened to be involved.

After the evil thought Huo attacked Punk Hazard, the man Caesar lost his trace and completely disappeared into the sea. But Vegapunk knew that as long as this man was alive, he would not stop his research.

Vegapunk, who has been a colleague of M. Caesar Courant for so long, is of course familiar with these things. After getting Lorne's permission, he quickly started researching.

But the mysteries of life are too complex, in addition to talent, it also needs a little inspiration, and Vegapunk has never found the opportunity for that flash of inspiration.

After a long period of research, he still has not discovered the mystery of making artificial devil fruits. Just when he thought that his research was in the wrong direction and was about to give up, by chance, one of his drank the "material" of the experimental potion Suddenly, a strange change occurred.

That little white mouse suddenly possessed several times its physical strength, and became extremely violent, devouring all its companions, and showing great hostility towards the experimenters outside the glass chamber.

Vegapunk immediately conducted a slice study on the little white mouse, and found that after drinking the test drug, the "bloodline factor" in the little white mouse seemed to have activity and became active. Some simple injuries can heal quickly and naturally.

This is simply like the "awakening" of an animal-type ability user.

That's why this potion was named "Awakening" potion. However, after the effect of the "awakening" potion ends, the user's whole body will become weak, and this will last for at least three weeks.

This is something to really use when you're desperate!

The potion "Awakening-02" purchased by Lola was specially commissioned by Vegapunk to make it in Lorne.

Lorne did not choose to let Vegapunk study how to remove the defects of the awakening potion, but let him magnify the advantages of the awakening potion. After injecting this improved medicine, Lorne felt that all the cells in his body became active.

No, active should not be used, boil should be used.

Lorne felt that the cells in his whole body were boiling, and the wounds on his body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. In almost a breath, the wounds on Lorne's body were repaired.

At this time, Lorne felt that his whole body was full of power, and this power was even stronger than before.

"You must pay attention to the time of the battle." After giving Lorne the injection, Lola frowned and said with some concern.

As a senior member of the Vinhill family, she is quite clear about Vegapunk's research.

This kind of potion has a fatal flaw, that is, in contrast, after excessively overdrawing the activity of the cells in the body, the body of the experimental subject injected with the potion will shrink after the effect of the potion ends, and the body will shrink at an extremely fast speed. Get old fast.

This aging is irreversible. Among Vegapunk's 133 experiments, none of the subjects survived half a day.

In other words, after the injection of the medicine, the life of Lorne's body also began to count down.

Rather than saying it is a panacea to save lives, it is better to say that it is a poison that uses the rest of one's life to gamble with the god of death in exchange for strength... Poison!

And Kaido also stopped his movements, and didn't choose to look at Lorne who was injecting the medicine, because in his eyes, Lorne could no longer turn up any trouble.

This beast-like man looked at Moriah, who was constantly eating his own shadow, with the eyes of a prey.

He is not unfamiliar with this trick. In fact, ten years ago, Moria escaped from his hands by eating all the shadows of his companions.

After that, this man has never recovered from a fall, from the famous big pirate in the New World, to the point where he is today.

Later, it was when Lorne stepped on Moria's reputation and became famous in the sea.

However, as Moria's old opponent, Kaido did not underestimate the fat and bloated man in front of him.

Because he knew that Moriah at his peak was a rare man who truly qualified to be king.

A king, even if he falls, is still a king.

Even if Moriah lost his fighting spirit, he was still Moriah!

"Does it have to stop after only two hundred?"

Seeing Moria who stopped his movements, Kaido spoke.

"Back then, you had the title of Thousand Shadows!"

Qianying Moria, the famous big pirate ten years ago, can't even display his housekeeping skills until now.

This made Kaido feel a little embarrassed.

Moria blushed. At this time, his body was already close to twenty meters, and his pale skin was covered with blue blood vessels.

Devouring the shadows of others can quickly gain the power of others and strengthen oneself.

But this skill has a fatal flaw, that is, every time Moria eats the shadow of a person, Moria must bear the power of a person.

Hundreds of shadows gathered in his body, and Moriah felt that his body was about to explode.

"Forget it, let you go and accompany your companion."

Kaido took a deep breath, and the terrifying pressure that shrouded the battlefield returned to his body again. His body began to gradually compress, from about eight meters to six meters.

But in contrast, his momentum became more cohesive. He raised his hand, and waved it at Moria from tens of meters away.

The air was instantly compressed, and the roar of breaking through the sound barrier filled everyone's ears.

Moria seemed to be hit head-on by a mountain, and his body shook suddenly several times. Then he lowered his head and looked at his abdomen with a look of disbelief.

There was a big hole in his abdomen. This blood hole ran through his body.

Across the bloody hole, one could see Kaido slowly retracting his fist tens of meters away.

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