Pirate Family

Chapter 896 Emperor vs. Emperor

A punch pierced Moria's body directly across tens of meters.

The power that Kaido showed at this time shocked everyone.

Perhaps, this is Kaido's real strength, the strength he relies on to gallop across the sea!

Cough cough cough!

Moria covered the gap in his abdomen with one hand, countless shadows escaped from his abdomen, and his body gradually shrank like a deflated balloon.

Moria's eyes were full of disbelief, he couldn't believe that he was defeated so easily. Kaido didn't even touch him and knocked out all his defenses with one punch. Moria's body shrank to about six or seven meters, that is, his original height, before he stopped, and there were countless shadows escaping from his body floating around.

Like hell.

"Do you think that everyone is like you, always standing still, or even going backwards?"

Kaido retracted his fist and said with a sarcasm, he walked straight past Moria without even looking at his old opponent.

And Moriah's heart was still full of shock.

Kaido has become stronger, even stronger than ten years ago.

Kaido ten years ago had already stood at the pinnacle of this sea, and now the even more terrifying Kaido was so strong that Moria could not imagine.

"The times have changed. The weak who can only play tricks will soon be swallowed by the tide of this era. The stage of the new world can only accommodate the real strong."

Kaido said so, then passed Moria, and walked towards Lorne not far away.

"Is the chat of your old friends over?"

Lorne said weakly, but he raised his head to look at Kaido's eyes, but there was a fiery fighting intent.

"You don't need to hide it anymore. You should be taking some kind of medicine that stimulates your body. By reducing your lifespan, you can speed up your body's recovery and let your combat power reach its peak."

Kaido directly pointed out Lorne's cover-up, and he saw everything about Lorne hiding in the deep pit and injecting drugs just now.

He didn't want to, and didn't bother to stop all of this, because Kaido was confident that even if ten Vennhill Lorne stood in front of him, he would be able to wring their heads off one by one.

"It's just to give you old friends a little time to spend together."

Now that Kaido has seen it through, Lun is no longer hiding it. He stood up straight, and the surging momentum was released from his body.

After injecting the "Awakening-02" reagent, Lorne felt that his body was stronger than ever. The cells inside his body seemed to wake up, greedily longing for the taste of blood.

If Lorne doesn't feed them as soon as possible, Lorne has no doubt that the crazy cells in his body will swallow him first without hesitation.

"I don't have time to chat with a loser."

Kaido said so.

The animal-type devil fruit can allow people to possess various abilities of animals, but it will also subtly affect the person with the ability, allowing them to acquire the habits of animals.

Or brutal, or barbaric, or bloodthirsty.

And Kaido's dragon fruit makes Kaido reckless and irritable, so he often does all incredible things.

Now after being temporarily deprived of his ability, he has returned to his original nature. Even after entering this "overlord" state, he is still extremely calm.

The overwhelming strength, combined with calmness, made him the most terrifying hunter in this sea.

"And you, are you ready to die?"

He looked at Lorne and asked only one question.

"When I set foot on this island, I was ready to die."

Lorne replied like this.

"It's just that you are the one who died!"

After speaking, his body turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Kaido.


And Kaido snorted coldly, raised his hand, and blocked Lorne's sudden blow.


There was a slight dent in the strong muscles of Kaido's arm. Lorne punched Kaido directly on the arm. The domineering armed colors of the two collided and exploded.

A black shock wave was released from the place where the two collided, sweeping everything.

"Now you have much more backbone than before. Do you want to die proudly on the battlefield knowing that you will die?"

Kaido felt a sharp pain in his arm. At this time, Lorne, both in speed and explosive power, was far ahead of before, and could even faintly catch up with his previous dragon-human transformation.

This world is fair, and what you get, you will definitely give out the corresponding things.

Lorne's strength has grown so rapidly, so what he paid will definitely not be less.

Ten years of life, or all of my own life?

Kaido didn't want to know, he raised his other hand and grabbed Lorne's body suddenly. There is an essential gap in the strength of the two people. As long as Lorne's body is captured by him, the outcome will be known.

But Lorne wouldn't let him do what he wanted. The moment Kaido raised his hand, Lorne kicked Kaido's arm suddenly, and then jumped out of Kaido's attack range with the help of the force of the recoil.

The figures of the two people turned into afterimages, colliding constantly on the battlefield. No one can keep up with the speed of the two of them. Their speed has already exceeded the limit that can be captured by knowledgeable domineering.

When it comes to this kind of physical confrontation that is really at its peak, when the knowledge and arrogance of both sides have lost their effect, all they can rely on is their own fighting instinct and the reaction speed of their bodies.

Every time they collide, there will be an explosion, leaving a deep pit on the already fragmented ghost island.

The entire small island has become potholed, faintly, and you can see the white bone-like mineral layer buried under the land of Onizhidao.

"Gulu Gulu!"

Everyone looked at the two people in the middle of the battlefield, and this battle became a show for the two of them.

"Kill that man."

At this time, Heitan Orochi came back to his senses first, looked at Moria who was injured by Kaido not far away, and roared.

When Moria made a big fuss in Wano Country back then, he also had a lot of conflicts with him, so this man would not let this opportunity pass.

Only a completely dead enemy can make Moria's heart a little more stable.

Countless samurai and ninjas from the Imperial Court swarmed towards Moria who had fallen on the battlefield.

As a brainwashed puppet, Heitan Orochi's orders are the truth. Even if there is a certain death ahead, these people will rush forward without hesitation.

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