Pirate Family

Chapter 898 The Emperor of Shadows

On the battlefield of Ghost Island, two shadows that were as fast as lightning collided continuously, and then quickly separated, leaving one after another potholes on the station.

However, it can be clearly seen that the aura of one of the shadows is obviously inferior to that of the other. In the constant collisions, his aura became weaker and slower, and his speed became slower and slower.

"Lorne is about to lose."

Moria struggled and said slowly to the fat tiger next to him, the horrible blood hole in his abdomen had completely healed, although there were still some labor pains, but it was harmless. The former king Qiwuhai looked at the two shadows not far away, and said solemnly.

"Kaido is an out-and-out monster, with almost limitless physical strength. As long as there is no way to quickly defeat him, he will be dragged into the protracted battle he is best at, and he will be tortured to death by him."

As Kaido's old opponent, Moria has a good understanding of Kaido's strength.

Relying on its innate tyrannical physique, this beast was favored by Lockes, who was in full swing at the time, and boarded Lockes' Sword of Gibeck.

On the Rocks Pirates, this intern grew rapidly, and finally took over the position of Rocks himself after the disintegration of the Rocks Pirates, becoming a giant on the sea.

In this sea, no one would doubt Kaido's power.

And Lorne should have used some medicine similar to that little girl injected himself. Although it can greatly strengthen his recovery and strength, this kind of medicine often has great side effects.

Overdrawing their lives is a trivial matter for them. What Moriah was really worried about was the duration of the potion.

When the effect of the medicine ends, it is the time for Lorne to fall!

"Help me. The grievances between me and Kaido must be settled."

Moria patted the shoulder of Fat Tiger next to him, and said seriously.

And Fat Tiger is facing off against the pirates who keep pouring towards him like a flood of water. Under the continuous battles, his physical strength has gradually reached its peak.

"How should I help you, the battle between the boss and Kaido is beyond our control!"

Fat Tiger turned his head and said helplessly.

No man is willing to admit his incompetence, but Fat Tiger is more aware of one thing, that is, in this sea, there is a gap between the strong and the strong.

The stronger he became, the more he knew that there was a huge gap between himself and those monsters who were really at the top.

This gap made it impossible for him to intervene in the battle between Lorne and Kaido.

"You can't, but I can."

Moria took a deep breath and said so.

"As long as I'm still the same person I was ten years ago, I can help Lorne!"

The man looked at Fat Tiger and said very firmly.

"I know your ability to make people forget some important memories, so please."

"Let me forget the memories of the past ten years, and let me become the same person I was ten years ago."

This big pirate, who suffered a huge setback ten years ago and has never recovered since, looked at his companion not far away, and said firmly.

Fat Tiger also looked at him, and was silent for a moment, because he saw the man's consciousness in Moria's eyes.

Nothing can change a man's consciousness, not even death!

Fat Tiger only said one sentence.

"I can't control the exact cleaning of your memory, so there may be deviations. After losing your memory, you may no longer be you."

"are you sure?"

Moria did not speak, but nodded slowly.

His life was fixed ten years ago. For a hero like him who used to have a heart higher than the sky, what is the difference between this kind of muddled life and death?

Moria slowly closed her eyes.

Do you choose to be a coward all your life or a hero for a few minutes.

He had chosen the former before, but this time, he resolutely chose the latter.

Fat Tiger held Moriah's shoulders, and Moriah felt his body stiffen, and countless fragments of memories were spinning crazily in his mind.

He felt that his own memory gradually became blurred, and then his world became dark.

The next moment, the man slowly opened his eyes. Fat Tiger felt like a beast that had been sleeping for decades, and slowly opened his eyes.

Even though Moriah himself didn't have a trace of hostility, Fat Tiger felt shuddering all over, as if he was being watched by some terrifying beast.

"Why am I here?"

This was the first sentence Moria opened his eyes and said. Confusion flickered in his eyes, shouldn't he be sailing in the new world with his companions now?

Then, the man felt an aura on the island, an aura that he was very familiar with and would never forget.


Moria roared, his tone full of endless anger.

This kind of hatred engraved in his bones, even if he lost his memory, did not dissipate at all.

Countless shadows gathered towards Moria's body,

One, ten, one hundred, three hundred.

Almost instantly, the shadow swallowed by Moria exceeded the limit that his body could hold before. And this number is still increasing.

Five hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred and fifty...

Hundreds of shadows were completely swallowed by this man, and Moriah felt like his body was about to explode.

He snorted coldly, a layer of armed domineering completely covered his body, protecting his body from being exploded by the shadow.

Then, a lavender halo spread around the island with him as the center.

This is the overlord-like arrogance that he has not used for nearly ten years. After being defeated by Kaido, his overlord's heart was also broken. Those who lost the overlord's heart are not qualified to use the overlord-like arrogance.

But now, Moria has become the same Moria ten years ago, the top pirate who had the ambition to fight Kaido.

His domineering look is back!

The reason why Moriah used the domineering look was not to declare his return to the sea. It's to frighten the shadows in his body.

Sure enough, after the overlord color appeared, the restless shadow that was swallowed by Moria became quiet as if seeing his own monarch, and Moria didn't stop his movements, and continued to swallow his shadow .

Nine hundred, nine hundred and fifty, nine hundred and eighty, nine hundred and ninety.

A thousand!

A thousand shadows were completely swallowed by Moriah, and Moriah's body did not swell as before, but continued to compress, to a height of about three meters.

Instead of bloated fat, the dark blue skin turned into explosive muscles. A terrifying breath was released from Moria's body.

The "Shadow Monarch" with the title of "Thousand Shadows" descended on this sea again at this moment.

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