Pirate Family

Chapter 899

Unlike the situation in Sri Lanka where he was controlled by evil thoughts and forcibly swallowed a thousand shadows, this time Moria forcibly swallowed a thousand shadows by himself. And completely absorbed the abilities of these thousand shadows, and integrated them into his own body.

At this moment, Moriah is at his strongest state.

He glanced at Heitan Orochi not far away. The general of Wano Country seemed to think of the monster ten years ago, and a trace of unconscious fear flashed across his face. Then he yelled and let his guards swarm towards Moria.

Only by killing this man completely can the fear in his heart be completely eliminated.

"A guy like an ant, dare to rush towards me?"

A hint of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Moria's mouth. Then he clenched his fist slightly, and the warriors rushing towards him stopped their steps one after another.

No, it shouldn't be said that they stopped their own steps, but that their shadows did not dare to move forward and froze in place.

As the shadow king, Moria has absolute control over everything in the world and the shadow of anything. He looked at these samurai and ninjas and said only one sentence.

"Kneel down."

Then, the shadows of these warriors and ninjas slowly floated up from the ground as if they heard the order of the monarch, and then slowly knelt down towards Moria.

Shadow action. Together with their master's body, all the samurai and ninjas slowly knelt down to Moria.

"Kneeling, very good, as long as you kneel, you won't die."

As Moria said, he waved his hand, and a pair of huge black scissors appeared in his hand, cutting off the shadows of all ninjas and samurai.

These shadows that lost their masters floated towards Moria one after another. And Heitan Orochi watched this scene in horror, and couldn't help but retreat.

"Although I don't know why you have so much hatred for Lao Tzu."

Moria glanced at Heitan Orochi, gestured with his right hand on his neck, and made a gesture of cutting his throat.

"But I see you are very upset, after I get rid of the bastard Kaido, I will come and deal with you."

"I'll leave it to you here. I'm going to deal with Kaido."

Moria looked at the fat tiger next to him, said so, then turned around slowly, and walked towards Kaido.

"he he he he he."

The man's wanton laughter echoed in the battlefield.



Lorne and Kaido punched each other, and the two men's powerful armed colors intertwined with domineering, and a violent explosion occurred.

Lorne felt that his arm was almost shattered by the huge impact, but fortunately, the "Awakening-02" potion gave him a terrifying recovery power comparable to that of an animal awakener, and his arm healed quickly.

"Is it the end of the battle?"

But at the moment Lorne recovered, Kaido seized this opportunity and kicked Lorne directly in the abdomen with a leg whip, kicking Lorne away.

Lorne's body kept rolling on the ground, leaving a long gully on the ground, and he didn't stop until he hit a huge and hard white stone.

"It seems that the effect of your medicine is about to pass. After the effect of the medicine is over, let's see what you can use to compete with me."

Kaido said so, he hasn't fought so heartily for a long time, when was the last time he fought like this?

ten years ago?

twenty years ago?

Thirty years ago?

Kaido doesn't know, but that doesn't matter. All he knew was that the rising star in front of him was about to perish in his own hands.

He enjoys this feeling of slowly torturing people to death, and it will be even more wonderful if it is matched with the other party's desperate begging for mercy before dying.

I just don't know if the man in front of me would be begging for mercy just like other "weak people" before he died.

Kaido was about to pursue the victory, but he felt a powerful aura suddenly appeared behind him, and an angry roar sounded behind him.


Kaido turned around and saw a black shadow and a pitch-black fist.


Moria punched Kaido in the head, leaving a bruise on Kaido's face.

"I've seen your face for a long time, and I'm very upset."

Moriah succeeded in one blow and said so.

"A long time ago, I wanted to see if your blood was as bright red as other people's."

Bright red blood flowed from the corner of Kaido's mouth. And Moria looked at the blood stains on his fist, and said slowly.

"Sure enough, you are just an ordinary person with a mortal body!"

"This feeling."

Kaido wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth clean, and said in surprise.

"The feeling of ten years ago..."

He didn't understand how this man, who couldn't even hold his own punch, suddenly became like this.

But the aura and strength displayed by Moria in front of him are not inferior to the peak state ten years ago, and even stronger than ten years ago because of anger and hatred.

After suffering the injury, Kaido's body moved instinctively, and he punched Moria directly in the abdomen, knocking the man back tens of meters.

But this time, he can no longer be like before. A punch pierced Moriah's abdomen.

"What ten years ago, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Moria stood firm, and then shouted, "I'm going to kill you bastard today!"

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

Moria didn't know why he hated Kaido so much, but as a pirate, if he couldn't act according to his own heart, then what's the point?

Since he really wanted to kill Kaido, he would never hold back!


A bolt of lightning crossed the sea, Enilu, who was thrown away by Kaido before, finally returned to the battlefield again, and Lorne, who was kicked away by Kaido, also struggled and crawled out from the rubble.

The three powerhouses, forming a triangular encirclement, kept approaching Kaido.

No, not three people.

Kaido looked up at the sky.

A black giant dragon appeared above the sky, shuttled continuously in mid-air.

The body of this giant dragon is a little slimmer than the previous Kaido, but the aura it exudes is not much inferior to Kaido.

Kaido squinted his eyes, he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis is ten times more terrifying than when the ability was deprived before.

Even when he participated in the Battle of God's Valley as an intern, the crisis he felt was far worse than it is now.

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