Pirate Family

Chapter 900

After all, Kaido was not in his heyday. After his ability was deprived, his strength was greatly reduced. In addition, he forcibly stimulated his body through the overlord's arrogance, and forcibly entered the "overlord" state, which was extremely heavy on the body. big.

When fighting against the weak, this kind of load is not a problem, but when facing three top powerhouses at the same time, any slight neglect will become the last straw that overwhelms the camel.


Countless shadows flickered, and Moriah in the "Thousand Shadows" state blasted Kaido away with one punch. Kaido's whole body was like Enilu who was shot by him before, and his body involuntarily flew towards the sea.

And at this moment, a flash of thunder flashed behind him, and Enilo, who was surrounded by lightning all over his body, was like the ancient god of thunder. His punch hit Kaido's back straightly, and countless thunder and lightning instantly entangled Kaido's body. Paralyzes Kaido.

Kaido fell from mid-air and made a deep hole on the ground.

This scene was witnessed by countless pirates or warriors. They have only one thought in mind.

That is, the legend of an era is coming to an end.

"Your time is over, Kaido."

And the blonde Lorne appeared in front of Kaido at this time, and said softly.

No matter from any point of view, Kaido is a well-deserved peak powerhouse in this sea. Except for the woman above Marie Gioia, no one in this sea dares to say that he can win against him.

Not Lorne, not Charlotte Lingling, not Whitebeard.

Even, Lorne felt that Kaido could bear the curse of that woman's years and rush in front of that woman. If the woman had no other tricks, Kaido might also have her neck broken.

However, the world of pirates only pays attention to success or failure, not the result.

Those who lose will be quickly forgotten by this era.

Just like Rocks before.


Kaido coughed up a big mouthful of blood. This degree of injury has greatly affected his movements.

In the face of several strong men, he was still powerless after all.

The beast squinted its eyes and looked at the giant dragon flying in the sky. If his ability was still there, he might still have the strength to fight again.

But Garrett, who got his ability, seemed to know what Kaido was thinking, her body kept flying in the air, but she didn't end the fight for a long time, and didn't give Kaido a chance to regain her ability.

"How cautious."

Kaido said unwillingly, he was not afraid of failure, but as a pirate, he did not die with the strongest posture, which really made him a little unwilling.

This man felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring, and vaguely, he seemed to hear a gust of wind chimes.

This is the unique wind chime of Wano Country, and the crisp chime echoes in the battlefield.

A small boat docked slowly, and a woman about sixteen years old, with blue hair and wearing an oiran dress, stepped out of the small boat.

Looking at Kaido who fell on the battlefield from a distance, he didn't send a glance.

"Kaido has fallen, the war is over."

Kappa Hesong dragged his embarrassed body and walked towards the girl step by step.

"The dawn of the Wano country is about to come."

The mountain that weighs on the hearts of everyone in Wano Country, Kaido is now down here. As long as the culprit is killed, the remaining black charcoal snakes are nothing to worry about.

"Father, mother..."

The girl who claimed to be Xiao Zi came over with tears in her eyes.

She bit her lips lightly, and looked at Kaido who fell into the deep pit with a complicated expression.

It was this man who deprived her of everything she once had.

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have to hide his name and bear the humiliation and lurked in the big snake mansion for so many years.

But now, when Kaido is really lying in front of her, the girl is not relieved, but a little dazed.

Her whole life was just a puppet controlled by resentment and pain. Now that the puppet has lost the control over her emotions, she doesn't know what she should do.

"You don't have to hide your identity anymore."

Kappa Hesong said softly to Xiao Zi, then slowly knelt down to Xiao Zi.

"Guang Yueri and Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"She is Kozuki Oden-sama's daughter, Kozuki Hiyori?"

Uncle Leopard and the other warriors looked at Xiao Zi with serious faces, and then these warriors knelt down involuntarily.

Said in unison.

"Your Highness Guangyue Rihe!"

As the remnants of the Guangyue Clan, for them, there is nothing more joyful than seeing the blood of the Guangyue Clan once again after successfully taking revenge for the Guangyue Clan.

Not only this group of warriors, but even some ninjas under Kurotan Orochi involuntarily put down their weapons, and knelt down to the girl named Kozuki Hiyori.

I don't know if it's out of awe or out of fear.

"What's the matter with you? Stand up for this general, this general is not down yet, the war is not over yet!"

"Hurry up and kill the enemy with this general!"

Black Tan Orochi looked at these ninjas who gave up their resistance, and couldn't help being furious.

At the same time, they raised their heads and looked ahead. Everyone turned their heads and looked at him slowly.

Like a lamb watched by hundreds of hungry wolves.

This feeling made Heitan snake shudder.

"I warn you, Kaido will not die that easily, he is the Pirate Emperor, and I am his most important ally."

"If you touch me, Kaido will never let you go!"

Heitan snake was talking, but his body couldn't stop moving back.

Then he hit a solid body. Turning his head to look, he found that Sleeper Kushiro walked out of the demon head at some point and came behind him.

"You finally came out!"

Seeing his most loyal dog, Heitan Dashe seemed to have grasped the last straw to save his life.

"Hurry up and help Ben advance to stop them, and give General Ben time to escape!"

He grabbed the corner of Sleeper's clothes, but found that the latter's body didn't move, with a weird smile on his face, as if looking at a clown.

"Why don't you go..."

Seeing that his dog was disobedient, Heitan Orochi felt that his authority was being challenged. He was just about to reprimand loudly, but he was picked up by the sleeping madman.

"Uh uh uh uh uh."

The black charcoal snake's face was flushed red, and he felt extremely suffocated due to lack of oxygen.

"Do you know that your barking is annoying."

Sleep Kushiro, or Denjiro pinched the neck of the black charcoal snake, and said slowly.

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