Pirate Family

Chapter 901 Two?

"Do you really think that someone is willing to be your dog?"

Denjiro pinched Heitan Orochi's neck and lifted him up.

The black charcoal snake no longer had the majesty of the past, but looked at the man in front of him with fear, and he felt that the man had become extremely strange. It was as if he had never really understood him.

"don't want……"

Heitan Orochi said with difficulty, a hint of pleading flashed in his eyes.

"No, don't want to kill you?"

A sarcastic smile crossed the corner of Denjiro's mouth, and he said slowly.

"Forgive me……"

After hearing what the man in front of him said, hope was rekindled in Heitan Orochi's eyes.

But the next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. Then, the world went dark.

Denjiro broke the neck of Kurotan Orochi.

This ambitious man slumped down feebly.

"Go to hell and pray for the forgiveness of those who have been tortured by you."

Denjiro said so, and then casually threw Kurotan Orochi's body away like garbage.

The body of the black charcoal snake was like a pile of garbage. After flipping a few times in the air, it fell in the middle of the battlefield.

This man's eyes were wide open. He didn't believe that he died like this until he died.

I also don't want to believe that the person who killed him turned out to be the sleeping man who had been a dog by his side for nearly ten years. The golden crown on his head also rolled down to the ground.

But no one took this dirty crown seriously.

Everyone looked at the man who killed Heitan Orochi, but they were also on guard in their hearts.

Because, after all, this man is a sleeping madman, a man under Heitan Orochi who has the same notoriety as Fu Lu Shou.

But Denjiro only used one sentence to dispel everyone's doubts.

"My name is Denjiro. Kozuki Oden-sama's retainer, Denjiro!"

He said so, then knelt down facing Xiao Ziyao.

As for Xiao Zi, she covered her mouth. This girl, at some point, had tears in her eyes.

"He actually killed that ugly man who was an eyesore before me."

Moriah spat, then shook his head.

"It's just that it doesn't matter, if you do something to that kind of scum, you will dirty the hands of Lord Moriah!"

"he he he he he!"

The man who had returned to his peak, looked at Kaido who fell in front of him, and laughed, and the wanton laughter echoed throughout the battlefield.

"The minister came late, which made the lord suffer."

Xia Lan followed Xiao Zi out of the boat and came to Lorne's side. Seeing Lorne's empty left arm, she said with some distress.

"It's okay." Lorne shook his head slowly, turned around, and looked at the man covered in robes who followed Denjiro, with a smile on his face.

No one noticed that under the cover of the robe, the eminent pope of the Holy Kingdom of Balaam had already burst into tears.

However, she looked at Lorne from afar and showed a charming smile.

"I know, you will come, you will come."

The Pope muttered to herself. She extended a gesture to Lorne, a gesture that only the two of them could understand.

"I am OK."

"Don't continue the provocative scenes."

At this time, Enilu curled his lips, pointed to Kaido in the deep pit, and said slowly.

"Kaido is still lying here."

At this time, Kaido has already retreated from the "overlord" state, his chest is constantly heaving, and he is panting heavily.

"The strong live and the weak die, the truth of this world is so simple."

The beast murmured to itself, and then slowly closed its eyes, as if accepting its fate.

Garrett, who turned into a dragon, descended from the sky, came to Lorne, and turned into a human form.

She did not participate in this war, but became the neatest person in this battlefield.

She was wearing a red evening dress, as if she was a lady going to a banquet.

But at this moment, there was a burst of applause in the battlefield, a man wearing black feathers and a pale face. I don't know when it appeared at the entrance of the Devil's Head Cave.

Facing the battlefield, he applauded slowly.

It's like a polite audience, after watching a wonderful performance, giving the most sincere encouragement to the performers.

"It's really wonderful."

This man, after applauding, stood at the highest point of Ghost Island and bowed to everyone. Then he said politely.

The next moment, the entire ghost island suddenly shook violently. It was as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred.

The earth cracked, and countless cracks appeared on the already devastated battlefield.

Many exhausted warriors could not stand still and were swallowed by this crack. The corpses of the dead and the blood flowing in the battlefield flowed into the ground along the crack.

Lorne, on the other hand, was extremely dignified. He felt as if some terrible monster suddenly woke up.

"In order to thank you for bringing me such a wonderful performance, let me send you the highest thank you."

"Thanks for your death."


Great route. Mary Joa.

On the void throne, a thin man in a black robe sat on the throne, silent.

On his desk, there were four reward lists.

"White Beard" Edward Newgate, with a bounty of 5,046,000,000 (5,046,000,000 Baileys).

"Beasts" and "Pirate Admiral" Kaido, the reward is 4611000000 (4.6111 billion Berry).

"BIG MOM" Charlotte Lingling, the reward is 4,388,000,000 (4.388 billion Baileys).

"Demon" Vennhill Lorne has a bounty of 200,000,000 (2 billion Baileys).

These four reward lists are the four most popular pirates in this sea today, that is, the four legendary pirate emperors.

Four emperors, this is what all the pirates call them with a tone of awe.

But at this time, Kaido's reward list has been marked with a big X by this man with black pen and ink.

The man thought for a while, and then drew an X on Lorne's reward list.

"Two Pirate Emperors fell at the same time. This is big news. Have you thought about how to deal with it?"

Next to the man, a woman said playfully.

"You know, after that monster has tasted the blood of two Pirate Emperors, it won't stop its actions so easily."

"Death in Wano Country is their doomed fate that I have seen from the future, a fate that cannot be changed."

The man put down his pen, and said with a determined face.

"And that monster cannot leave the Wano country, because the entire Wano country is a cage created for him."

He paused, then spoke slowly.

"The distant ancestor of Oz, the true ancestor of the giant family, who obeyed the monsters of the ancient kingdom."

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