Pirate Family

Chapter 902 Wano Country's Ultimate Secret!

Island of ghosts.

Lorne waved his hand, and everyone silently approached the direction where Kaido fell. Everyone looked at the man with a crazy face not far away, waiting.

After finally defeating Kaido, everyone was exhausted. If Kaido took the opportunity to recover, then their sacrifice would be in vain.

"It's the best stage."

"Ready for the biggest show yet?"

The man in black haori said with a smile on his face.

The ground suddenly rose.

It was as if the entire ghost island had come to life.

The huge Devil's Head Cave shook violently, and countless rocks that had been attached to it for hundreds of years suddenly fell, revealing a layer of white minerals.

Like, bones.


After all the rocks fell down, everyone could clearly see the true face of the Devil's Head Cave.

It was a huge head nearly 100 meters high, just like its name, the head of a demon!

It's just that due to the passage of time, this monster has obviously been dead for a long time. Except for the carrion attached to the bones, other flesh and blood have disappeared with the years.

But this skull stands here, but it gives people an endless sense of coercion. It is so terrifying after being dead for so long. It is hard to imagine what kind of monster he will be when he is alive.

However, soon they will know.

Sagi-kun has been pursuing this thing for so long, of course he didn't want to let these people see the ultimate secret of Wano Country. and leave this country to brag about.

Instead, he wants everyone in Oni Island, the vengeful samurai, the arrogant Black Charcoal Orochi, and even Lorne, who is the Pirate Emperor, and Kaido, to become the nourishment of this monster.

He wants to awaken this monster that has been dusted for hundreds of years with his own hands.

The flesh and blood of the people who died on the battlefield fell into the cracks, and after touching the bones of the monster buried deep in the ground, they were completely absorbed.

After absorbing the flesh and blood of the entire battlefield, the monster's bone marrow seemed to regain its luster. The next moment, an emerald green flame suddenly burned inside his huge skull.

"I am a bone man who ate the bone fruit, and I can control all the bones in this world and turn them into my puppets."

Mr. Zuo Mu stood in the eye sockets of the huge skull, and said intoxicated.

"And this is my most perfect work!"


After absorbing so much flesh and blood, the monster seemed to wake up. The ground on the left side of Ghost Island instantly cracked, and a huge skeleton arm hundreds of meters long stretched out from the ground.

Mighty, like the gods of the ancient times.

Not only that, the skeletons of those who died on the battlefield were also manipulated after their flesh and blood were devoured. A bone arm crawled out along the cracks, and more skeletons crawled out of the cracks in the ghost island.

They are like avengers returning from hell.

All the people who died in this war, whether they were samurai, ninjas, pirates, or warriors, at this moment, were given life again by Sagi-kun.

"Gulu Gulu."

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them, speechless.

Because everything that happened in front of them really exceeded the limit of their imagination, the dead people came back to life, and the original companions turned into enemies at this time.

The earth is cracking, and the battlefield at this time seems to have become a stage for Sagi-kun to perform alone.

"The quality of the sacrificed flesh and blood is so poor that it can only wake up one of his arms."

Sagi-kun frowned and said slowly. As if dissatisfied with all this. However, he quickly recovered, looking at the people not far away, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,

"But it's enough, after all, the big head of the sacrifice is still there."

"One of his arms is enough to deal with you old, weak, sick and disabled."

"Arrogant, ignorant lunatic!"

Moria, who had returned to the peak, frowned and said coldly.

The next moment, he rushed in the direction of Mr. Sagi. His speed in the "Thousand Shadows" state was extremely terrifying, and he had already surpassed the limit that the color of knowledge could capture. Almost instantly, he came in front of Mr. Sagi .

He raised his domineering arms wrapped in pitch black, and slammed down on the head of Sagi-kun standing in his eye sockets.

"I'm very upset to see your face!"

Facing Moria's menacing attack, Sagi-kun did not choose to dodge, but looked at Moria with a smile on his face.


The moment Moria was about to succeed, the left hand of the huge skeleton swung back suddenly, and then aimed at Moria and slapped it like killing an unsightly mosquito.

The unspeakable terrifying force completely slapped his back. Moria felt that the bones of his whole body were almost broken, his internal organs were completely shattered, and blood splashed out from Moria's pores.

This man with a great reputation was really like a mosquito that was slapped to death, leaving a pool of blood on the skeleton's bones, and then slowly fell to the ground.

His chest rose and fell violently, but there was no other movement.

The skeleton's bones began to move slowly, completely absorbing the pool of blood. Perhaps it was an illusion. Everyone felt that after absorbing the pool of blood, the skeleton's bones became brighter.

"It's useless. In the face of the absolute power gap, the so-called courage, anger, and strategy are so worthless."

Sagi-kun looked at Moria who fell in front of the skull head, and said slowly.

"After I got this fruit, I was looking for the best puppet. I read all the history, and even went to O'Hara, the legendary country of scholars, to be forgotten by the world through their records. In the history of the world, I found the clues of this thing."

"The ancestor of the giant family, the terrifying monster that once disrupted that huge kingdom."

"Giant king, ghost."

"Then, it took me ten years to find a place where ghosts might exist, and it took me a few more years to lock onto Wano Country."

"This is a great masterpiece that I have spent decades of painstaking efforts to complete. How can you weak people compare with my most perfect masterpiece?!"

As he spoke, the man started to dance with his arms and legs, and the emotions that had been suppressed all these years completely burst out.

As Denjiro said before, no one is willing to be someone else's dog, he is not willing, and neither is Sagi-kun.

So when he confirmed that the place where the "Giant King, Oni" is buried is likely to be Kaido's residence, the Oni Island, he was planning all this.

But now, it's just the time when his decades of hard work will bear fruit.

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