Pirate Family

Chapter 904 I am alive, but he is dead.

As a pirate, apart from being fierce and powerful, the most important thing is to be patient.

As for this, Kaido has always done a good job, but because his strength has gradually become stronger over the years, no one is qualified and capable of making him bear it.

No one is willing to die, especially a strong man like him, let alone such a helpless death. As long as there is a chance, Kaido will never give up!

He secretly recovered his strength while the wreckage of the giant was waking up, and finally found this excellent opportunity.

His body exploded, all his strength accumulated on his right hand, and he grabbed at the woman in the red evening dress not far away.

There is only one chance, as long as he breaks her neck, the power he has taken away will return to his body, and then through the terrifying recovery power awakened by the animal system, he will soon return to his peak state.

When the time comes, he will let this group of stupid ants know the price of offending him, the price of offending him, the strongest creature in history.


Kaido's movements were too fast. When he came behind Garrett, before everyone had time to react, Lorne had just turned half of his body, and there was still a hint of panic on his face, and... confidence.

"It's over! You lose!"

Kaido grabbed Garrett's petite body, facing Lorne with a smug smile on his face.

"Don't do it, I can let you go!"

The blond Lorne said in horror, a plea flashed in his eyes, as if he was begging Kaido not to hurt Garrett.

"There is no chance. There is only one rule in this sea, and that is winner and loser. The strong live and the weak die. No one will care how you survived."

"Those weak people only care about who is the one who survives to the end."

"You lost, Lorne!"

Despicable, for pirates, has never been a derogatory term.

Kaido lifted Garrett's body, his huge palm completely grasped the girl's body, and then twisted it hard.

Even if he was seriously injured, he was still the scariest monster in the world. In the absence of time to use armed defense, Garrett's body could not be compared with Kaido.

Fresh blood flowed out from Garrett's body. Her arms drooped limply, and there was still a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

And Lorne also roared like a beast, and rushed towards Kaido with bloodshot eyes.

The right hand was wrapped in a transparent armed domineering color, and it blasted towards Kaido's abdomen.

"My power, return to my body!"

Facing Lorne's attack, Kaido ignored it, and even opened his hands, not defending.

As long as his own power returns to his body, then Lorne's attack is no different from tickling for Kaido.


Lorne's fist, wrapped in Liu Ying's domineering aura, punched heavily, directly hitting Kaido's abdomen.

A deep depression appeared in the muscles of Kaido's abdomen. But there was still a smug smile on his face.

"Your attack has no effect on me!"

As Kaido said, Lorne's punch has already penetrated into his abdomen. As long as his strength comes back, the thick layer of dragon scale armor will cover his body in an instant, and then the sharp dragon scale edge will Cut off Lorne's arm.

But at this time, the anger on Lorne's face disappeared, and a hint of ridicule appeared instead.

"Do you think I really care about other people's lives?"

"What?" Kaido didn't realize what Lorne said for a while. Wasn't Lorne leading his men to attack Cake Island for this woman?

It was even close to offending the two Pirate Emperors at the same time.

"Or, do you really think that you are the one who wins in the end?"

Lorne said so.


Kaido felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. After killing Garrett, he hadn't felt his power return to his body for a long time.

As if he had guessed something, he subconsciously wanted to cover his body with armed arrogance, but the violent blow before had exhausted all his physical strength, and in a hurry, he couldn't even gather arrogance arrive.


The skin on Kaido's abdomen shattered, his muscles cracked, and blood spurted out.

Lorne even punched Kaido directly through the body!


Kaido roared, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

However, it was already too late, after repeated battles, his physical strength had already exceeded his limit. Kaido, who suffered severe physical injuries many times, felt his consciousness gradually blur.

This may be called the strongest Pirate Emperor in history. In the autumn of 1510, he slowly closed his eyes.

Moreover, there is no chance to open it again.

"Is he an idiot?"

At this time, a clear female voice suddenly sounded, and Garrett, who was supposed to be broken by Kaido, stood up slowly, frowning and said.

"His spirit has long been overloaded, and when he sneaks up on you, he should be the most nervous. This time is also the easiest time to invade his perception."

A man's voice sounded in the battlefield, and a man wearing a black cloak and black hair slowly came to the battlefield.

He looked at Garrett and smiled.

"So, at a time like this, I can easily distort his perception and make him think he killed you."

On the floating island, Kaido did not show up when he turned into a dragonman to suppress the blonde Lorne and Enel. When Kaido was deprived of his abilities and forced into an incomplete "overlord" state, he also didn't show up.

Even when Kaido punched Moria hard, Lorne didn't show up either.

This is Lorne's hidden ultimate trick. His body has never appeared on the battlefield, in order to reverse the battlefield at the most critical time.

And just now, he had to appear.

"Kaido didn't die like an emperor at all."

Garrett looked at Kaido who fell into the deep pit, and slowly shook her head.

This man has dominated the sea since she was born, and his reputation is even greater than that of his mother.

It can be said that their generation grew up under Kaido's prestige.

Now that the body of this man with great reputation fell in front of them, Garrett felt a trace of complicated emotions in her heart.

"After the results of this war are known, people will naturally praise this war."

"No one cares about the process, they only care about the result."

Lorne snapped his fingers and walked in front of Garrett.

"The result is that I live and he dies."

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