Pirate Family

Chapter 905 Two Lornes

No one will remember the dead, even if he was once a legend.

And Kaido's story, in this autumn, is over.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Garrett walked over, took Lorne's hand directly, and said in a low voice against Lorne's ear.

"You just said you don't care about my life. What's going on?"


After being silent for a while, Lorne said to the huge skeleton wreckage not far away.

"Now, let's get rid of the most important enemy first."

"I'll clean you up when I go back!"

Garrett glared at Lorne, then took Lorne's hand and returned to the crowd.

"It's wonderful. You will endure it for a while longer than I originally intended, and launch this deadly attack when I was negligent. I didn't expect you to appear now."

Standing in the eye sockets of the skeleton, Sagi-kun looked at everything in front of him, applauded lightly, and then said slowly.

"You really are too kind."


Lorne never thought that the word benevolence would be used on him one day, but in Mr. Zuo Mu's words, it seemed that he was not at all surprised by the sudden appearance of his real body.

Who is he and what does he know?

"Surprised, isn't it?"

Seeing Lorne's appearance, Mr. Zuo Mu had a smile on his face.

"Not only do I know you have two bodies, I even know the third body you used to use."

"Surgery fruit, Piao Piao fruit, to find these two powerful fruits, it seems that you have spent some effort."

"It's just that after you invaded Maryjoia, the body with the fruit of the operation never appeared again. Did it fall in Maryjoia?"

"who are you?"

Lorne felt a shudder, not because of the strength of the crazy man in front of him, but because he seemed to be very clear about his affairs.

The "Ascension to the Gods" plan is one of Lorne's biggest secrets.

No one can eat two devil fruits, this is a common sense in this sea.

But no one thought that the wonderful chemical reaction between Gage's cloning technology and the perception fruit of Lorne's body would allow Lorne to control two bodies at the same time. And use the new clones to eat other powerful fruits.

So when Lorne shows the world with different abilities, it will only confuse everyone and have different judgments on Lorne's abilities.

However, this Sagi-kun seemed to know everything about Lorne like the back of his hand.

"Me?" Sagi-kun pointed to himself and said slowly.

"I don't have a name. Sagi-kun is just my code name in Wano Country."

"It's just that when I was still floating in this sea, many pirates gave me a nickname."

Sagi-kun frowned, as if he was deep in thought. After a long time, his brows relaxed.

"I remembered, that nickname is Collector."

Devil Fruit Ability Hunter Collector! Everyone at the scene was a little shocked when they heard Zuo Mu-kun's words.

This man is a powerful lone ranger who has been active in the new world for the past ten years.

No one knows his true face, only that he likes to hunt and kill those capable users in the new world, and likes to take the bodies of those capable users away, just like collecting them.

Over time, he has the title of collector.

"Pull the ability of a capable person out of his body and put it into a fruit. This kind of technology is not only mastered by your Vinhill family."

Sasuke-kun said slowly.

"I have fully mastered this technique more than ten years ago!"

"And, my favorite thing is not to hunt those arrogant devil fruit users, but to give powerful devil fruits to those who desire revenge."

"Because hate is the perfect raw material to put on the best show for me."

"And one of my most proud works, you should know."

Mr. Zuo Mu looked at Lorne from afar, with a glint of complacency in his eyes.

"His name is Erinnis."

This name confuses all the samurai of Wano Country, but all the members of the Vinhill family, after hearing this name, a trace of uncontrollable anger flashed in their eyes.

Because this man was the one who planned the attack on Garrett, and it was also the fuse that forced Lorne to break with the World Government.

After the war, Lorne was thinking about where Erinnis got the fruit, and who gave him the skill of revenge.

Now it seems that the man standing behind Erinnis is Sagi-kun in front of him!

He is the culprit of everything!

"I see."

The black-haired Lorne said slowly, he raised his head and looked at Mr. Zuo Mu, but his eyes were unexpectedly calm.

"It seems that the two of us are really destined."

When he spoke the second half of the sentence, Lorne gritted his teeth and said it almost word by word.

"finally understood."

Sasuke-kun nodded,

"Erynis is a good boy. His resentment towards you is the motivation to keep him alive, so before he did anything to you, he investigated you and your power in all aspects. And he made the most perfect plan. "

"As the one who gave him the ability, I naturally got all the information about you through him."

"So, you can't hide it from me."

"Now that you know everything, are you ready to die?"

Mr. Zuo Mu raised his hand, and the huge skeleton arm also raised his hand, and slammed down heavily on the place where Lorne was.

The skeleton arm hundreds of meters away, carrying unimaginable terrifying power, smashed straight towards Lorne's head.

It is impossible to fight hard! This was the only thought that popped up in everyone's mind.

With this kind of power, there is only one consequence of stubborn resistance, and that is to be crushed to pieces in front of the huge power!

"His target is not us, but Kaido behind us!"

Lorne grabbed Garrett, jumped back a few steps, and then yelled at Enel.

"His ability consumes a lot, and he must use other people's flesh and blood to sacrifice, and Kaido's body should be the best sacrifice in the world!"

"Don't let him get Kaido's body!"

"I see!"

Enel nodded. The body turned into a thunderbolt, and rushed towards Kaido who fell into the deep pit.

Just waking up the wreckage of one arm is so terrifying, he fully realizes how powerful he should be. Enilo couldn't imagine.

So, even if Lorne didn't say anything, he wouldn't let Mr. Zuo Mu get what he wanted!

A thunder streaked across the battlefield and rushed towards Kaido's body.

"Enough time!"

Enilo estimated the time, his speed was faster than the skeleton arm, and he would definitely be able to snatch Kaido's body before him.

But just when Enilo was about to touch Kaido's body, a tall figure stood in front of him.

An unexpected person who should never stand in his way!

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