Pirate Family

Chapter 906 The Betrayer and the Dead

"Captain Haral! What are you doing?"

Among the crowd, Nana shouted in shock, she never thought that at such a critical moment, it was her own captain who stood in front of Enilo!

It was my simple and honest Captain Harald who had been saved once by Lord Lorne and vowed to join the Vinhill family!

Not only him, but even Lorne himself was a little surprised. He thought of many people who would betray him, and even the original Wano country's avengers did not fully trust him, but he did not expect that at this moment, The person who blocked him turned out to be Haral!


Haral let out a roar like a beast, and then stopped Enilu who was transformed into thunder with a punch.

"Since you want to die, don't blame me."

Enilu said coldly, he has never been so angry with his frivolous personality.

Betrayal of one's companions is an iron law that cannot be tolerated by pirates in this sea.

"don't want!"

Nana cried out in despair. She believed in her captain very much, but she also knew one thing very well, the Vinhill family would not let anyone who betrayed them go.

No matter who this person is, no matter what this person has done.

When he appeared in front of Enilo, he was already the enemy of the Vinhill family,

And the Vinhill family has only one way to deal with the enemy, and that is.

Crush them all!


Countless thunderclaps gathered on Enilo's arm, and punched Haral's steel armor.

The azure blue current spread across Haral's whole body in an instant, and his pitch-black armor turned red in an instant.

This is because the cold armor suddenly heated up under the stimulation of the current. Those who saw this scene could even imagine the scene of Heral's skin sticking to the armor being scalded by the high temperature.

Enel still kept his hand, he just temporarily paralyzed Haral's body, and he planned to give him a chance for this Lorne supporter.

Therefore, Enilo just abolished half of Haral's body, making him temporarily lose his fighting power.


But in the face of Anilu's kindness, this man didn't seem to appreciate it. He yelled like a beast again, then turned around and pointed his back at Anilu.

Thunder didn't have a paralyzing effect on him?

A flash of shock flashed in Enilo's eyes.

No matter how powerful a person is, when he is hit head-on by the thunder, his body movements will be more or less sluggish, even Kaido, who is called a monster, is no exception.

This is the instinct of human body structure, and no one can avoid it.

But this Heral seemed to completely ignore Enil's attack, turned around, pointed his back at Enil, then grabbed Kaido's body, and threw it towards the sky.

That was the direction in which the skeleton arm fell!

All this happened in a flash, and when everyone reacted, the skeleton arm had grabbed Kaido's body, and then slowly retracted it.

And Haral, who had done all this, seemed to have completed his mission, slowly closed his eyes, and fell to the ground.

"What the hell happened?"

Uncle Leopard asked loudly. He had never seen Haral before, but he had heard of his deeds. Before that, the rebel army once joined forces with his Iron Pirates to attack Heitan Orochi. They After a series of battles and victories, they even surrounded Heitan Orochi's lair, the capital of flowers.

If it wasn't for Kaido's sudden return, they could even behead Heitan Orochi.

Even when he was defeated, that man didn't have the slightest fear, relying on his own power, he covered his companions to evacuate, but he was also captured by Heitan Orochi's army and became his captive.

He doesn't look like a despicable villain who will betray his companions!

"I'm afraid he is no longer Haral."

Looking at the slowly withdrawing skeleton arm, Lorne said solemnly.

"I just tried to reverse his perception with my ability, but failed."

After hearing Lorne's words, everyone who knew Lorne's ability showed a hint of shock on their faces.

Although the ability of Lorne's body does not have any combat power, it is the most perfect auxiliary ability. Even the powerful Kaido, if he is not paying attention, will be controlled by Lorne's illusion.

And weaker pirates, such as ordinary supernovas, will be controlled by Lorne when they meet Lorne, and they will be completely reduced to Lorne's puppets.

How can this Heral resist Lorne's perception invasion?

"As long as it is a living creature with five senses, it cannot escape the invasion of my perception."

Lolone said slowly. He glanced at Haral who fell not far away,

"Unless, he is a person who has lost his five senses, or in other words, he may have died long ago."

"You are lying!"

Seeing her captain collapsed not far away, Nana rushed to Lorne and yelled, regardless of Lorne's reputation.

"Captain Haral was rescued from the prison van by myself. Although he didn't speak during the journey, he was still able to walk on his own."

"How could such a person be a dead person?"

Lorne ignored Nana's doubts. He looked at Anilu, who understood what he meant in an instant, walked up to Haral, and took off the helmet on his head.

Inside was a pale face. A face as pale as a corpse.

Lorne closed his eyes, sniffed, and said with a frown.

"The smell of rotting flesh, although some drugs are used to cover it up, trying to make it smell like a rotting wound, but after a careful smell, you can still tell that this is the rotten smell that is only emitted by corpses that have been dead for at least a day. smell."

He raised his head and looked at Sagi-kun in the distance.

"It seems that this time, I underestimated you."

"Captain, dead?"

Nana muttered to herself, then fell to the ground in a daze.

The captain is her older brother, a lover-like role, and the reason why she becomes a pirate.

She couldn't accept this fact, even if it was said by the man the captain admired the most.

"Finally found out?"

Sagi-kun, who was standing on the eye socket of the skull head, burst out laughing.

He looked at Kaido's body in the skeleton's right hand, a flash of madness flashed in his eyes.

"That's just a boring work of mine. I didn't expect this boring work to play such a key role."

The skeleton's arm was retracted, and Kaido's body was thrown into his mouth.

"Now, all the raw materials have arrived, are you ready to witness the body of God with your own eyes?"

Boom boom boom!

The moment Kaido's body was thrown into the skull, the ground trembled again, and then the skull's head began to rise slowly, as if.

A giant sleeping in the sea slowly stood up.

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