Pirate Family

Chapter 907 Ghost

Mr. Zuo Mu's ability is to control the skeleton, and any skeleton of a dead person can be made by him into a puppet for him.

Just like Haral who was tortured to death by him.

And when he was clear about his ability, Mr. Zuo Mu made up his mind to create the most perfect and most powerful puppet. It took him ten years and ten years to consult all the ancient books, and finally found a few words about the existence of this giant king "ghost" in O'Hara's records.

Then, he spent ten years lurking beside Kurotan Orochi in Wano Country, just to find the grave where the "ghost" was buried.

Fortunately, he finally found it.

But if you want to make a skeleton puppet, you must pay the corresponding energy. It is not unbearable for Sagi-kun to bear the puppet of the corpse of a normal strong man, but if he wants to wake up the remains of the giant king "ghost", even if the flesh and blood of a hundred Sagi-kun's whole body are pumped He couldn't get him to stand up.

Therefore, Sagi-kun thought of transferring the battlefield to Oni Island, and through the blood sacrifice of the corpses of the soldiers who died in the war on both sides participating in the war, it was converted into raw materials for awakening the giant king "Oni".

But the body of the "ghost" is too huge. Thousands of ordinary people died, but his head and an arm were awakened. This is too far from Sagi-kun's initial expectations. So he set his sights on Kaido's dead body.

The corpse of the most terrifying monster in history.

After swallowing Kaido's body, Oni's body really came to life, he stood up slowly,

After he stood up, the ground of the entire Ghost Island cracked and turned into countless fragments floating on the sea. At this time, everyone discovered that the entire island of ghosts was nothing more than an island slowly formed from the soil on the shoulders of the "ghost".


Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva slowly, looking at the stalwart body in front of them.

No words can describe their shock at this moment. What the hell did they see?

A towering giant stood in front of them, with only half of the body exposed to the sea, it was hundreds of meters high.

Even all the giants in Elbaf in the giant kingdom are still too small compared to the "ghost" in front of them.

Small as a toy.

"As if that wasn't enough, even if a Kaido is added, it only awakens the upper half of his body."

After a short period of joy, Sagi-kun frowned and said to himself.

"It's just that soon enough."

He looked at the people under his feet, who were as small as ants, and looked like the top hunter seeing a group of prey that could not resist.

"Just killing you is enough."

"The most perfect monster that was exchanged for the fall of the two emperors."

Sagi-kun felt that as long as he stretched out his hand, he could catch the sun in front of him,

So he really stretched out his hand slowly towards the sun in front of his eyes, and pinched it completely in his hands.

"This sea, from now on, will belong to my era!"

The moment he finished speaking, the giant skeleton roared at the same time, with huge fists. He waved it down at the ants under his feet.

The sky became much darker, and everyone raised their heads, watching the mountain-like fist slowly smashing down on them.

He didn't cover the armed domineering, and didn't use the knowledge-color domineering lock, just like an ordinary person, throwing a fist in a very ordinary way.

But it happened that this was a very ordinary punch, but no one present could follow it.

Enel can't do it, Lorne can't do it, even Kaido in his peak state can't do it either!

"what to do?"

Garrett looked at Lorne beside him, and asked weakly.

At this time, everyone was crowded on a fragment of a small ghost island, raised their heads, and looked at the giant skeleton towering like a mountain,

It's not just her, but most people feel a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. This is the instinct in people's hearts when they face a force that they can't compete with.

In the face of this kind of power beyond the limit, the combat power of a person seems so insignificant.

Even if she is the Blood Queen, there is nothing she can do about this situation.

"It's simple, we can't deal with this monster, but we can deal with the man who drives this monster."

Lorne took a deep breath, raised his head, looked at Mr. Zuo Mu standing in the eye socket of the giant skeleton, and said slowly.

"As long as you kill him, then this monster is useless."

"At this time, contact Sky Island's headquarters and prepare to release the Sword of Damocles."

A trace of madness flashed across the face of the black-haired Lorne.

"And the target is me!"

At the same time, the blonde Lorne knelt down slowly, his face became extremely pale, and the side effects of taking the "Awakening-02" potion began to appear at this time.

His vitality was constantly draining, and in almost a short time, his long golden hair, which he was proud of like a lion, turned gray.

"Fly for me!"

The blond Lorne pressed the ground fragments under his feet with his hands. The ability of fluttering fruit was activated suddenly.

Then the fragments of the whole earth actually flew up!

"Pillars of Stone!"

The moment the island floated up, the blond Lorne roared at the same time.

All the fragments of the small islands scattered in Wano Inland Sea slowly floated up at this time, and then gathered together, turning into a stone lion with the same height of hundreds of meters.

Standing on the sea, the male lion roared at the giant skeleton, then leaped suddenly, and rushed towards the giant skeleton's arm.

The sharp claws of the rock slapped on the arm, and the arm of the giant skeleton deviated slightly from the established route, and flew over the fragments of the island where Lorne was standing.

"It's useless, your strength alone can't compete with ghosts at all!"

Mr. Zuo Mu yelled frantically, and the other arm of the giant skeleton suddenly exerted force, aimed at the head of the stone lion and swung it over.

The body of the stone lion split instantly, and countless rocks scattered and fell into the sea.

"Your strength, in my eyes, is not worth mentioning, Lorne!"

Zuo Mu-kun roared, the giant skeleton raised his right arm again, and swung it towards the small island that was rushing towards him.

Of course he knew what Lorne was thinking. Since he couldn't fight against the "ghost", he could only kill himself as a capable person. Mr. Zuo Mu has hunted so many capable people, so of course he knows their thoughts like the back of his hand.

Therefore, Sagi-kun will not let Lorne get his wish.

The huge arm slapped directly on the floating fragments of the island, and the fragments of the island broke into countless fragments in an instant.

Everyone felt like the sky was falling apart and fell into the sea from the debris.

Can't compete at all!

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