Pirate Family

Chapter 908

Whether it is strength or size, they all have the absolute upper hand, and Sagi-kun's body, under the protection of the skeleton, cannot get close at all.

Unrivaled, this is everyone's judgment on the wreckage of the Giant King "Ghost" in front of them.

Lorne's whole body, like a meteorite, fell vertically towards the sea.

"Damn it, I can't move my body at all."

Lorne coughed up a mouthful of blood. He felt that his bones were almost completely crushed by the huge force. At this moment, he couldn't move his body and could only let his body fall.

The sea is getting closer and closer to Lorne. As a capable person, if he falls into the sea, he will completely lose the ability to fight.

Lorne narrowed his eyes. This should be the most difficult battle he has fought since his debut. All his abilities have no effect on that skeleton giant. And the other party's understatement almost made him lose his fighting power. Lorne's body kept approaching the sea, and he could almost smell the salty smell of the sea.

He was ready to put his whole body and mind into another body. After using the "Awakening-02" reagent, the body with the Piao Piao fruit has already been overloaded. If he fights again, he may not be able to return to SKY to change his body.

But Lorne couldn't take care of that much anymore. Losing a fluttering fruit is at least more acceptable than the annihilation of all the people he brought here.

The only thing he was worried about was whether he could continue to control another body after his body sank into the sea.

At this most critical moment, a slender and soft hand gently grabbed Lorne, and a pair of blood-red wings appeared from behind Garrett, descending from the sky, and gently grabbed Lorne's body.

"It's okay."

Garrett grabs Lorne. Said with a concerned face.

"You almost fell into the sea."

"I can't die."

Lorne coughed up a big mouthful of blood, and then the bones under his skin began to move slowly, and he forcibly repaired his body with life return.

This skill is a huge burden on the body, and it is very likely to leave some unknown hidden dangers, but for Lorne in this matter, this is something that has to be done.

"Almost, it ended up in this place."

After his body recovered, Lorne's physical condition was obviously much better. He tried to move his arm, and a piercing pain hit him, which made Lorne frown slightly.

"You can still fight."

In order not to worry Xiao Jia, Lorne didn't show it, but gently straightened Xiao Jia's messy hair, and said slowly.

thump! thump! thump!

But other people were not treated as well as Lorne. Except for a few people who were slightly injured, the other people who were on the fragments of the small island just now were directly blasted into the sea by that punch.

"I didn't expect that Wano Country would hide such a difficult opponent."

A flash of thunder flashed, and Enilo's body slowly condensed beside Lorne. The man who controlled the thunder raised his head and looked at the giant skeleton not far away.

"Even Kaido in his heyday is not so difficult to deal with."

"Samu-kun wants to create such a puppet, and the conditions are quite harsh. This place is Kaido's lair. If you want to wake up the skeleton giant, you must offend Kaido."

Lorne shook his head, expressionless.

"Secondly, enough sacrifices must be prepared, otherwise he alone would not be able to support the energy consumption of awakening the skeleton giant."

"And all these opportunities were given to him by me."

"I made a mistake and I have to pay for it."

Anyone must pay for their mistakes, even if he is Lorne.

Garrett opened her mouth, wanting to say something to comfort Lorne, but she couldn't.

She is very clear about Lorne's character, such a proud person, no one can make him change the things he decides.

"How many people are still capable of fighting now?"

Lorne quickly regained his energy and asked Garrett.

"I'm afraid the situation is not optimistic." Garrett shook her head and said bitterly.

"In the family, many people are capable people. After suffering that punch, just like you just now, they fell into the sea without any resistance and lost their fighting power. Many people in Wano Country, due to the seclusion of the country, Because of this, I can't swim at all."

"After falling into the sea, fortunately, I hugged a piece of driftwood and struggled in the sea. Unfortunately, I sank completely into the sea and could no longer float up."

"So, now, there are probably only a few of us who still retain full combat effectiveness."

After hearing Xiao Jia's words, Lorne turned around and looked around. There were gravels from the broken path and smoke and dust from the burnt ruins of the Flower City everywhere.

The entire sea surface was gray, except for them and the giant skeleton looming not far away, there was no living figure to be found in the midair.

Lorne's perception ability spread in all directions, and the sea surface was full of broken bodies and a few warriors struggling in the sea.

"It seems that there are only a few of us." Enilu took a deep breath,

"I'm going to divert Zuo Mu-kun's attention, and then Lorne, you and Xiao Jia fly towards the giant skeleton's head."

"As long as we kill Sagi-kun, we will win."

"It can only be this way."

Lorne's other body came out of the smoke, and he dragged his broken body and said slowly.

At this time, Lorne's blond body was in a state of embarrassment. The cut on his left hand hadn't completely healed, and blood continued to seep out from the cut without scars. , began to become slack and old.

"I'll use my ability to cover you. If I don't succeed, I can only use the last method."

He didn't speak, but everyone present understood what Lorne said was the last solution.

That is the final weapon of the Vinhill family, the sword of Damocles that fell from the sky.

But this weapon has a great disadvantage, that is, its destructive power is completely uncontrollable. It is easy to affect other people, so if it is not a last resort, Lorne will not take this method.

"Wait, please wait!"

But at this time, a timid voice suddenly sounded.

Denjiro supported a little girl and flew out of the smoke. The little girl raised her head, looked at Lorne, and said anxiously.

"Excuse me, have we met somewhere?"

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