Pirate Family

Chapter 909: The Distance That Determines the Victory

Lorne did not expect that the first words this little girl saw him again would be like this.

He looked at the little girl. The little girl's body was not mature yet, but it could be seen from her eyebrows that this little girl would definitely be an astonishing beauty after she fully grew up.

Even if she hasn't grown up yet, her every move has a strange and captivating attraction.

This is Lorne's first impression of her. If she comes to the sea, just relying on her appearance, she will set off a bloody storm in the sea.

Countless forces will fall under her skirt.

Lorne firmly believed in this, but such a coquettish rose, if not guarded by thorns, might be picked by some people with dirty ideas and become someone else's plaything.

Lorne looked at the little girl for a long time, until Xiao Jia coughed lightly, and then slowly came back to his senses.

Of course, he is not the kind of person who is greedy for beauty. In his eyes, no beauty in this world is more attractive than dominating the sea.

He just thought the little girl looked familiar.

Not before, but like someone he'd met before.

A very important person, but Lorne couldn't remember that person for a while.

"Now is not the time to worry about these things."

Lorne said seriously to Denjiro.

"If you want to protect her, take her to a safe place as soon as possible, the farther the better."

"Because there will be an extremely fierce battle waiting here. If such a delicate flower like her is affected by the aftermath of this battle, it will easily wither."

"I see."

Denjiro said slowly to Lorne, he wanted to bow, but now everyone was floating in the air, he couldn't bow at all, he could only express his gratitude with words.

"This time, I really want to thank you all. You have paid so much for Wano Country, and you are so kind. On behalf of the Kozuki clan, I thank you."

"There's no need to say this kind of thing." Lorne shook his head.

"Besides, I didn't come here to help you."

"The world of pirates only cares about profit. I came to this country just because this country has what I need."

"You don't have to be sentimental, now, before I get angry."

As Lorne said, the blond Lorne waved his hand, and a stone flew towards Denjiro and Xiao Zi, leading them away from this place.

"get out!"

"Get as far away from this place as possible!"

"But, I really have something very important to tell you!"

After being taken away by the stone, Xiaozi seemed to be very excited. She tried to struggle with Denjiro's arm, but the strength of the two was not comparable at all. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free.

"I know his character quite well."

At this time, Sleeper Kushiro, or Denjiro gently held Xiaozi, shook his head, and said slowly.

"He is the kind of man who is paranoid to the limit. If he wants to do something, no one can stop him unless he is killed."

He remembered the time when he was ambushed by Lorne on Cake Island. At that time, he did not expect that one day the two would stand on the same front.

"No matter what the result is today, I will remember him and everything he has done for Wano Country."

Denjiro closed his eyes and said slowly.

And Xiao Zi also seemed to understand that Denjiro at this time could not allow himself to take risks, so she gave up struggling.

She held tightly to her necklace, the only thing her mother left her.

At this moment, she remembered what her mother said to herself when she left.

she murmured to herself.

"Is that you, the one with black hair... Wano Dawn."


"Why let them go? Although their strength is negligible, it is still possible to play their role on this kind of battlefield."

After the stone took Denjiro and Xiaozi out of this sea area, Enilo frowned and said with some doubts.

Lorne's approach was somewhat different from his cognition.

Because in his impression, Lorne is a person who doesn't care about other people's thoughts at all, or cares about other people's lives.

"I do not know why either."

Lorne shook his head,

"It's just my sixth sense telling me. If that little girl is put in a crisis, something bad will happen."

As a person with the ability to perceive fruit, Lorne believes in his sixth sense. So he followed his sixth sense as it should be.

"Is that so?"

Enilu didn't continue to ask, but raised his head and looked at the looming giant skeleton in the smoke.

Mr. Zuo Mu also seemed to have discovered that Lorne and the others were not completely wiped out under his punch, so he manipulated the skeleton giant to push away the smoke and began to look for traces of Lorne and others.

"Are you ready? I'm going!"

Enilu roared, and countless thunders began to condense on his body. He is like a god in a fairy tale, surrounded by thunder.

"Thunder Flash Qilin!"

Thunder condensed into a monster with a head like a dragon, a horse, a deer, and a tail like an ox's tail, but it was extremely majestic.

The monster roared, and then flew towards the head of the giant skeleton.

"I found you!"

The giant skeleton pushed through the smoke, just in time to see the thunder unicorn flying towards him.

There was a hint of madness on Zuo Mu-kun's face.

"You know you are going to die, why do you still have to do this kind of fearless struggle? Is this what you call pride. Lorne!"

"Today, I will completely crush all your pride!"

The fist of the giant skeleton smashed down towards the Thunder Qilin.

The unicorn, more than ten meters high, looked like a small toy in front of the giant skeleton. The giant skeleton pierced through the entire unicorn with a single punch. Countless thunderbolts wrapped around the giant's bones, making a buzzing sound.


Sasuke-kun roared.

"All your attacks are meaningless to me!"


At this time, Lorne's body rushed out of the fog and flew towards the skull of the giant skeleton.

His black hair fluttered in the wind, and his whole body was like a black lightning, breaking through the smoke. Aim at the head of the giant skeleton.

Mr. Zuo Mu wanted to stop him, but he raised his other arm slowly, but a boulder tens of meters smashed down hard on the joint of the skeleton giant's arm.

After the boulder touched the giant's arm, it shattered into countless small stones in an instant, but it slightly blocked the giant skeleton's movement.

And Lorne took this opportunity to rush to the head of the giant skeleton.

At this moment, Lorne and Sagi-kun are only tens of meters apart!

This is their last tens of meters! It is also tens of meters that decide the outcome!

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