Pirate Family

Chapter 915 Bounty Hunter

At the end of autumn in 1510, a piece of news shocked the entire sea.

For unknown reasons, the Vinhill family suddenly went to war with Kaido.

The flames of war between the two emperor-level pirate forces instantly ignited the entire new world, but the progress of this war is not as inseparable as everyone thinks. Instead, the entire Vinhill family was in full swing, and soon invaded Kaido's territory in an all-round way.

The pirates under Kaido's command had no ability to resist at all, and all territories were eaten away by the Vinhill family. And those pirates attached to Kaido, when they wanted to ask for help from the Kaido Pirates in Wano Country, they found it in despair.

There is no news at all, and the entire Hundred Beasts Pirates seem to have disappeared from this world.

Until the Vinhill family fully occupied Kaido's territory before, no one from the Beasts Pirates appeared.

In fact, at the beginning of the war, an exile who claimed to be the former Beast Pirates broke the news while drunk. It turned out that before the Vernhill family declared war, Lorne had already led people to invade and Kingdom, two pirate emperors launched a earth-shattering battle on the ghost island of Wano country.

Like him, the weaker pirates didn't even have the qualifications to watch them fight. At the beginning of the war, they were stunned by the domineering arrogance that spread from the two people's bodies.

When he woke up, the entire ghost island had been completely destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Everyone was dubious about this news, and they didn't doubt that with Lorne's madness, it was indeed possible to make such a decision.

But that's Kaido, and Wano Country is Kaido's lair. How did Lorne approach Wano Country quietly?

No one knew, so what this drunkard said was taken as a joke by everyone.

But with the development of the war, the Beasts Pirates still did not show up, and everyone remembered the words of this drunkard.

An unbelievable news spread in this sea.

That war may have really happened.

Kaido, may really have died in Wano Country.

After Kaido's death, the entire Beasts Pirates either scattered or became captives of the Vinhill family. This also explains why the Beast Pirates haven't shown up so long after the war started.

In addition, not long ago, the Vinhill family had marched into the Navy Headquarters with great fanfare, although it turned out to be a bluff in the end. But back then, Lorne wanted to hide something behind this farce.

Thinking of the present, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that what Lorne wanted to hide was a war.

Perhaps the most magnificent war since the beginning of the Age of Discovery, the curtain came to an end when no one knew it.

And it was obvious that the Vinhill family was the winner of that war.


"The four emperors have become a thing of the past! The three most powerful pirate emperors!"

"The three pirate emperors join forces, and it is unstoppable. The justice of the navy is at stake?!"

"In the face of crazy demons, who can protect the peace of this world?! Admiral Garp, the naval hero, is not old yet!"

Countless eye-popping news were printed on Morgans' "World Economic News". With the help of this news tycoon, Lorne's reputation once again reached an unprecedented height.

The pirates in the entire sea are discussing who will be the next target of this crazy pirate after Kaido's fall.

The old white beard, the crazy aunt, or the smartest living Shichibukai?

But after discussing and discussing, everyone suddenly discovered that there were not many forces on this sea that could be compared with the Vinhill family.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily cast on the huge force headquartered in Marlin Vandor, the Navy Headquarters.

At this time, the Navy Headquarters released a new round of rewards.

Among them, Lorne's name was impressively at the top of this reward list.

In the new world, on a small island, even in the middle of the night, it is still brightly lit.

In the red light district, the chuckles of prostitutes, and the sound of rubbing chips in the casino can be heard endlessly.

This was originally one of the bases of the underground world. Many bounty hunters, or killers, would choose to hand over tasks here after completing their tasks. A reward, in exchange for them.

The bounty hunters who got a lot of money would spend it here lavishly when they turned around.

Over time, it has also developed into a moderately prosperous island.

"Mr. Smile, are we really going to be bounty hunters?"

On the long street of the island, a woman in black casual clothes frowned and said, there are some voices that make her very uncomfortable, and she used to be a pirate, but now she has become a bounty hunter, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Weird feeling.

"You are wanted by the Vinhill family. If you want to live well, you must remain anonymous."

"And the underground world will not ask about your past. The Vinhill family has not reached out to the underground world. Only in this place will you be safe."

"And, don't you want revenge on Lorne? Little Oya."

In front of the woman, there was a man wearing a black cloak with short black hair.

The man used his saber as a crutch, and walked forward step by step. After hearing the woman's words, he slowly turned his head.

This man has a cross-shaped scar on his face, and the scar runs through his eyes. It looked a little scary.

"Just listen to Mr. Xiao. After all, I haven't been a bounty hunter before."

Next to the woman, a young man said excitedly, looking at the dimly lit street next to him, gearing up.

He was a real adventurer, and being a bounty hunter was a completely different experience for him.


The woman called Oya sighed and said nothing.

They met this old blind man before, and with his help, they escaped wave after wave of pursuit from the Vinhill family, and finally managed to get rid of this group of tarsal maggots completely.

As for the identity of the old blind man, she was really uncertain. She couldn't even see through the strength of the old blind man, she only knew that all the chasing soldiers were dealt with lightly by the old man.

The simple Bee Parker believed in this so-called Mr. Smile, so he followed him to this place.

But at this time, countless papers suddenly fell slowly from the sky.

Oya picked up the paper, the expression on her face suddenly froze.

Because what she was holding was a...reward list!

She was all too familiar with the names on the reward list.

"Vynhill Lorne."

Oya slowly read out the names on the reward list.

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