Pirate Family

Chapter 916: A World-Shocking Reward Offer

After identifying a very dangerous pirate, the navy will send a bounty list to various islands in the sea through seagulls.

In order to save costs, the number of bounty lists distributed is related to the danger level of the bounty pirates. Generally, for a newcomer at the supernova level, the navy island will only distribute a few reward lists to let the residents on the island know that there is such a person and make them be careful.

But now, the reward list is like rain falling, falling all over the sky. Oya had never seen such a situation before, she subconsciously accepted a reward list.

This bounty list is impressively Lorne's latest bounty.

Because after the Battle of Bislan, Lorne never really showed up again, and the navy could not find Lorne's whereabouts, so the reward list still uses the time when Lorne led people to attack Mary Gioia. , photograph standing on top of the ruins of Marie Gioia.

However, this is not the most important thing. What attracts Aoya's attention the most is the number of the reward list.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand..."

Aoya looked at the long string of zeros on the reward list, and counted slowly, her voice would tremble slightly every time she counted a zero.

When she finally said the number, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Five billion Baileys."

This is Lorne's latest reward.

"How many did you say?!"

Bee Parker next to him suspected that he had heard wrong, and asked with a shocked expression.

"Five billion Baileys!"

Oya took a deep breath and repeated.

This number has far exceeded the limit that she can imagine. Although in the early years, Lorne defeated the Golden Lion Shiji and became the fourth Pirate Emperor, but the whole sea knew him as a young and terrifying madman with a promising future, but his background, and Compared with the other veteran pirate emperors, there is still a gap in strength.

His bounty is an example.

The bounty of two billion is terrifying, but compared with the other pirate emperors who offer rewards of three or four billion at every turn, there is still a gap.

But now, Kaido, the most terrifying monster in this sea, also fell at the feet of Lorne. Lolya couldn't imagine which force could be the opponent of that lunatic.

She involuntarily moved towards the distance, and could vaguely see white seagulls soaring in the sky.

"Is it the navy?"

Oya doesn't know if Lorne will stop there, but she knows one thing very well, that is, she may not be able to avenge Yaze.

The current Lorne has become a man who dominates the direction of this era, and the only ones who can be his opponents are perhaps the other two Pirate Emperors, and...the navy that symbolizes peace.

Even Bee Parker, who was always optimistic, fell silent. Lorne's name, like a mountain, weighed heavily on his chest, making him breathless.

Not only them, but the entire island and other people also received rewards from the sky.

The people on the entire island fell into a long silence. It seemed like I couldn't believe my eyes.

One billion is a hurdle. Pirates who have reached this level are all giants. Offering a bounty is meaningless to them, and no bounty hunter is stupid enough to set his sights on them.

Therefore, for any pirate, after the bounty reaches one billion, the growth will slow down. Unless they did something bad at the level of destroying the country, their rewards would not continue to increase.

Pirates with a bounty of more than 3 billion are even rarer. Each of them is a big figure who is at the forefront of an era, and they are all qualified to stabilize the ultimate throne of this sea.

Pirates of this level are rare in every era.

Just like the pirate emperors of this era.

As for the pirate whose bounty has reached 5 billion, according to Oya's knowledge, apart from Roger, the pirate king who opened up the entire era of great navigation, there is only one pirate who does not know whether it is real or not, and even the traces of existence are unknown. Rocks who can be erased by the world government.

And now, there is another Lorne.

As for the entire Vinhill family, except for Lorne, the bounties of other important cadres have increased to varying degrees, but the increase is not as exaggerated as Lorne.

But Oya knows one thing, that is, offering a bounty is meaningless to the Vinhill family in this matter.

As long as Lorne has not fallen, his reputation is much more terrifying than the so-called sky-high reward.

Even in the New World, the flag of the Vinhill family is more terrifying than the deterrent force of the entire naval fleet.

This is the impact of a strong man on the world.

Now, Lorne has finally come to this step.


After hearing Oya's words, the old blind man called Mr. Smile was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke.

"It's really a name I miss."

He frowned tightly, as if remembering something, and it took a while to relax slowly.

"Keep going, let me see...whether the original choice was correct."

"Let's see what this era will look like under your impression."

The old blind man said so, then patted Peter Parker on the shoulder, and pulled the somewhat absent-minded man back.

A group of people walked towards the branch of the Bounty Hunter Association located in this place.


It was a tavern, the neon lights of the battered sign flickering.

After Bee Parker walked in, he smelled a tangy smell of alcohol, and a drunk man walked towards him.

"what are you doing?"

Bee Parker clutched his nose and tried to dodge, but was rushed by the drunk man.

"Put your hands down, old Evan."

With a smile, he spoke at this time.

"This is the guest I brought back, and you don't need to use your method to teach them a lesson."

"It turned out that you, the bastard, smiled."

Only then did the drunk let go of Peter Parker, and said angrily.

"Didn't you go to Paradise, and don't tell me when you return to the new world."

As he spoke, he stuffed a black wallet back into Bee Parker's hand.

After seeing this black wallet, Bee Parker felt a little familiar. He touched his clothes subconsciously, and suddenly found that this wallet was his own!

The moment the old drunkard rushed over, he took the wallet away from his arms. But I suddenly don't know!

Bee Parker is not weak. In fact, after eating the spider fruit, his perception has been greatly enhanced with the cooperation of knowledge and color.

Even ten meters away, he could clearly see the movement of an ant climbing up the grass.

But now, he didn't realize at all how this old drunkard did it!

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