Pirate Family

Chapter 917 Incognito

"Are these two your students?"

The old alcoholic hiccupped and looked at Oya and Bee Parker.

"Oh, there's one more."

At this time, he saw the little girl Ke Ke who had been hiding behind Oya. When the little girl saw the drunk old alcoholic, she hid behind Aoya in fear. Then he showed half of his face and looked at the old drunkard.

The old drunkard smiled at Little Keke. He raised his head and said drunkenly to Peter Parker.

"Welcome to the underground world. In this place, you can easily possess wealth, intelligence, and women. As long as you pay enough Bailey, it is not impossible to even become the king of a country."

"This is an absolute lawless zone, a paradise for villains, as long as you have money, you can get everything you want."

After a simple opening remark, the old drunkard patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"When did you return to the new world, why don't I know."

"I came back when the tour was about the same time."

He nodded with a smile, and said slowly.

"And, they're not your guests."

"I brought them to this place to make them bounty hunters."

"Bounty Hunter?"

The old alcoholic Evan looked at Bi Parker and Oya in surprise.

"Despite the proliferation of pirates, the job of bounty hunters is getting harder and harder. Are you sure?"

Old Evan has lived in this place for decades. Although there are more bounty hunters now than in the Rocks era decades ago, they are all immature young people watching the flooding sea A thief, he thought he could make a fortune, so he joined this industry with enthusiasm.

But after they really became bounty hunters, they discovered that the current pirates are far more crazy and powerful than the batch of pirates decades ago.

Even the three trump cards of the Bounty Hunter Association lost two of them.

Only the weakest one is left, independently supporting the entire Bounty Hunter Association.

In addition, with the continuous rampage of this era, the Bounty Hunter Association has more and more tasks. In the case of insufficient manpower, the people in the headquarters have no choice but to send some young people with a little inexperience to carry out tasks .

This increased the loss rate of the bounty hunters once again.

So joining the Bounty Hunter Association now is not a wise choice.

Faced with the friendly reminder from his old friend, he only said one sentence with a smile.

"They offended some people who shouldn't be offended in the sea. The whole sea can accommodate their power, and only you Bounty Hunter Association is left."


After hearing Yixiao's words, Evan's drunken eyes suddenly became much clearer. He raised his head, looked at Bipac and Oya carefully, and then spoke slowly.

"Old Yigger, who registered as a bounty hunter, should be taking a nap in the counter right now, and you can take them to him now."

"I see."

He nodded with a smile, then turned and bid farewell to his old friend, and walked deeper into the tavern with Bipac and Oya.

And when they left with a smile, old Evan smiled, picked up his own wine bottle, and poured it into the innermost part of himself.

"Hey, is there no wine?"

Knowing that the last drop of wine in the bottle had flowed out, old Evan said a little disappointed.

He wiped his lips, looked at the smiling group of people who were gradually going away, and said to himself.

"Are the pirates so scary now? Let two promising young people have no choice but to choose to come to the underground world."

"I really don't understand the world."

The old drunkard said so, then collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep.


"Old Evan used to be one of the trump cards of the Bounty Hunter Association. He has the most stable hand in the world and can easily slit the throat of any pirate."

With a smile, he led Bee Parker and Oya towards the tavern. The place was much bigger than they imagined. The group walked for a long time before they saw a mahogany bar with a man in a black dress. The old man lay there dozing off.

"It's just that, once again, he received a reward for assassinating Whitebeard's subordinates. When the assassination was successful, he was discovered by Whitebeard himself. After paying a painful price, he managed to escape."

"Then, I have been hiding here and have never appeared in this sea again."

Yi smiled and explained to the two young men that there were countless people in the Bounty Hunters Association who had encountered Evan.

For some reason, he had to give up his previous identity, hide his name, and became one of the five hunters hiding in the shadows.

Peter Parker looked around.

Inside the tavern, there were a lot of people sitting sparsely. These people gathered in groups of twos and threes to drink wine with their companions. This was a rare opportunity for bounty hunters to relax after completing their missions.

In this underground world, they must continue to complete tasks in order to survive well, or earn enough Baileys to buy a brand new identity in the underground world and reappear on the sea.

"You are still alive."

The old man who was lying on the bar and fell asleep suddenly opened his eyes when they approached with a smile, and then put on his reading glasses. After seeing the visitor clearly, he embraced with a smile with some joy.

"I haven't shown you for so long, I thought you died in Paradise."

"I will not die until I see the end of this era."

After the hug, Yixiao stepped aside slightly, and pointed at Bipac and Oya who were standing behind her. Said slowly.

"I want them to be bounty hunters."

The old man looked at Oya and Peter Parker, did not speak, but skillfully took out a document.

The registration process is much simpler than L\u0026A thought.

Yige didn't even ask their names, just asked them to say a code to distinguish their identities, and handed them a copper badge.

Then they turned sideways, and a secret door appeared in front of them.

"There are recent missions in it. Choose one you like to execute. After successful execution, you will be the new bounty hunters."

Oya and Bee Parker walked in, and the wall was covered with reward lists.

Some spy on a country, some look for something strange, and more often, they assassinate a certain pirate.

Here, they saw the names of many big pirates who were famous in the sea. These people are all among the rewards offered in the underground world.

Every reward has the information of the person who posted it. Aoya curiously looked at each reward on the wall, and soon, her eyes were attracted by one of the rewards.

Because the person who announced this reward is the most popular Vinhill family in the sea.

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