Pirate Family

Chapter 918: The Vennhill Family's Reward

Oya's attention was attracted by this reward, she patted Peter Parker who was wandering beside her, and said slowly.

"look here."

Bee Parker looked over with Oya's gaze, and suddenly saw the reward hanging in the middle.

"Offering a reward for finding an indestructible stone engraved with strange characters."

"Description: The stones are in the shape of a cube several meters long and wide, scattered all over the sea, generally divided into two colors: blue, white, or red. After experiments, no known method can leave any stones on it. trace."

"There are unknown characters engraved on the stone. Anyone who inscribes the words or tells the Vennhill family the exact location of the stone can receive this reward."

"Bounty: Depending on the completeness of the clues, it ranges from 100 million Baileys to 1 billion Baileys."

"Publisher: Vinhill Family."

"The release date was some time ago." After reading it, Oya said in a deep voice.

"That is, according to the legend, shortly after the decisive battle between Lorne and Kaido."

"It seems that that bastard Lorne has some insidious schemes."

Peter Parker frowned slightly, and said coldly. He was not interested in Lorne, or the entire Vinhill family.

Because he didn't approve of Lorne's way of acting, it was too cold and ruthless, and he didn't give his opponent any chance at all.

Lorne was a well-deserved butcher, and the people who died at his hands might fill the entire island.

"Why, do you want to accept this reward?"

Oya raised her eyebrows.

"Now we are no different from ants in the eyes of that man. If you want to destroy his plan, I advise you to die."

"I don't want to be involved in this incident again."

Although Yaze's death was a difficult hurdle in Aoya's heart, but now she is more aware of a fact.

That is, by relying on himself, he cannot avenge Lorne. If he dies, it will be meaningless for Yaze to try his best to let Lorne let him go.

If possible, she just wants to live an ordinary life with little Keke.


Peter Parker shook his head. He tore off the bounty list and crumbled it into pieces.

"The Vinhill family is not the only one interested in this unknown stone."

He looked around the wall full of bounty missions, and soon found many of the same bounties.

The forces that issued these bounty missions include many well-known characters in this sea.

For example, Charlotte Lingling, and... Kaido, who is now destroyed.

"These big shots seem to be very interested in this broken stone."

Peter Parker said slowly.

Aoya nodded, these heroes of the sea must have discovered some secrets, so they want this stone so urgently.

"I have an idea. If we hand over this stone to an unknown force, or a force that is hostile to Lorne, then Lorne will have to pay a higher price if he wants to get this stone. "

So said Bee Parker, who tore two bounties from the wall.

"I won't let his conspiracy go on so smoothly."

Bee Parker held the two reward lists tightly and said so.

Ao Ya saw the names of the two rewards and was silent for a long time.

One of them is from the Holy Truth Church in the Red Earth Continent. The person who issued this reward is Larsia, the sister of the contemporary Holy Truth Pope Ariel Benedict with the title of Rose Knight, the first knight.

The other one was posted by an unknown Mr. Sotos in three days.


"I got a rubbing document of the historical text from my mother."

In the black iron castle of SKY, Garrett walked towards Lorne with a document.

"If you go back and print the historical texts in her collection, your mother should be very upset."

Lorne raised his head, looked at the little girl in front of him, and said with a smile.

The words of the mysterious "Madame Time" kept echoing in Lorne's ears.

Before that, he was not interested in this so-called place where Roger's treasure ONE-PIECE was buried, claiming to satisfy all desires, wealth, fame, and power of people. In his opinion, it is much more fulfilling to conquer all enemies by force than to find Ralph Drew.

Reaching a place before others can convince others to convince you and call you One Piece?

It's a joke!

I don't know what Whitebeard is thinking, but Lorne knows that if an unknown little guy is lucky enough to find Ralph Drew, he won't look up to him because of it.

What a joke if you want to shake everything you have acquired so hard by relying on Roger's previous illusory promise!

And Lorne is sure that not only himself, Charlotte Lingling, or Kaido before, have such thoughts.

If you want to make them bow their heads, unless it is to completely defeat them, it is not to find Ralph Drew before them.

But now, because of the words of "Madam Time" and the exhortations of "father" Caesar, Lorne suddenly became interested in this place surrounded by fog.

"My mother was a bit reluctant, but with Katakuri's help, I managed to get back the rubbings of the historical text in my mother's hands without any risk."

Garrett said softly.

"It's just that when I was leaving, my mother found me and said half-jokingly and half-seriously that she wanted to make her give up completely, unless brother Lorne offered something in exchange."

"What does she want?"

Lorne was a little curious. At their level, ordinary things could no longer stir their hearts. He was very curious about what the Pirate Queen wanted.

Garrett hesitated for a moment, then said slowly.

"Mother wants pure gold. If we can provide enough pure gold, mother promises to cooperate with us."

"It seems that she is still obsessed with eternal life."

Lorne smiled and said that pure gold can give people a life that is close to eternity, and its effect has been confirmed by Xiao Jia himself.

But this thing is really too rare. Apart from the legendary giant lantern fish, only the mysterious Judgment of Venom holds an unknown amount of pure gold.

Charlotte Lingling's words translate to mean that she will help Lorne only if Lorne wipes out all those who have been judged by grievances, and then hands over the captured pure gold.

"The deal looked good and I said yes."

Lorne nodded and said so.

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