Pirate Family

Chapter 921 Tracker and Avenger

"Columbus-type ships have at least forty years of service history."

A three-masted sailing ship with a total length of about 40 meters hovered on the sea, and a raging flame continued to burn on board. And another naval warship kept approaching this ship.

Sissy looked at the wreckage of the three-masted sailing ship not far away, and said slowly.

"With all due respect, the possibility of seeing this type of ship in the ship museum is much higher than the probability of seeing it on the sea."

"At least I've never seen a boat of this type."

"Very good eyesight."

After hearing Sissy's analysis, Ain slowly applauded. No one hates a smart student, especially when the smart student also has the virtues of humility and calmness.

She felt that Princess Sissi, who had a miserable life experience, might be more worthy of the title of Navy Star than herself.

"It's just that many years ago, my father was a boat fan, and I also learned a lot about boats under his influence."

Regarding her boss's compliment, Sissy just smiled and nodded.

"But you still ignore a piece of common sense."

Ain said slowly.

"In fact, ships of this type are not uncommon in this sea."

"Because of a certain treaty decades ago, the world government sent many free trade licenses to the people at that time. People who have this license can freely sail on the sea without being blocked by the navy."

"In that era, many crazy businessmen emerged."

Ain paused, then continued.

This news was told to her by her teacher, the former admiral of the navy Zefa Zefa in his spare time. With the passage of history, many things have been forgotten by people.

"With the continuous proliferation of pirates, the world government has stepped up the supervision of free trade licenses. The issuance of them is much stricter than before."

Sissy has never heard of these things. Although she is smart, she is still too young.

Many details buried in history, if no one told her, she would never know.

"Until now, many ships with free trade licenses have already bid farewell to this sea because of their service."

"Except for this one model."

Ain looked at the wreckage of the ship not far away, and said slowly.

"Then let's see who caused this tragedy."

The naval warship slowly approached the wreckage of the ship. When the distance between the two sides was about 100 meters, the naval warship stopped and then lowered a small boat.

Ain jumped onto the boat, and Sissy followed closely behind. They led a group of soldiers and slowly approached the wreckage of the ship that was still burning with flames.

As soon as everyone approached the ship, they smelled a strong smell of blood, even if the ship was burned, the smell of burnt wood boards could not completely cover it up.

"Quite a cruel method."

After seeing clearly what happened on board, Ain frowned slightly.

Countless corpses were lying on the deck, and blood was continuously flowing in the gaps of the deck.

"Is it a pirate attack?"

Qianqian subconsciously covered her nose, her nose was particularly choked after the blood was evaporated by the flames. And there is a rather uncomfortable feeling of nausea.

"I don't know, but the hands are quite clean and neat."

"The fire destroyed all traces. We can't find clues about the murderer at all."

At this time, a marine who followed Ain on board the ship said while holding his nose.

After their watchmen saw the strangeness of the ship just now, Ain immediately activated the alarm and brought the entire naval warship here.

But they came too late, and by the time they reached the place the ship was ablaze.

And the murderer disappeared.

"Not necessarily, as long as you do it, you will definitely leave clues."

Ain crossed the deck and walked towards the cabin.

At this time, the cabin was still burning with flames, and the door of the captain's cabin had been deformed due to the high temperature.

But Ai Yin directly touched it with her hands, a layer of transparent halo covered her palm, and the moment she touched the door, it seemed that a strange force was controlling the door.

The entire door gradually returned to normal from the irregular distortion. Ain opened the door of the captain's cabin.

A smell of blood that was ten times stronger than the outside rushed over.

The scene in the captain's room was much bloodier than the one outside. In the narrow space, several corpses were collapsed together. Their internal organs were completely pulled out, and colorful intestines were piled up together. It was impossible to distinguish them. Who does the owner of the intestines belong to?

In the middle of the captain's cabin, a bald man in a black suit leaned back on his sofa.

He seemed unwilling to do so, holding onto the sofa tightly with both hands, refusing to let go.

His chest was completely torn open, and the internal organs inside were ruthlessly thrown out, and his eyes were also gouged out with sharp tools, and placed on the table in front of him. Extremely penetrating.

However, the most eye-catching thing was that a line of words was written in blood on the table.

"A suicidal idiot."

Qian Qian subconsciously read this line of words, and frowned slightly.

"Quite a cruel method."

Ain took a deep breath before saying this.

It's not that she has never seen the scene of a pirate attack, but this is the first time she has seen such a cruel scene. If it weren't for a group of recruits following her, she might not be able to contain her desire to vomit.

The line of blood stains on the table seemed to be the murderer's provocation to the navy.

"Get ready to retreat."

At this time, the fire has spread to the deck, and will soon completely ignite the entire ship.

Ain felt incompetent. Because apart from recording the attack, she couldn't help the "poor people" who had suffered misfortune.

He couldn't even collect their corpses, so he could only let them sink to the bottom of the sea with this ship.

"Perhaps there is news."

But at this time, Sissy said slowly.

My brother once told her that you must not let go of any details. If you want to know what a person has done, you'd better put yourself into that person and think about what you should do if you were him.

Sissy substituted herself into the identity of the bald man who was brutally murdered. What would you do if you were faced with a strong enemy and could not escape.

A light flashed in her eyes, and then, regardless of the corpse on the ground, she walked towards the man sitting on the sofa.

The man's right hand firmly grasped the soft alligator leather sofa, and Sissy pulled his palm away. On the sofa, I saw him engraving such crooked words with his hard nails.


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