Pirate Family

Chapter 922 Cowboy Town

If she is facing an invincible and unknown opponent, Sissy will definitely try to leave clues about the enemy who killed her.

At least let your companions know who you died in.

So when Sissi brought her identity into this bald man, her subordinates were completely killed, her eyes were scratched out, her chest was completely torn open, and her internal organs were scattered all over the floor.

How should I leave clues?

So Sissy noticed the palm that he refused to let go even when he was about to die.


Ain chewed on the name, she felt that the name sounded very familiar. As if I heard it once somewhere.

But I can't remember anything.

But since there is valuable information, it is a good thing. After she went back, she planned to conduct a thorough investigation through the Navy's intelligence network.

Make sure to find this brutal killer.


But at this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from among the naval soldiers behind Ai Yin, and a somewhat immature blond recruit rushed out of the crowd. If it wasn't for the obstruction of his companions, he might have already rushed into the captain's room.

"I know who Gao Suo is!"

The recruit stared wide-eyed, watching the scene where the people in the captain's room were killed, and said slowly.

"This method, this name, I will never forget it in my life."

"who is he?"

Ain looked at this agitated naval recruit, she vaguely remembered that this recruit joined her unit with Sissy.

During the recruit's test ceremony, the young man showed quite a talent for domineering "knowledge".

A rookie with great potential, this is Ain's evaluation of this young man.

"Wolf Gorso."

Said the young navy with red eyes.


"I have long disliked that arrogant idiot. If you had said earlier, boss, I would have broken his neck as soon as possible. I wouldn't wait until now."

In the middle of the night, a small boat was drifting on the sea.

One Eye rowed vigorously on the oar. Said angrily.

How dare that bald idiot talk to himself in this tone when they haven't been targeted by that man?

In fact, if he hadn't seen the naval ships approaching them constantly, One Eye would have treated the bald idiot well enough to make him regret coming to this world.

"Actually, we have a better way to deal with it."

Gao Suo took a deep breath and said with some annoyance.

"We can kill that bald idiot and take his place. Take control of that ship."

He used to be famous for being cautious, no matter what he did, he had a careful plan.

But because this period of time was too depressing, he couldn't help but make a move.

"It was my fault."

After a moment of silence, Gao Suo said so.

"That guy Lorne is not as great as people say. Aren't we still alive now? He wanted us for so long, and he didn't take our lives."

Seemingly feeling that his boss was a little depressed, Cyclops quickly comforted him.

"He acted so arrogantly and defiantly. Maybe it won't be long before the empire he built with painstaking efforts will collapse."

"The navy will not tolerate a super pirate appearing in this sea."

One-eyed said viciously.

Although he didn't have the guts to appear directly in front of the Vinhill family, he still had the courage to show off his power of speech in secret.

But after hearing what his old men said, Gao Suo became even more silent, with a sneering expression on his face.

A pirate is actually praying for the help of the navy.

Is there anything more ironic than this in this world?

"According to the navigation pointer, Suan Island is ahead."

A little light appeared at the end of the field of vision, one eye squinted, and said slowly.

"I heard that the annual boxing match is being held there, and now the jade dragons are mixed, we should be able to hide our identities there."

"hope so."

Gao Suo looked at the approaching lights and said so.


When the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth at dawn, the residents of Suan Island have already gotten up.

On the street, many shops even opened early.

These residents opened their sleepy eyes, looking forward to seeing more and more people on the long street.

Now it is the annual "World Boxing Championships" held on the island of fists. People from many other islands come here to watch this annual event.

The local residents of Suan Island have already prepared local specialties and some souvenirs, hoping to take advantage of this rare opportunity to earn some considerable Baileys to improve their lives.

"Phew, it's finally here."

A tall and thin figure appeared at the end of the long street, it was a young lady. She tied up her black hair, looking extremely capable. A well-fitting black lady's suit could hardly conceal her proud figure.

Every gesture of a woman gives people a special attraction.

"Hurry up and find that restless little guy, and then go back home."

The woman said to herself, because of this little guy, she missed that one important thing.

Fortunately, the family won the war in the end, otherwise the woman would regret for a long time because of her absence.

Just thinking of this restless little girl, the woman frowned slightly.

Because she had no information about this little girl for a long time, and this place was the last place where that little girl appeared.

If the little girl makes any mistakes, women will blame themselves for a long time.

After all, that little girl was his sister's only bloodline and his only niece.

Gulu Gulu.

Many people swallowed involuntarily when they saw this woman who suddenly appeared in the small town. But none of them dared to make any transgressive behavior.

A woman, especially such a beautiful woman, who dares to appear in such a place alone must have something to rely on.

Or, there is some strong person standing behind her who can protect her.

Or, her own strength is strong enough.

No matter which one it is, they are not something they can offend.

However, there are some people in this world who are not afraid of death. In other words, stimulation is the ultimate pursuit of their life.

Just when Violet was about to look for clues about the little girl in this small town.

A group of people stood in front of her.

A group of people with frivolous smiles and whistling stood in front of her.

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