Pirate Family

Chapter 923 Violet

"Good morning, gentlemen."

Looking at this group of malicious people, Violet smiled slightly, then nodded slowly.

"do we know each other?"

Even though her innate upbringing made her feel disgusted by these people, she still did the most basic superficial skills impeccably.

"I think we can get to know each other."

The one in front was a cowboy. He picked out his light brown cowboy hat, showed a charming smile, and walked towards Violet.

I have to admit that this cowboy looks quite good, with deep blue eyes, a tall and delicate face as if cut by a knife, and a sparse beard with a strange sense of maturity.

For many ordinary young girls, such a man has a fatal attraction.

But Violet just happens to be an unusual young girl. What she has experienced in these years has made her much more mature than she seems.

"Unfortunately, I have some things that I have to deal with right now. So we may not have that fate."

Violet still smiled and said, and then turned to leave.

But at this moment, the cowboy took a step sideways and stood in front of Violet.

"I think we need to get to know each other."

"It's good for you and me."

As if he didn't hear the refusal in Violet's words, he stretched out his hand to Violet.

"Hello, my name is Kom, Claire Kom."

Violet frowned slightly, she knew she was being entangled.

In this kind of place, these local ruffians are often much more difficult to deal with than many pirates.

Because you don't know what kind of contacts these locals who were born and raised in this kind of place have behind them, and you don't know what troubles will be caused after killing him.

Especially at this time, when Violet is very likely to need the help of these local snakes, it is even more troublesome.

Just when Violet was going to find a trace of little Rebecca through Kom in another way.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the street.

Boom boom boom!

A man with a height of about four meters, with a bare upper body, showing off his strong muscles, rampaged on the street. Many uniformed guards, with weapons, followed closely behind him.

The giant man's naked skin was covered with scars. These wounds had not been treated in any way, and they healed together in a brutal way, leaving behind ugly scars.

Many residents had no time to escape and were knocked to the ground by this man.

The long street was in chaos.

"Let me go!"

The giant man smashed into the door of a fruit shop, and countless fresh fruits that had just been placed were knocked over by him on the ground, but before the owner of the shop could scold him angrily, he lifted them up.

"Let me go, or I'll kill him!"

The giant man repeated his words again, grabbed the owner of the shop, and kept backing away.

The guards raised their flintlock guns and pointed their black muzzles at the strong man, as if they had not heard the threat from the strong man, they kept approaching him.

Seeing that his threats seemed meaningless, the strong man seemed a little manic. He picked up a sharp shard of glass and aimed it at the shopkeeper's neck.

A trace of blood appeared on the shop owner's neck, and the blood continued to seep out. The giant man wanted to use this behavior to tell the guards who surrounded him that he was not threatening, but that he might do so.

"Help me! Please help me!"

The owner of the store who was held hostage also seemed to be in a panic, his body was constantly shaking, and he looked at the guards in front of him with pleading eyes.

The two groups continued to confront each other, while the other residents watched on.

Violot was mixed in, and the chaos on this island was somewhat beyond her expectations.

She was a little worried that little Rebecca had encountered something dangerous when she disappeared in this place.

At this time, a hurried police whistle cut through the long street, and a man in black denim clothing galloped over from the other end of the long street on a horse.

"It's Sheriff Kuya!"

"Sheriff Kuya is here!"

After watching the man on the horse, the residents shouted excitedly and subconsciously made way for the cowboy.

And after hearing the word "Kuya", the giant man who was holding people hostage seemed to hear the name of the god of death, a frightened expression flashed across his face, and then the next moment.

The strong man actually threw away the hostages in his hands and fled towards the exit of the town.

And that direction... was exactly the direction Violet was standing in.


The residents of the small town around Violet ran away screaming, the giant man picked up a huge iron rod that he did not know where he caught, and started to swing it.

"Get out of the way!"

"Give it all to me..."


A bullet hit his right leg, and the giant stumbled and fell to the ground.

The cowboy named Kuya, the revolver in his hand was emitting green smoke, and the bullet just now was shot from the muzzle of his gun.

The giant man kept struggling and rolling on the ground. Even though his right leg was injured, he still wanted to stand up.

But the town guards didn't give him this chance. The moment the strong man was shot, they rushed towards the strong man. Push the strong man who wants to get up from the ground to the ground.


The strong man stretched out his hand towards Violet, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

But in the end, he was caught.

"This is the bounty criminal nicknamed the bull ghost who made a big fuss in the town before."

Seeing that the strong man was finally caught, Kuya took off his cowboy hat, jumped off the horse, and said apologetically.

"He was released due to our carelessness. I am deeply sorry for that."

As he spoke, the man unexpectedly bowed slowly to the residents of the small town.

"Sheriff Kuya, he's caught."

A guard ran to Kuya's side and said respectfully.

"I will take this vicious bounty hunter to the place where he should go now!"

Kuya said with a righteous face, his resolute face showed a firm expression.

Gives an inexplicable sense of security.

"Thank you Sheriff Kuya!"

"Thank you Sheriff Kuya!"

The residents of the small town seemed to have been accustomed to all this for a long time, and they cheered for Kuya.

This man is the patron saint of this small town. Without him, this small town might not be as peaceful as it is now.

But not everyone respects this sheriff who is like the sun.

Kom spat, and then said with some disdain.


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