Pirate Family

Chapter 924 The Perfect Guardian

"I advise you to restrain yourself recently and don't disturb this beautiful lady."

Sergeant Kuya walked up to Kom, glanced at him, and said slowly.

"Otherwise, I will arrest you in that prison without hesitation, and lock you up with that group of scum."

Ke Mu snorted coldly, and then left the place with his younger brothers, while the patrolmen had already tied up the strong man and brought him into the carriage.

"I have to get out of here because I might be needed somewhere else."

Kuya picked out his cowboy hat, and said gently to Violet.

"If you have any needs, please be sure to contact me, I will definitely do my best to help you."

He looked at Violet with clear eyes, and said with a smile.

"Have a nice trip to Koh Suan."

After finishing speaking, he jumped on the steed he rode over, hummed a little song, and left the long street.

The crowd gradually dispersed. If it wasn't for the puddle of wet blood on the ground, maybe Violet would have thought that she had just hallucinated.

"interesting place."

Violet said to herself, it wasn't because the residents of this place were accustomed to chaos, but because the strong man was struggling to crawl towards him just now.

The eyes did not have the anger and viciousness of a traditional villain, but were full of... despair.

In desperation, there was a trace of prayer, as if he wanted Violet's help.

She found a nearby tavern and sat down, casually ordered a glass of Suan Island's specialty "Red Mustang" cocktail.

"You didn't seem flustered just now?"

After taking a sip of the cocktail, Violet casually asked the bartender who was wiping the inside of the bar.

If you want to find the trace of Rebecca, you must know this place, and the information obtained by the family intelligence department is no match for these local snakes who have lived here for a long time.

"Because this kind of thing happens every once in a while, and everyone is used to it."

The bartender lowered his head and said slowly.

"It's just fortunate that Sergeant Kuya is protecting this place, otherwise, everyone's life may be much more difficult."

Through the bartender's words, Violet simply learned some information about this place.

The old mayor is fatuous and incompetent, and the pirates in the open sea are gradually rampant. The old and arrogant guards are no longer able to protect the town.

There are often pirates or criminals making trouble in this place.

Everyone's life is miserable.

But fortunately, a few years ago, a person drifted to this small island from the open sea, and the residents kindly rescued him. After his body recovered, that person stayed in this place to repay the residents of the town, joining Guard patrol.

Under his leadership, the patrolmen bravely defended the town, and more and more young people who admired him, even many former rogues, were inspired by him to voluntarily join the patrol team. Under their protection, the town gradually became prosperous. In fact, in the hearts of many small town residents, this man's prestige is much heavier than that fatuous old mayor.

"The man who drifted here is Sheriff Kuya?"

Violet asked slowly.

"That's right! It's Sheriff Kuya!"

After mentioning Sergeant Kuya, the bartender couldn't hide his admiration for him.

"He saved this place, everyone respects him!"

"Is that so?"

Violet said to herself. This Kuya sounds like a perfect person.

Just, kind, gentle, and wholeheartedly deal with the evils of the world and protect the residents of the town.

It's almost like a traditional old-school knight.

"So, what's the deal with the world boxing match in this small town?"

After learning about Kuya's experience, Violet asked another question of her own.

Before Rebecca disappeared, she mentioned that she was very interested in this game, which is why Violet tracked all the way to this place.

"Fighting from fist to flesh is the romance of a man!"

"Boxing competition is a tradition in Suan Island. At first, it was just for our own entertainment. Later, in the continuous development, the scale of boxing competition continued to grow. Many famous boxers came here especially, hoping to compete in a Break through yourself in a bloody battle, or become famous in one battle."

Mentioning this game, the bartender became excited. He lowered his voice and said to Violet.

"Guest, you came at a good time. The audition for the boxing match is about to end, and the boxing match will be officially held in two days."

"At that time, you will not regret that you have come to this place."

The bartender made a fool of himself on purpose and said so.

"Won't you regret it?"

Violet said to herself. She casually took out a few Baileys and handed them to the bartender as a tip for the bartender. Then I was about to go out and find a place to rest.

"Thank you guest!"

Seeing Violet with such a generous shot, the bartender smiled, and quickly put Bailey away.

"Guest, if you like some exciting games, maybe you can go to Old Buck."

"He lives next door at No. 104 Tiansha Street, and he can take you to some very exciting games."

"Thank you, but I didn't come to watch the game."

Violet turned around and said seriously to the bartender.

"I'm just a parent looking for a disobedient child."


"A boxing match, a righteous sheriff, a cowboy town, people who seem to be used to chaos..."

Violet, who walked out of the bar, quickly found a hotel. After coming to her room, she took out a piece of paper and wrote down her experience of coming to this place.

A very normal town, relying on the famous boxing match to attract tourists.

But for some reason, Violet always felt that something was wrong.

"Little Rebecca was also attracted to this place, so this so-called boxing match may be a breakthrough."

After writing down something, Violet said to herself.

"Looks like it's time to get some help."

She pulled out a delicate miniature phone bug,

Blue, blue, blue.

After connecting to the phone bug, Violet said slowly to the other end of the phone bug.

"I need some support."

"Three powerful family warriors."

"What is it used for?"

Violet paused, then spoke slowly.

"Enter a boxing match."

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