Pirate Family

Chapter 925 Boxing Match

"Number A-94"

"Number A-96"

"Number A-55"

Violet looked at the three men and one woman who appeared in front of her, and slowly read the numbers on their chests.

These three people, like three statues, are powerful and expressionless. This is the support that Violet asked the family for. As one of the core cadres of the family, she carries the badge marked with the ability of Sanchuanlu all the year round, so that when needed, she can open the door of the family's void.

These three experimental subjects were sent through the void gate after she asked for support.

Violet is very clear about a truth, that is, when facing different opponents, different methods should be adopted.

Since the disappearance of little Rebecca is related to this so-called "boxing competition", she will go to see what kind of secrets this "boxing competition" hides.

These three experimental subjects belonged to a well-known "Boxer Pirates" before. Their captain, Gula, was a strong man who had won the gold belt of the boxing champion in the underground world. Boxer Daisy has fought against each other, and the two have won each other.

After leaving the underground world, Dess chose to join Tezolo's command and became a member of defending his golden empire, while Gula chose to create the "Boxer Pirates" to go to sea to pursue it. The "ONE-PIECE" that really exists.

In the boxing match in the underground world, Gula's strength had already grown to a terrifying level, so he quickly completed his trip to the paradise. A super rookie with 200 million Baileys. Many well-known boxers have followed him.

But Gula made a wrong decision after entering the new world.

That is to choose to attack the family's transport ship and want to intercept the family's weapons and ammunition. And just that time, the cadre who escorted the transport ship loaded with munitions was Jody who had just been defeated by Snake Princess and had nowhere to vent her anger.

Jody easily defeated the "Boxer Pirates", while Gula jumped into the sea under the cover of all his companions and disappeared.

Gage used the remains of these dead boxers to create two experimental bodies, A-94 and A-96.

As former boxers, they couldn't be more suitable to participate in this world boxing competition.

Except for the slight stiffness in body movements, these experimental subjects are no different from normal people. That's why Violet chose them.

"You split up to find a registration point to register, and try to last longer in the boxing ring."

"Whether you can win or not is not important. Once you find Rebecca's trail, you will change the mission and take protecting Rebecca's safety as the first goal."

Violet sat on a chair, lit a cigarette, looked at these experimental subjects, and said slowly.

After receiving the order, these experimental subjects nodded, and then slowly retreated. Walked in all directions of the street.

Watching the backs of several experimental subjects gradually going away. Violet exhaled a puff of smoke, she always felt that she had overlooked something.

Is little Rebecca really in this place?

Violet didn't know, and it occurred to her then that it would be nice if Lorne was in this place. But now Lorne is busy looking for clues to the main text of the history, and he is not happy at all.

As Lorne's secretary, Violet certainly wouldn't bother Lorne.

"Hopefully, there will be no surprises."

Violet stood in front of the window sill, looking at the backs of several experimental subjects, and said to herself.

But she didn't notice that the registration point downstairs was not far from the hotel where she lived.

An experimental subject chose to sign up here. And behind this experimental body.

Standing was a man with dreadlocks, the man raised his head, and a light flashed in his eyes. Everyone who looked at him felt a chilling feeling.

It was like seeing a hungry wolf.

"Boss, do we really want to participate in this competition? With your and my strength, what is the difference between participating in this kind of competition and bullying children."

Behind the man with dreadlocks, a one-eyed man said in a puzzled way. As pirates who have traveled to the new world, they are indeed fundamentally different from those who live in the "Paradise".

Or it can be said that after mastering the skill of "Domineering", they are no longer a kind of creature.

"Sign up?"

The dreadlocked man smiled slightly,

"Why are we competing?"

"Then what are we doing here, Boss?" Cyclops was a little puzzled. After leaving that ship, they fled in a hurry in a small boat, and were almost discovered by the group of navy like tarsus maggots.

For them now, hiding themselves is more important than anything else.

"Because I saw this, I forgot about a family thing. A very important thing."

The man with dirty braids said slowly.

"We fell into a misunderstanding, thinking that that man is omnipotent, because we are afraid of his reputation, we can only run away and hide our identity."

"Isn't that so?"

One-eyed was a little dazed.

"No, no, no, that man is scary, but there are still two places in this world that he can't reach."

"One, it's the World Government." The man with dreadlocks said slowly, and then pointed to his feet with his finger.

"The other place is here."



"He won again, he has won five games in a row today!"

On a certain arena. A boxer stares blankly at his fallen opponent as the referee raises his arm, declaring him victory.

The commentary on the commentary stand shouted excitedly.

"There is no doubt! This is a boxer with the strength of a stable boxing gold belt!"

"But don't forget! In several other arenas, players with overwhelming strength also appeared! And this is only the first day of the competition! He wants to become the leader of this arena and defeat all Challenger!"

The other commentator interrupted his colleague and said mercilessly.

"But you are right about one thing. This year's competition is much more exciting than previous years!"

"Are you questioning my professionalism as a boxing commentator for ten years?"

"Did you hide in the toilet of the stadium to watch the game ten years ago? You didn't even understand the most basic rules."

Two explanations. They were making jokes in the commentary booth, and the audience around them laughed out loud at their jokes from time to time.

The whole arena was very lively.

In the auditorium, a young woman in a black suit frowned slightly, as if she was out of tune with the lively arena.

Because, until now, she has not found any trace of little Rebecca.

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