Pirate Family

Chapter 926: The Tenacious Boxer

However, Violet saw a few interesting players in the group arena.

"This little guy is still holding on! Let's see how long he can hold on to this black boxer!"

The commentators are passionately explaining the game. Their job is to lead the atmosphere of the game to a climax.

An immature boy about seventeen or eighteen years old was knocked down again and again, wiped off the blood stains on his body, and stood up tenaciously.

His eyes were fixed on his opponent, like a hungry wolf that had just started hunting its prey, and would never admit defeat.

Violet liked the boy's eyes very much, this kind of eyes, just like herself who fled from Dressrosa back then. In the face of an opponent who cannot compete, he will never lower his head.

But it is very possible, this boy will not meet his Lorne.

Violet felt that the boy's opponent, the dark-skinned boxer, had no intentions at all, but was like a cat playing with a mouse, when the mouse was about to give up, he relaxed a little, giving him hope, Then when the mouse thought it was about to win, it showed stronger strength.

However, no matter how stubborn a mouse is, it is just a mouse after all.

A boy can never defeat this opponent, just as a mouse can never defeat a cat.


A heavy punch from the dark boxer directly hit the boy's abdomen. Violet, who was sitting in the auditorium, could even hear the sound of bones breaking.

As a dark boxer on the attacking side, it is impossible for his hand bones to be broken, so what Violet heard at this time could only be the sound of the teenager's ribs or vertebrae breaking.

But no matter which bone is broken, the boy will lose his combat effectiveness.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

The referee leaned beside the boy and started the countdown. Once the countdown ends, it means that the game is about to end.

There were bursts of cheers from the auditorium. As spectators, of course they don't care about the boy's life or death, they just want to see a wonderful game.

And the scene of a tenacious young man who never admits defeat and defeats a powerful enemy is very popular no matter in any era.


And the dark boxer has already raised his hands at this time, circling the ring like victory, interacting with the audience from time to time.

And some luxuriously dressed ladies blew kisses to the dark boxer unabashedly.

No one would hate this kind of man who is physically strong, fit and powerful.

"Lie down, there is no need to sacrifice your life for those illusory honors."

And Violet frowned slightly, looked at the young man who fell to the ground, and said to herself.

She likes the boy's eyes, so she doesn't want such a stubborn boy to die in such a place.

But Violet will not save him, because anyone must pay the price for their own decisions.

Now that you decide to step onto this stage, you must have the consciousness of death.

Whether it's the arena or the sea, it's all the same.

No one is an exception.

"four three,……"

The referee was still counting down, and the boy was still lying on the ground, and there was a real sigh in the audience. And the dark boxer also walked in front of his opponent, as if he wanted to see this tenacious young man's expression of failure.


But just when the referee was counting down to the second, the boy who fell on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up, grabbed the body of the dark boxer, and hugged him tightly like an octopus. On the body of the swarthy boxer. Then he opened his mouth and bit down hard on the dark boxer's ear.


The swarthy boxer screamed in pain, caught off guard, he couldn't react at all.

"Come on, kill this opponent!"

"You are the strongest, tenacious little wolf!"


There were bursts of cheers from the auditorium, and the audience who were a little lost just now burst into cheers after seeing this scene.

Some excited audiences even stood up directly. Waving his arms, he shouted excitedly at the boy.

"How dare you bastard..."

And the dark boxer said with a ferocious face, he grabbed the boy's throat fiercely with one hand, and slowly pulled him off his body.


Blood gushed out from the black boxer's ears, spattering the boy's face.

Just now, he actually bit off the black boxer's ear.

"I am going to kill you!"

Looking at the half of his ear in the boy's mouth, the dark boxer roared ferociously. He grabbed the boy's neck and lifted him up.

Then it hit the ground hard.


The boy's body suddenly hit the ground, bounced up again and was kicked away by the black boxer.


The boy rolled on the ground several times, trying to struggle to get up, but this time, he couldn't stand up anymore.

After plopping on the ground a few times, he fell to the ground, motionless.

After confirming that the boy had lost consciousness, the referee quickly walked up to the dark boxer and raised his hand.

"The winner of this match is our black boxer, No. SQ-16!"

The audience cheered again. They thought the game was over, but they didn't expect this tenacious boy to give them such a big surprise.

Until the end, I will never know who the last body is, and I will never give in.

This is the charm of a boxing match, and it is also the reason why they traveled thousands of miles to watch this match.

Only Violet sat silent in the auditorium. She looked at the boy who fell on the ground, lowered her head slightly, thoughtful.

She didn't know why these people worked so hard, but one thing was certain.

That was this boxing match, and it was not as "peaceful" as she thought.

In the evening, the first day of competition ended.

Several subjects returned to the hotel where Violet lived, and reported today's discovery to her.

"Is there still no trace of little Rebecca?"

Violet said with some disappointment, little Rebecca seemed to have evaporated and disappeared on this small island.

If it weren't for the fact that the family's intelligence department had never made a mistake, she even thought that the news she got was false.

"Maybe, you can contact some rulers of this place."

"Ask him to help find the little guy."

Violet said to herself, no matter how powerful the family's intelligence department is, it is still an outsider after all, not comparable to the local snake that has taken root in this place for decades.

If you get the help of the ruler of this place, you may be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

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