Pirate Family

Chapter 927: The Old Mayor

Although little Rebecca is very naughty, after experiencing Dressrosa's escape, she is far more mature than her peers.

No matter what she did before, she would at least let the family know her whereabouts, but this time, little Rebecca had been missing for too long.

This different situation made Violet feel deeply disturbed.

"It is necessary to meet the ruler of this island."

Violet said to herself.

As for whether the ruler of this small island will reject her, Violet has never considered this situation.

For people in such a small place, the name of the Vinhill family is like a mountain, weighing heavily on them.

Unless they wanted to be killed, they didn't have the guts to refuse the Vernhill family's request.

The town is not big, and with the help of the bartender, Violet quickly arrived at the place where the mayor lived.

"May I ask what you want from me?"

A small and thin old man raised his reading glasses and looked at the woman in front of him.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are not from this small town, are you a tourist here to watch the game?"

Violet didn't speak, but looked at the stupid and incompetent old mayor in the bartender's words.

The place where the old mayor lived was simpler than she had imagined. Apart from a servant who was also aged, the old man was the only one left in the whole house.

The old man couldn't tell his age, but the wrinkles on his face could almost kill mosquitoes, and his eyes were extremely cloudy. It wasn't until the servant walked behind him and patted his shoulder lightly that the old man slowly woke up come over.

"I am indeed not a resident of this island."

Violet took out a small heavy bag, and the metal objects inside kept colliding with each other, making a crisp sound.

After she placed the small bag on the table, she opened it, and it was filled with golden coins.

"But I also didn't come to watch the game on this small island. I came here to find someone."

Violet stared at the old mayor's cloudy eyes, and said slowly.

"I want to find a little girl, she is my niece, who disappeared in this small town."

"I'm very worried about her and I would be very grateful if you could help me find her."

After finishing speaking, she pushed the small bag full of gold coins in front of the old mayor.

The reason why the family name was not used at the beginning was because it was Violet's last resort. If Bailey can solve the problem, there is no need to risk being discovered by the navy and revealing his whereabouts.

"What, someone is missing in my town!"

After hearing Violet's words, the old man suddenly opened his cloudy eyes and said excitedly.

"Still a little girl, that's too dangerous!"

He didn't even look at the small bag full of gold coins.

"I'll help you contact the police immediately, and we must find that little girl."

Violet was slightly surprised by the old mayor's reaction. This is completely different from her impression.

"That's it... please."

But since this is the case, Violet can only say gratefully to the old mayor.

"Just before that, can you describe the appearance of the missing little girl so that I can find her trace?"


After sending Violet away, the old mayor looked at the portrait based on Violet's description, pondered for a while, and then waved.

A servant appeared behind him. This old servant had been standing in the shadows, waiting for the old mayor's call.

"Help me send this portrait to Kuya and let him take a look."

The old mayor handed the portrait in his hand to the old servant, and then said slowly.

"Let him look for, is this missing little girl in, that place."


When Violet walked out of the old mayor's residence, there was still some surprise on her face.

Because the enthusiasm of this old mayor is somewhat extraordinary, no matter what his ability is. It is impossible for such an enthusiastic old man to end up with an image of "faint and incompetent" in the mouths of the residents.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and there must be something wrong with it.

But Violet couldn't find anything that made her feel wrong.

"I hope I'm worrying too much."

Unable to figure it out, Violet simply stopped thinking about it. It would be best if little Rebecca could come back safely.

Even though it was evening, the whole town was still bustling with activity. Many tourists hadn't calmed down from the excitement brought by the boxing match, and they were throwing themselves into the colorful nightlife of this small island.

But these excitement has nothing to do with Violet.

Right now, she only wanted to find traces of little Rebecca.

Then at this moment, Violet suddenly stopped her steps, frowned slightly, and looked at the few people who stood in front of her.

"Good night, cowboys."

Violet said softly,

"What's the matter with you?"

The person standing in front of her was the group of Ke Mu who had harassed her just after she came to this town.

"I heard that you are looking for someone."

Colm whistled and looked at Violet.

"Is it a little girl?"

A murderous intent flashed in Violet's eyes. Although she did not hide her purpose of coming to this town this time, being exposed by this cowboy so lightly made her feel a little uncomfortable.

I had just left the old mayor's house just now, so the person who leaked the secret would not be the old mayor. Except for this time, the only time I showed my purpose was the bar.

Is this the cowboy the bartender told you about?

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you."

Violet said nonchalantly that she didn't like being entangled, and if these people continued to entangle like this, she might adopt some slightly "radical" methods.

You know, her profession is a pirate!

"I thought I might be able to help you."

But the cowboy didn't seem to hear the coldness in Violet's tone, he stretched out a hand and stopped Violet. He said with a smile.

"After all, I am very familiar with this small town."


Violet clenched her fist slightly, and a layer of jet-black military-colored arrogance covered her fist.

But the moment she was about to make a move, she seemed to feel something, let go of her hand slightly, and then lowered her head.

A group of navy came in from the town.

A female navy commodore with long blue hair passed behind Violet as if looking for a criminal.

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