Pirate Family

Chapter 928: Kem's Advice

Why did the navy appear in this place!

Could it be that his whereabouts have been exposed?

In an instant, countless questions flashed through Violet's heart, but she still forcibly suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and lowered her head slightly.

"Excuse me, do you have any questions?"

When the blue-haired navy passed by Violet, he seemed to notice something was wrong, turned around, and said doubtfully to Violet, whose back was turned to her.

"Oh, she's just a little excited after watching the fierce boxing match."

But at this time, Kom timely helped Violet out of the siege, he showed a charming smile, and said to the naval officer.

"I am a resident of this small island, does this beautiful lady need a guide?"

"no thank you."

The blue-haired navy slowly shook his head,

"We didn't come to watch this boxing match, but according to the news we got, there is a vicious criminal who may be hiding on this small island."

"That's really unfortunate."

Kom showed a look of surprise, he glanced at Violet who was pretending to be calm, and then

"I wish you all the best in your actions. If you need anything, please feel free to come to me. I can help you."


The female naval officer nodded and smiled.

"Hope you guys have fun."

After finishing speaking, she left here with her subordinates.

Looking at the navy army that was gradually going away, Violet's hanging heart did not let go. She stared into Ke Mu's eyes and said coldly.

"Why help me?"

Although she didn't know which link was wrong, Violet was sure that this group of navy should be targeting her.

"I don't believe that such a beautiful and capable lady is a vicious criminal in the eyes of the navy."

And this is what Kom replied. He picked out his cowboy hat and whistled.

"It's just that if you want to find someone, perhaps Old Buck can help you."

old buck!

A cold light flashed in Violet's eyes, this was the second time she had heard this name.

The last time, I heard this name from the bartender when I was inquiring about news at the bar. In the mouths of these people, Old Buck seemed to be an omnipotent person, able to fulfill any request of the people.

This feeling is like God.

A god on some remote island in the great seaway?

"Interesting, I'll visit him."

Violet said so, although she didn't know why Ke Mu suddenly showed kindness to her, but since Ke Mu helped her, she wouldn't directly attack him just because he pestered her several times.

"If you want to find him, please be sure to find some helpers, because you have to go through a small desert to reach Sweet Sand Street, and there is a group of vicious robbers hiding in this small desert, killing many Residents of Koh Suan and even some tourists."

"One more thing."

Kom looked around, as if afraid of being overheard by someone. He lowered his voice and said to Violet.

"Please be careful of the old mayor, and Kuya and the others."


When Violet returned to her hotel, it was already late at night. Except for a few people who were having fun outside, there were more tourists and residents returning to their residence after a busy day.

"Today, there is still no trace of little Rebecca, and I began to wonder if there was something wrong with the intelligence."

Violet took out a notebook and began to record today's experience.

"And for some reason, the navy has come to this small island, and they may have noticed my existence."

She paused, then wrote a name.


The naval officer who noticed her was Ai Yin, the famous naval star some time ago. For some famous admirals in these navies, there are records within the family, so Violet will definitely not admit mistakes.

And since Ain has come to this place, it means one thing, that is, this time is not an ordinary naval patrol, but that they are indeed hunting down a certain dangerous pirate.

For example... myself.

"The navy has come to this town. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, we must speed up the search for little Rebecca."

"We must find little Rebecca before the navy finds itself in chaos."

So wrote Violet.

Obviously not well-known, but unexpectedly warm and hospitable old mayor, appearance unrestrained, had unpleasant experiences with himself, but he helped his cowboys in critical moments, even in the boxing ring, those young and immature, But they seem to insist on something, boxers who will never give up.

This small town has a weird atmosphere everywhere.

Violet decided to give the town another day. If there is still no trace of Violet by tomorrow, she will take some other "means".

But at this moment, she seemed to remember something, and wrote down a name at the bottom of the notebook.

"Old Buck."

She decided to meet this mysterious old Buck who seemed to be omnipotent tomorrow.


The next day, when the first ray of sunshine shone on this charming town in the morning, many people had already woken up.

Residents of many small towns start their day busy, while tourists appreciate this rare exotic style.

"I won't watch today's game. If you encounter anything, you can deal with it yourself, and the highest order is to protect little Rebecca."

After Violet gave orders to the three experimental subjects, she slowly left the hotel.

She is going to find the mysterious old Buck.

No. 104, Tiansha Street.

Violet held a piece of paper, which recorded the location of Old Buck.

She easily bought a tame horse from the stables, and rode the horse away from the long street.

It must be said here that because of the terrain, Suan Island is divided into two parts by the desert, so it is not so much two streets in one small town, but two small towns on the same island. .

So if you want to go from one small street to another, you have to cross a small desert. If you walk, it will waste a lot of time.

And in this cowboy town, the most common means of transportation are all kinds of fierce horses, and Violet chose a very simple way, which is to buy a batch of fierce horses.

For a normal family, a batch of high-quality horses is an unaffordable sum of money, but for the huge Wienhill family, it is only a very insignificant sum.

Then, a very strange picture appeared on the side street.

A shrewd and capable lady in a lady's suit, drove a group of strong horses, and left the street in a dusty manner.

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