Pirate Family

Chapter 929 Sweet Sand Town

"damn it."

Looking at the map in her hand, Violet frowned slightly.

This small island is bigger than she imagined, or in other words, the distance between the streets on this small island is much farther than she imagined.

Looking at the yellow sand all around her and the little water left in her hand, she frowned.

This was her mistake, but this little difficulty did not bother Violet. She put the map in her hand, then connected her index fingers and thumbs to form a circle, spread the other three fingers, and placed the circle on the onto his eye sockets.

She is a person with the ability to stare at the fruit. As long as she makes this action, her own eyesight will be infinitely magnified. If this ability is developed to a high level, it may not be a difficult thing to see through people's hearts.

However, this vision is enough for now. Violet seemed to see through the yellow sand all over the sky, and searched in the desert, and soon found the place she was looking for.

"at this place!"

She looked towards a certain direction of the desert, and when she was about to ride her horse towards that place, she suddenly stopped her pace as if she remembered something.

"Come out."

Violet said slowly to the surrounding yellow sand. But just like she was talking to herself, no one answered her.

"Aren't you willing to show up?"

Violet took out a delicate small revolver from her waist, and the barrel of the pistol was engraved with a beautiful pattern of the misty moon.

She raised her pistol and slowly pulled the trigger against a certain part of the yellow sand.


A bullet came out of the chamber and accurately hit a small dirt bag next to it.


A scream sounded. A trace of blood slowly seeped out of the small soil bag.

The blood was quickly dried by the yellow sand, leaving only a dark blood stain on the ground.

"Do not misunderstand."

At this time, a clear and hearty voice sounded in the yellow sand.

A handsome cowboy in a police uniform slowly stepped out of the yellow sand. He tore off the veil that covered his face, revealing his handsome and sunny face.

"It's you?"

Violet looked at the cowboy who came out of the yellow sand, and said with some surprise.

The man who suddenly appeared was the former Sheriff Kuya!

"My subordinates found someone walking through the desert, and thought it was a sand bandit hiding in the desert, so they followed him secretly."

"I didn't expect it to be a tourist."

He waved his hand, and a group of people in police uniforms slowly came out of the desert. One of the bearded men covered his shoulders with his hands, and blood dripped down his arms to the ground. He looked at Violet with hostility.

This person is the one who was shot earlier.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding."

Violet said slowly. But he did not let go of his revolver.

As I said before, she is a staring man with a staring fruit, so when this group of people started following her, she was discovered.

Like Kuya, she also thought that these people were some sand pirates who dared not enter the sea, so after finding this opportunity, she shot at them without hesitation.

"Do tourists want to go to Sweet Sand Town next door?"

Kuya looked at Violet and asked tentatively.

Because the distance between the two streets is too far, many residents of Suan Island are also accustomed to calling Tiansha Street Tiansha Town.

"I just happened to be going to Tiansha Town to perform a mission. If tourists don't mind, you can go with me."

"Then, I will trouble you."

Violet nodded, since these people wanted to act as her flower protectors, she didn't have to give in anymore.

Moreover, with the help of these locals, she could reach Tiansha Town faster and find that old Buck.

Perhaps because of the fear of Kuya and the others, after Kuya and the others appeared, the group arrived at a place where many buildings gathered without any disturbance.

Look at the wooden boards that have been eroded by the desert and imprinted with sweet sand. Violet knew she had reached her destination.

"Then we are going to carry out the mission. I wish you a pleasant journey in this place."

Kuya took off his hat to Violet, bowed slightly, and rode away with his men.

"No. 104, Tiansha Street."

Violet once again took out her previous note, planning to follow the note all the way to find it.

Perhaps because of being in the desert and being harassed by sand bandits all year round, the residents of this town are not as active as the previous town, but rather lifeless.

From time to time, a few people with excited smiles on their faces passed by, and Violet could also tell from their clothes that these people were all tourists who came to this place.

At the same time that Violet noticed the tourists, the tourists also noticed her.

And looked at Violet with undisguised, aggressive eyes.

This feeling of being scrutinized from top to bottom made Violet feel very uncomfortable. It's just that now is not the time to worry about these things. She stopped a passing resident and took out her little note.

"Excuse me, how to get to this place?"

Violet handed the little note to the resident. This little boy who was a little lifeless, after seeing this little note, his eyes widened instantly as if he saw something terrible.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong?"

Violet noticed that something was wrong with the little boy, and asked in surprise.

The resident wriggled his mouth and was about to say something when a bell rang suddenly.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Run! The cleaning has begun!"

The little boy yelled at Violet in despair, then grabbed Violet's arm, and hid in a dark alley.

Violet and the little boy hid in this alley for a long time, but they didn't feel any danger outside. So he stood up slowly and walked out.

The street outside is the same as before, except for the sparsely populated and gloomy faces of the residents, there is nothing wrong with it.

The little boy was trembling, as if he was still in fear.

"Get away from that little guy, he's a lunatic."

At this time, a middle-aged woman waved to Violet, and then said slowly.

"If I heard correctly just now, you should be looking for a place."

"I've lived in this place for decades, and I can take you there if you want."

Looking at the smile on the face of the woman in front of her, and the trembling little boy behind her, Violet felt an indescribable strange feeling.

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