Pirate Family

Chapter 931 Sand Pirates

Looking at these strong men who kept approaching her, Violet frowned slightly.

Although she is gentle, don't forget that her original profession is a pirate!

And none of the pirates is a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others. The behavior of these people has undoubtedly touched Violet's back scales.

"It seems that I still look too easy to bully, right?"

Violet stood up slowly, and smiled at the strong men who surrounded her.

At some point, her hands and arms were wrapped in jet-black domineering armor.

"Don't let her get away!"

And the middle-aged woman still hid behind and yelled, she stared at Violet like she was staring at a bunch of Baileys who could walk.

"You guys, why don't you move! Grab her, grab her and we will be free!"

But at this time, the group of strong men stood still, motionless, and the middle-aged woman roared anxiously.

"They may not be able to listen to you for a while."

Violet slowly walked towards the middle-aged woman, and when she passed by this group of strong men, the group of strong men fell to resist one by one.

A deep depression appeared in their chests.

After all, the body of an ordinary person is still too fragile, and compared with a woman like Violet who has experienced countless cruel battlefields, it is still too far behind.

So Violet easily knocked out this group of people with bad intentions.

"You! You! Don't come here!"

Seeing the strong men lying on the ground, a trace of regret finally flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged woman, and she yelled at Violet in horror.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

And Violet walked up to the middle-aged woman, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and whispered into the middle-aged woman's ear.

"I ask, you answer. If you behave well, I can let you go."

She found that the usual methods were useless, so she decided to take some measures that only pirates would take.

Although, these means may be somewhat "crude".


After a while, Violet got the information she wanted and left Sweet Sand Town.

And she did not kill the middle-aged woman, but hung her, and those strong men with bad intentions, on a crooked neck tree. Let the yellow sand erode their bodies.

If no one rescued them, these people would die of dehydration after being exposed to the sun for three days in the yellow sand all over the sky.

For these people, Violet has no kind thoughts, because she believes that if she is not a pirate, but an ordinary tourist without fighting ability, her fate will not be worse than this group of people. good.

There is no mercy in the world of pirates, anyone must pay the price for their actions.

This was the first lesson Lorne taught Violet before, and she always kept it in mind.

When she returned to her residence again, it was already evening, and several experimental subjects put the reports on her desk.

Violet looked at these reports, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Still no news of little Rebecca.

Only this time, Violet has found the context of the matter.

She already has some clues.

On the second day, several experimental subjects did not come back, because after several rounds of competition, they had already entered the qualifying round and were invited to participate in the gathering among boxers.

Late at night, when everyone fell asleep, Violet suddenly heard a loud noise coming from outside.

"The Sand Bandits are coming!"

"The Sand Bandits are coming!"

There were bursts of gunshots outside, as well as residents and tourists shouting in panic.

"Is it really here?"

And Violet didn't panic, but sat up slowly from the bed, took out the notebook that recorded her recent whereabouts, tore off a piece of paper, wrote something on it, and then The paper was hidden in a floor somewhere.

Finally a moon symbol was drawn on the floor.

After doing all this, Violet sat quietly on the chair, as if waiting for something.

After a while, there was a commotion below the hotel. Then the door of Violet's room was broken into, and several sand robbers armed with weapons and covering their faces tightly rushed in from outside.

"What are you going to do?"

Violet pretended to be flustered and said to the group of sand robbers. But before she finished speaking, she felt a blunt object hit her head suddenly.

The next moment, she lost consciousness.

The riots caused by the sand robbers lasted for a long time. By the time the navy arrived at this place, the sand robbers had already left the town, leaving only some looted shops in the town, and Destroyed buildings.

"Report to Lord Ain. According to the information from the old mayor of Su'an Town, a total of 25 people were missing in this riot, including 12 residents and 13 tourists."

In the navy's temporary base, a navy trotted up to Ain, took out a document and reported to Ain.

"There are countless property losses, which cannot be counted for the time being."

"Did Sand Pirates do it?"

Ain picked up the document and looked at it, then frowned slightly.

She came to this place to pursue the pirate who destroyed the ship before, the wild wolf Gao Suo. She thought that Gao Suo was also the one who caused the tragedy last night, but she didn't expect it. The culprit is the sand bandits on this small island.

"indeed so."

Haijun nodded and said seriously.

"Because of the geographical environment of this small island, a group of sand robbers have been hiding in the desert in the center. This group of people has caused huge property losses to the town."

"Last night's tragedy should have been done by that group of Sand Bandits."

"Whoever the culprit is."

Ain closed the document in his hand, and said slowly.

"It has always been the Navy's responsibility to protect innocent residents."

"This time, I want to wipe out this group of Sand Bandits."

This young woman with the title of Navy Star said firmly.

"All the navy, search the place where the tragedy happened yesterday. The group of sand bandits may have left some clues."


Behind Ai Yin, countless navies roared in unison.

Behind them, the navy cloaks engraved with azure justice fluttered in the wind.


When Violet slowly woke up from the severe pain, she found that her hands and feet were bound by iron chains and imprisoned in a steel cage.

It was pitch black outside, and nothing could be seen.

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