Pirate Family

Chapter 932 Kidnapping

She was kidnapped.

This is Violet's judgment on the current situation, but she did not panic, but began to explore the surrounding environment.

Although her hands were bound by iron chains, she was able to move slightly, and soon she was touching the iron posts of the cage.

The cold touch of steel made Violet's heart slightly calmer. She slowly closed her eyes and began to feel the surrounding environment.

The outside world was pitch black, the air was slightly humid, and there was a strange smell.

The smell of some kind of animal feces was mixed with the smell of decomposed corpses. This smell quite challenged the tolerance of human beings.

However, these were not difficult things for Violet to accept, she frowned slightly, and then continued to grope outside. The arms bound by the chains couldn't stretch out too far from the cage, Violet groped along the ground, and soon touched a hard object.

The surface of the object was a little rough, with some viscous liquid on it, which made Violet feel a little uncomfortable, but just as she was about to continue groping, she suddenly heard some slight footsteps coming from above.

She quickly retracted her arms, then curled up in the corner of the cage, pretending to be terrified.

cluck cluck.

It was as if a certain heavy iron door was opened, and a beam of light came down from above. Only then did Violet see her situation clearly.

In a rather vast cave, there are countless icy cages densely packed, and in each cage is a sallow-faced and emaciated person.

These people were dressed in rags, as if they had lost hope, lying decadently at the foot of the cage.

A considerable part of the cages contained some dead bones, and the people imprisoned in them were unable to leave this place until they died.

The rotten smell of corpses emanates from this pile of dead bones.

And the hard object with viscous liquid that Violet just touched was a leg bone. A few skeletons, who had been dead for an unknown amount of time, were hung in the middle of the cave, and the owner of the leg bone that Violet just touched was among them.

Walking in from the door were three strong men, two of whom were holding a huge basin filled with an indescribable viscous liquid.

"It's feeding time every three days, thank you for our kindness, pigs."

The man's voice echoed in the cave, and then two men in gray-brown robes holding basins walked up to each cage, and used a simple spoon to scoop out a large spoon from the large basin in their hands, like throwing He fell down in front of the cage like an animal.

And these imprisoned people, as if they had been hungry for a long time, immediately stood up from the cage excitedly, and then ignored the dirty ground, attached themselves to the front of the cage, and began to lick the sticky things on the ground.

This feeling is like being eaten by pigs in captivity.

And when the two masked men walked up to Violet and threw a sticky substance in front of the cage, Violet realized that she was wrong.

This is not feeding pigs, because this pile of sticky stuff is almost like leftovers from eating, and then mixed with the cheapest brown rice.

Something even pigs won't eat.

"This woman is not the lowest commodity."

The leading man spoke slowly, and he waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to bring Violet out of it.

"Take her away,"

The man who seemed to be the leader said slowly, he looked at Violet carefully, and looked at the terrified expression on the woman's face.

"Be careful, don't hurt her, this is top-quality goods, if you hurt her, Old Buck will be very angry."

"Who is this old Buck you're talking about?"

At this time, Violet said with a flustered face, she looked around, the scene around her made her even more frightened, and she pretended to be calm.

"I can give you enough Pele, and in exchange, you give me my freedom."


And the leading man burst out laughing as if he had heard some funny joke.

Not only him, but even his two subordinates laughed out loud.

"Have you not understood where you are, ma'am?"

"I know what you're thinking. Are you trying to leave here and then wait for an opportunity to retaliate against us? This kind of thing has been done by more than one person before you." He pointed to the few people who were hung in the middle, playfully Said.

"And that's what happened to them."

Perhaps because the man's words frightened Violet, the woman lowered her head and remained silent for a long time.

And Violet's silence made the man very useful, and he spoke slowly after a while.

"But you are different from them. You are the top stuff. If you are wasted at will, we will feel distressed for a long time, so I will tell you in advance."

"Give up your unrealistic escape idea, this island is our territory."

"Once falling into the dark world, no one can see the light again."

The man said slowly.

"A dark world?"

Violet, on the other hand, was chewing on the man's words, she said word by word, without any emotional fluctuations, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Give in so soon?"

The man smiled slightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Aren't you so proud before?"

He seems to know me well, has he met me before?

Violet lowered her head, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

From the short words of the man, she came to this judgment.

As for men, or the forces they belonged to, Violet also had a simple judgment.

After a conversation that seemed to be venting, the man let Violet go. He waved his hand and said to the two masked men.

"Old Buck must have been waiting for a long time to bring this woman up and let her understand her situation."

A cloth bag was put on Violet's head, so that she could not see the situation outside clearly, so she could only let two masked men lead her forward.

She knew the purpose of doing this was to prevent others from knowing the route.

It seems that this force seems to be quite cautious. Is this why they have been standing on this island and have not been eliminated by the navy for so long?

Although she was not interested in the group of navies who claimed to be righteous, Violet knew that if the Naval Headquarters knew the true situation of the island, they would definitely send a fleet to completely eradicate the forces rooted here.

But they are still alive, that is to say, either they cover up too well and completely cover up the traces of their existence.

Or...someone is helping them cover it up.

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