Pirate Family

Chapter 933 The Dark Side of Suan Island

Violet walked for a long time before she stopped.

When the cloth bag was taken off her head, the glare of the light made her slightly unable to blink. When she regained her senses, she found herself sitting in a magnificent hall.

The decoration of the hall is extremely elegant, and a huge painted painting is inlaid on the wall.

Above is a shirtless man nailed to a cross.

His eyes were lowered, as if he was on the verge of death, or... like a newborn.

"Picture of the Crucifixion." Violet recognized the painting.

This is the painting master of Makaha, the capital of ancient art, and also a devout believer of Angelism, the work of Master Bere Xiaosi before his death.

He used his whole body to serve the Church of Angels. Before he died, Xuancheng himself was inspired and created this work.

Even though this work was listed as a treasure by the Church of Angels, which was still very powerful at that time, it was lost by the Church of Angels after the war.

In nearly a hundred years, this work has appeared in the sea several times, and it has been flocked to by those self-proclaimed collectors.

Every time it appeared, it fetched a jaw-droppingly high price. The last time it appeared was in Xihai, where it was bought by an unknown collector for more than 800 million Baileys.

Violet did not expect this work to appear here.

She couldn't help but look at the owner of this place, a short and thin man with gray hair in a custom-made suit.

The man wore a clown mask that looked half-smiling, looking at his colleague at Violet, and looking at Violet as well.

"Mr. Buck, I didn't expect that we would meet in this way."

Violet looked at the old man wearing a clown mask, smiled slightly, and then said slowly.

"Perhaps, I should call you another identity, she paused, and then said slowly."

"The old mayor of Su'an Town."

When he heard Violet's words, the old man wearing a clown mask visibly froze, then coughed a few times, and slowly took off his mask.

Under the mask was the old mayor's wrinkled face that could kill mosquitoes.

"Ahem. I wanted to give you a surprise at the last moment, to see your terrified face after knowing the truth."

"But I didn't expect that you knew it in advance."

After his identity was discovered, the old man did not hide himself, or in other words, he did not intend to hide himself from the beginning.

The old mayor of Su'an Town and that mysterious old Buck are the same person.

"I'm just a simple guess. There is such a terrifying force hidden on this small island, which can even directly invade the town in the middle of the night and cause tragedies. It is impossible for the old mayor of Suan Town not to know."

"As for the great route, at least in the Paradise, the Navy can still fully control it. As long as the old mayor reports this matter to the Navy Headquarters, the Navy Headquarters will immediately send a fleet to destroy it."

"Because this kind of unscrupulous and ostentatious crime cannot be tolerated by that group of navy."

"But until now, you are still alive and well, so I was wondering if someone is covering it up for you."

"So I tried it out, and I didn't expect to find it out all at once."

Despite her hands being bound, Violet is a far cry from the yes woman she was before. In terms of momentum, she has not weakened in the slightest.

But there is one more thing she didn't say. When she left Sweet Sand Town, Old Buck's manor, she had used her ability to see that manor.

And what appeared in front of her was the old mayor's old face.

"Very smart little girl."

Old Buck applauded slightly for Violet's reasoning.

"Actually, I don't want to provoke people like you who seem to have a huge power behind them, but who told you to come to this place to find someone?"

"I have no choice but to arrest you."

Old Buck said slightly regretfully.

"So, little Rebecca is here?"

Violet's eyes lit up, and she heard another meaning from Old Buck's words, that is, little Rebecca was really on this island.

In this way, everything before made sense, why did little Rebecca suddenly disappear without a trace.

Why can't I find little Rebecca's whereabouts no matter what I do, and whether it's old Buck or the old mayor, when they see the appearance of little Rebecca that I described, they behave strangely.

It turned out that the little girl had already been caught by this group of people.

Thinking of this, Violet clenched her hand slightly. A killing intent flashed in her clear eyes.


"Little Rebecca is a very smart and powerful girl. Regardless of her young age, if we hadn't caught her companion in advance, she might have escaped from here."

When little Rebecca was mentioned, Old Buck smiled complacently.

"But now she's just my perfect cargo."

When he said the word goods, he paused and emphasized emphatically.

"And you, will become a more perfect cargo than little Rebecca."


After hearing these two words, Violet frowned.

Because no matter what, these two words can't make her think in a good way.

Slave trade? Or something else.

Violet's head was in a mess, and she was extremely worried about little Rebecca's safety.

"Aren't you afraid of offending someone who can't be offended if you do this? Or, aren't you afraid of standing behind me who you can't afford?"

Violet raised her head and looked at Old Buck, the anger in her eyes was hard to contain.


Old Buck stood up, walked to the picture of the Passion of Jesus, and said slowly.

"When King Pilate decided to execute Jesus, was he worried about offending someone?"

"Everything in the kingdom belongs to Pilate, and he has the power to execute anyone, even saints."

"And Koh Suan is mine, and I have the ability to do anything here."

"In this place, I am the king."

He clapped his hands, and the huge portrait slowly rose up, revealing the scene outside,

Outside is an octagonal cage like a Colosseum, and two fighters are fighting to the death in the octagonal cage.

And the auditorium was full of crazy spectators.

"Welcome to the real Koh Suan."

"Welcome to, for real, the big fight."

Old Buck looked at Violet and said slowly.

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