Pirate Family

Chapter 934 Command

"This is Ain."

Ai Yin sat in the tent at the temporary naval base in Su'an Town, and took out a phone bug. After thinking about it, she finally dialed the phone bug.

"What's the matter? Little Ain."

On the other end of the phone bug, came the voice of an old but full of spirited old man.

"When I was performing a cruise mission, I found the traces of a certain pirate. He slaughtered all the way and caused countless tragedies."

"According to speculation, I guess this pirate should be the wild wolf Gao Suo who had to retreat from the New World because he offended the Vinhill family some time ago."

"A pirate?"

The old man was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about who this wild wolf Gao Suo was.

After all, in his position, he dealt with disputes at the Qiwuhai level all day long, or wars at the Pirate Emperor level.

Suddenly mentioning a low-level "little pirate" to him is no wonder he can't remember it.

"Go on."

"In the process of tracking him, I came to a small island. It is Su'an Island, which is located in the middle of the third flight path of the park."

"In this place, I found something unusual."

Ain reported his recent experience to the other party.

Originally, she thought that the one who attacked the town before was just a very ordinary group of sand bandits, and she could clean it up easily.

But after searching the entire Su'an Island for two days, even though she circled many circles in the desert, she couldn't find any trace of the sand bandit group.

Neither the old mayor of Su'an town nor any of the patrolmen in this small town could provide her with any valuable clues.

This sand bandit group seemed to have evaporated right in front of Ai Yin.

"I can't find their traces. In order to ensure the safety of the hostages and completely curb the evil that may have been bred, I request the cooperation of the Navy Secret Service."

The Navy Headquarters is further divided into many departments, such as the staff department dedicated to making plans, the military department dedicated to fighting, and the secret service department that is the most hidden but most frightening to the pirates of the sea.

Investigating, assassinating, extorting confessions, everything you can imagine is the task of the agents of the Secret Service. They are like a group of gods of death, hovering above the sea.

Some of the agents who came out of the CP agent training camp were directly admitted by the CP department, but more were accepted by the Navy Secret Service.

"I want them to help me find where these sand bandits are hiding."

Ain said slowly, she has to admit one thing, that is, if it is the turn to fight, she may not be inferior to any agent of the Secret Service, but when it comes to investigating intelligence, she is not far behind. Far.

If they could get their support, they might be able to rescue that group of hostages.

"I understand what you mean."

The other end of the phone bug was silent for a while, then spoke slowly.

"But now, I'm afraid we won't be able to make a move."

"Why, Marshal of the Warring States Period?"

Ai Yin asked in surprise, but soon she understood.

She suddenly understood what Marshal Warring States meant when he couldn't free his hands.

"Because I just received an order."

Warring States said so.

"One, from the top file."

"I see,"

Ain was silent for a moment, "I will complete the investigation independently, and I will definitely not disappoint the justice of the Navy!"

Naval Headquarters, Marine Vandeau, Marshal's Office.

An old man wearing the cloak of the Admiral of the Navy hung up the phone slowly, and then put a document in his hand on the table.

At the top of the document, there is a blue cross pattern, and this pattern, in the world government, only represents one meaning.

That is this document, which is a direct instruction from the highest level of world government power, the Five Old Stars.

The old man pushed open the window, and the sun outside was bright and cloudless.

But he knew that this peace would not last long.

The sea breeze blows in, turning the first page of the document.

And on the top of this document, there is such a line of words written in red fonts.

"Destroy the Vinhill family!"


Koh Suan, the underground world. In the octagonal cage, the two boxers are accumulating confrontation.

The octagon boxing match is the cruelest boxing match.

Because once locked in the octagonal cage, there is only one rule, that is, only one boxer can come out alive.

Before that, there were no rules and their only goal was to kill their opponents.

Compared with the octagonal cage, the so-called boxing competitions held in small towns are as ridiculous as children playing house.

A three-meter strong man hit his opponent's jaw with a punch. Violet on the high platform could even hear the sound of his jaw breaking.

And this strong man, after a successful blow, did not relax his vigilance at all. Instead, like a hunter spying on his prey, he took a few steps back and carefully looked at his opponent.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. There is only one time for a boxer who has entered the octagonal cage to relax.

That is after the opponent dies.

"People want to see exciting games, so I give them exciting games."

"People want obedient slaves, and I can satisfy them as well."

Old Buck opened his hands, as if introducing his life's hard work to Violet.

"In this place, you can satisfy all your desires."

"In this place, you can do whatever you want."

"This is, the dark world."


Just as Old Buck was speaking, the burly boxer finally confirmed that his opponent had lost the ability to resist, and then punched hard, hitting another boxer directly in the chest.

The boxer's body twitched a few times, and then fell to the ground weakly.

Can no longer stand up. And the strong boxer didn't just let his opponent go, but walked up to his opponent, kicked hard, and stepped on the opponent's head.


Red and white viscous liquid spewed out and splashed on the floor of the octagonal cage.

But this bloody scene did not make the audience feel scared at all. Instead, these audiences screamed as usual.

"People in this era have been suppressed by pirates for too long."

"No matter how rich or how powerful a person is, they will worry about one problem, that is whether they will be killed by pirates suddenly."

"They are cowardly, incompetent, and dare not raise their weapons against these pirates."

"But it can give them a way to vent."

Old Buck opened his hands and said to Violet.

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