Pirate Family

Chapter 935 Desire suppressed by the times

After the boxing match ended, the burly boxer was taken away from the venue by the staff.

A group of girls in hot clothes came up and danced in the octagonal cage.

A gentleman wearing a gray cat mask and a suit walked slowly in front of the stage.

"Then, the auction begins!"

His loud voice spread throughout the venue, and at the same time, it was like a fuse igniting a powder keg, igniting the enthusiasm of all the audience.

"Ten million Baileys!"

"Thirty million Baileys!"

"Fifty million Baileys!"

"One hundred million Baileys!"


Countless high prices were called out by this group of spectators. Like hunters who had been hungry for a long time, they showed bloodthirsty eyes when they saw fresh and tender food.

And Violet didn't even know what they were bidding for.

Crazy, all crazy!

This was Violet's first thought, he didn't understand what was going on with this group of people?

Are they crazy, or are they crazy?


And Old Buck seemed to understand Violet's thoughts, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

"This is their desire that has been suppressed by this era for a long time!"

The auction ended quickly, and it was finally bought by a fat middle-aged man at a high price of 330 million Pele.

But Old Buck just clapped his hands, and then two servants came out and held Violet up.

"Look on, and see how big people's desires are."

Violet followed Old Buck to a room with a transparent glass in front of the room.

She knew that this glass was a technology invented by Vegapunk ten years ago, and it could only transmit light from one side.

In other words, this glass can only allow people in one direction to see the other side, and the people on the other side of the glass will not even know that someone is watching them.

Opposite the glass is a clean white room, in which various weapons are placed.

Knife, sword, flintlock, rope, saw, dagger, needle...

Everything that Violet could think of that could be used in battle appeared in this small room.

But this wasn't what surprised Violet the most. What surprised her the most was that there was a chair in the middle of this small room.

A burly man was blindfolded, and his whole body was chained to this chair, unable to move.

This man who was restrained was unexpectedly the boxer who won the boxing match just now!

The door of the room opened slowly, and a masked man walked in from outside.

Although he was wearing a mask that could hide his face, judging from his figure, this was the middle-aged man who won the auction with a high price of 330 million Baileys.

"A man who is rich but weak and incompetent, do you think he has been bullied by some people who rely on their own strength?"

Through the glass, Old Buck smiled and said to Violet beside him.

"If you give him the chance to take revenge, what do you think he will do?"

After hearing what Old Buck said, Violet finally understood one thing.

She finally understood what the audience was bidding frantically just now. What exactly was it?


She spat involuntarily, and at the same time her heart became completely gloomy.

Little Rebecca was caught by him, what happened to her now?

The middle-aged man was still a little rigid at first, but when he saw that the boxer seemed completely immobile, he gradually let go.

He walked to the shelf, picked up a sharp dagger, and then slowly walked towards the boxer.

As if sensing someone approaching him, the boxer struggled violently, but because his whole body was bound by iron chains, he couldn't move at all.

Like...a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.


The middle-aged man raised the dagger with a distorted face, and then stabbed heavily at the boxer's arm.

The skin without any defense was scratched by this sharp dagger in an instant.

The blood was built up on the middle-aged man.

Seeing the blood, the middle-aged man felt as if the beast in his heart had been released, his face gradually became distorted, and then he took a few steps back and picked up a small saw from the shelf.

With a grin on his face, he walked towards the boxer.

The boxer suffered pain and began to struggle hard, but all this was of no avail.

The middle-aged man put the saw on the shoulder of the boxer, and then slowly twitched it.

No sound came from the other side of the glass, and the whole picture seemed to be a silent pantomime.

But looking at the bloody scene, Violet could almost feel the pain of the boxer.

"Using a little Bailey, you can get the right to violence against the strong who were previously unattainable. This is better than business, and many people will think it is a good deal."

Old Buck said with a smile.

"You tell the group of people who are enslaved by you that as long as they come out of the octagonal cage, you will give them freedom,"

"But they didn't expect that when they won, they would also become your auction items."

"Their desperate battles with their opponents are just a means for you to stimulate them and increase their worth."

Violet looked at the little old man in front of her and said word by word.

"You are a devil."

Her expression was cold, and she finally understood the meaning of what those people said when they grabbed her out of the cage.

Top notch cargo?

Violet looked at the painful expression of the boxer, this kind of goods is not a good name.

Her heart has completely darkened.

She was rarely so angry. The last time she was like this was when she escaped from Dressrosa with her sister and little Rebecca after Dressrosa was occupied by Doflamingo.

Violet stared at the old man in front of her. If there was something wrong with little Rebecca, she would never let this old Buck go.

she swears.

"Don't look at me like that."

Old Buck smiled slightly, he snapped his fingers, and the two servants immediately grabbed Violet.

"I let you know this, of course I won't make you such a poor consumable."

He walked out of this small room, and brought Violet back to the original hall.

The audience downstairs is still excited, but the dancing hot girls seem to have lost their initial appeal. Spectators kept clamoring for a new round of competition.


Old Buck picked up a phone bug and whispered something to the other side. Then the babes who were dancing on the stage dispersed.

Two new boxers were caught up in the Octagon.

But this time, the audience cheered like a tide, and Violet looked down the high platform.

His face completely darkened.

Because she saw one of the boxers, it was a little girl about twelve or thirteen years old with pink hair.

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