Pirate Family

Chapter 946 Not Everyone's Mistakes Are Forgivable

The moment he saw the man opposite the Void Gate, Old Buck's face instantly turned extremely pale.

No matter how ignorant he is, it is impossible for him not to know who the man in front of him is.


Old Buck slowly said the name with a trembling voice. His mouth squirmed, trying to continue to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth no matter what.

He never thought that the man standing behind those two slaves would be him.

"Don't think that you are the devil Lorne, I will be afraid of you!"

At this moment, a trace of madness suddenly appeared on Old Buck's face!

He grabbed a dagger, pointed it at Violet's neck, and said with a mad face.

"Now, your family's life is in my hands. If I die, they will be buried with me!"

Old Buck is now betting on which rumor is true.

If Lorne really cherished his family as rumored, then he would have a chance to survive.

Rebecca and Violet are old Buck's last chips! He must firmly hold this bargaining chip in his own hands.

The sharp dagger was aimed at Violet's neck, as if this heroic woman would die here if she exerted enough force.

However, at this time, the female swordsman in kimono did not panic, the white-haired girl navy did not panic, and even Violet, whose life was in someone's hands, did not panic at all.

She looked at the old Buck in front of her calmly, as if looking at a clown.

"I am disappointed."

Lorne looked at Old Buck calmly through the Void Gate.

"I really can kill! Don't force me!"

Seeing Lorne like this, Old Buck was completely flustered, and he pressed the dagger in his hand against Violet's neck.

However, Lorne didn't speak, but just looked at him calmly.

Old Buck gritted his teeth, and when he was about to give Lorne some color, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his hand.

His subordinate, the masked cowboy, cut off his palm with a sharp knife.

Blood gushed out from Old Buck's severed arm, and the skinny old man fell to his knees on the ground, howling continuously.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Very good drama."

Lorne looked at the masked cowboy who had betrayed old Buck, and said slowly.

"Your master probably didn't expect you to betray him."

"Kuya! You actually betrayed me!"

Old Buck was trembling on the ground, then raised his head and looked at the cowboy who cut off his arm with hostile eyes.

"If I hadn't saved you back then, I'm afraid you would have been swallowed by this sea. I supported you with one hand, and made you come to where you are today step by step!"

"I never thought you would dare to betray me! Betray your savior!"

If anyone in Su'an town saw this scene, they would be speechless in surprise.

Because next to this old Buck, this masked cowboy who is helping tigers is unexpectedly the Sheriff Kuya, who is well-known in Su'an Town!

"It really is you!"

After hearing the name Kuya, Violet's pupils shrank slightly.

Everything is clear. When I left Su'an Town and went to Tiansha Town, the people who had been following behind me were Kuya and the others. It was only after I discovered them that they emerged from the yellow sand. body, showing a hypocritical look.

And after learning of his residence, the people who led people to attack him in the middle of the night were probably Kuya and the others!

This hypocritical guy, together with Old Buck, completely ruled the entire town of Su'an in the light and in the dark!

"All of my things are ordered by others! Old Buck is in control of my life. If I don't listen to him, he will kill me immediately!"

Kuya took off his mask and knelt directly in front of Lorne.

"I have been looking for an opportunity to eradicate this evil devil and rescue all the poor people who have suffered."

He looked at Lorne and said with tears streaming down his face. His expression is like those people who are full of evil, after they wake up, they kneel in front of the priest to repent.

That kind of remorse, helplessness, people can't find the slightest flaw.

"I will release your family and all the slaves, and then surrender to the navy."

"I hope that advancing the darkness of the city can atone for my crimes."

Kuya stepped on Old Buck's body and put his whole body on the ground. Looking at Lorne, he said sincerely.

And Lorne didn't speak, but still looked at him calmly.

This feeling made Kuya feel terrified, he quickly cut the rope that tied Violet and Rebecca, and then gently pushed the two of them to Lorne's side. But Lorne still looked at him without saying a word, Kuya gritted his teeth and walked towards the cave.

He wanted to free these slaves in front of Lorne.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

Old Buck saw Kuya like this, his teeth itched with anger, he looked at Kuya angrily, but couldn't say a word.

He didn't expect Kuya to sell himself so thoroughly without showing any sympathy.

At this moment, old Buck felt a sense of despair, and he couldn't think of any chance to make a comeback.

"Is that all there is?"

After Kuya released some slaves, Lorne spoke slowly.

"You may have misunderstood one thing. That is, I am a pirate, not a philanthropist."

He looked at Kuya and shook his head.

"These slaves, whether they live or die, don't mean anything to me."

Kuya's body became stiff, and he felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

The whole body is cold.

"I can be your dog! I can join your command and become your most loyal dog!"

Kuya turned around and knelt down in front of Lorne.

But he saw Lorne's dark eyes, and the next moment, his body seemed to be out of control, unable to move.

"Besides, not all mistakes in this world are worthy of forgiveness."

As Lorne said, he snapped his fingers, and then turned around slowly.

Old Buck thought that Lorne had shown mercy and let him go, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

He suddenly heard a few low-pitched roars like beasts in the cave.

The slaves came out of the cage, looking at themselves lying on the ground and Kuya kneeling, their eyes were bloodthirsty.

This feeling is like a prey that has been hungry for several days and suddenly sees fresh food.

And in order to make these slaves have no energy to escape, Old Buck really starved them for a while.

A huge rock blocked the exit of the cave, and the whole cave became dark.

Apart from those countless pairs of bloodthirsty eyes, he couldn't see anything else.


Old Buck shouted in despair, but this time, no one responded to him.

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