Pirate Family

Chapter 947 The New

"I was wrong."

Rebecca lowered her head and looked at Lorne like a child who has done something wrong.

"I will never run around again!"

The little girl blamed herself and said that if she hadn't left the family rashly, she wouldn't have been caught by these bad guys, and Aunt Violet wouldn't have come to find her alone, if Lord Lorne and the others hadn't found her in the end, Rebecca couldn't imagine what would happen next.

What Rebecca experienced in that hell, she didn't want to go through it again.

"No, it's not that you left the family alone without telling me."

Lorne stroked little Rebecca's head lightly. He could almost say that he watched this little girl grow up. To the family, this little girl was just like little Anxi back then, and was loved by others.

"If you have enough power, the so-called old Buck can't catch you, and even you alone can solve the troubles of this small island."

"Your biggest mistake is that you are too weak."

Violet's expression froze. She didn't expect Lorne to transmit his worldview to the children at this time.

But after seeing the pensive Yingmiya Rika and the suddenly enlightened little Anxi, Violet couldn't find anything to refute.

In this chaotic era, only if you have enough power yourself can you avoid being bullied by others.

Although Lorne's words were simple and rude, they pointed directly at the essence of this era.


Little Rebecca muttered to herself, her gaze gradually became firm, and then she slowly clenched her fist.

"I want to become as strong as Lord Lorne!"

There were bursts of desperate horns in the cave, but the sound of the horn became weaker and weaker, and finally only a little chewing sound remained.

"I'm leaving."

Lorne turned around and said slowly to little Anxi.

"The navy should be here soon, we have to get out of here before they find out."

Little Ansie lurks inside the Navy, one of the biggest secrets of the Vinhill family.

The reason why he didn't give old Buck and Kuya a way out was because they had seen little Anxi's face.

In order to ensure the safety of little Anxi, Lorne would not let them live.

"At the scene, I helped you pretend that Kuya suddenly found out about Old Buck's plot, led his men to raid Old Buck's lair, and finally died under Old Buck's crazy counterattack."

"And what those slaves saw was also blinded by me. They just felt that they were released in the chaos and were hungry, so they couldn't help eating the corpses of Old Buck and Kuya."

Lorne touched little Anxi's head, but he didn't realize that the girl had grown so tall without knowing it. Before, he had to bend slightly to touch her head, but now, the girl was almost only shorter than himself. half a head.

"I see, brother."

Little Anxi murmured to herself that it had been a long, long time since Lorne had touched her head like this.

She misses it.

"Also, protect yourself."

Lorne said so, then turned around, passed through the void gate, and left the island.

The Void Gate closed instantly, and they disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for the corpses lying around the cave entrance, they would have never appeared.

When Ain came to this place with her own hands, she only saw this scene.

Countless corpses were scattered at the entrance of the cave, and a huge rock blocked the entire cave.

A white-haired female navy stood alone in front of this boulder without saying a word.


Ai Yin walked up to the girl, and found that the girl was holding a long sword, and fresh blood was still flowing on the long sword.

Ain signaled the navy to move the boulder away, but the sight of the removal made the Commodore vomit.


"Another new star of the navy! The girl navy destroyed the magic cave alone and rescued countless missing people!"

In the newspapers, Morgans still used this deliberately bold font to write eye-catching headlines.

Below the title, there is a girl navy with a blank face. Next to the photo is a detailed description of this navy named Chris Sissy, and then focuses on the tragic gentleman of this little girl, writing a kingdom with exaggerated pen and ink The princess, for revenge, joined the navy step by step and gradually grew up.

And this story, of course, was fabricated by Morgans. In fact, the incident on Su'an Island was exposed, and Ain immediately left the island with his subordinates after handing over to the navy that came. And Morgans' people didn't get the chance to interview Sissy, a "hero".

In order to ensure the integrity of the story, this big vulture who dedicated his life to the news personally wrote an epic story for Sissy, and even told the story of Sissy and the big The youngest pirate emperor on the sea, the love-hate relationship between the man named Lorne.

Of course, many people saw this story, but just regarded it as a pastime after dinner.

As for the culprit of the Su'an Island incident, the old mayor Buck, even after his death, bears the eternal infamy, and the cowboy patrol captain Kuya, who died with the old Buck, is in the solemnity of the town residents. A priest of the Church of Holy Truth held a brief funeral.

Then it was buried in a sea of ​​flowers next to the town.

As for the authenticity of the story, no one cared.

The story of Su Anzhen came to an end, and Lorne, who had been looking for the historical text, finally got the first clue of the historical text.


Great Route, New World, Loxor Sea Area, Bubble Island.

This small island had the reputation of "Little Chambord Islands" a long time ago. After being taken over by the Vinhill family, it gradually became the most prosperous area in the Loxor Sea, and even the legendary headquarters of the Vinhill family. , that Sidio who owns the country of steel can't compare,

Ammunition, supplies, food, women, men.

Everything you want can be found in this place, and there are also many frustrated pirates who choose to stay on this small island and become an ordinary resident of this small island.

In the middle of the night, the Paopao street lights rising from the bottom of the sea are shining with soft light. Even in the middle of the night, the long street of Bubble Island is still full of people.

The sound of a man drinking alcohol heroically, and the sound of a woman laughing while covering her mouth, the whole island reveals a hint of luxury.

At this time, a young man in ragged clothes sneaked up to the gate of the Admiral's Mansion in the dark, and then lightly knocked on the gate of the Admiral's Mansion.

"Boom boom."

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