Pirate Family

Chapter 948 Clues to the Historical Text

There are not many guards in the Admiral's Mansion on Bubble Island, because the name of the Vinhill family and the power of the man guarding this place are the greatest protection.

A maid slowly pushed open the gate of the Admiral's Mansion, then saw the ragged pirate in front of him, and sized him up.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

The adult living in this place doesn't like to be disturbed. This is the consensus of the people on Bubble Island, so people who come to this place generally have their own purposes.

"You can't be the master."

However, the pirate just glanced at the maid and said calmly.

"I'm looking for Black Knife Moorman."

A quarter of an hour later, the lobby of the Admiral's Mansion on Bubble Island.

Mooreman frowned slightly as he looked at the pirates sitting in front of him who were eating everything.

"Now, let's say you have something to do with me."

This pirate, like a refugee who has been starved for dozens of days, is hungry.

If he wanted to come to his place to cheat for food and drink, Mooreman would definitely make him regret it.

"Wait, woo woo woo."

The pirate stuffed a piece of meat bigger than his own arm into his mouth, chewed it hard a few times, and then swallowed it.

"I do have something very important to report to you!"

He wiped the greasy corner of his mouth with his own clothes, and after belching, he looked at Mooreman,

"I heard that your family is looking for navigation pointers for several small islands?"


Moorman nodded. Ever since he returned from Wano Country, Boss Lorne has been looking for clues to the historical text.

The family first issued a reward in the underground world. Anyone who provides clues about the historical text to the family will receive a generous reward. After doing all this, Boss Lorne was still worried, and then issued another reward.

This time, he wanted to get navigation pointers for several small islands. According to Boss Lorne, there are several historical texts hidden in these small islands.

"Tell me, which small island it is."

Mooreman looked at the pirate in front of him. The pirate was dressed in ragged clothes, like a tramp, and didn't look like he was carrying a navigation pointer.

"That's good,"

The pirate nodded, then said with gritted teeth.

"I was in the sea and met a pirate group. We had a fierce battle. In the end, we were completely defeated, the captain died in battle, and I wandered all the way, to where I am today."

Mooreman didn't speak, and signaled the pirate to continue talking.

"This pirate group is completely different from ordinary pirate groups. They are purely composed of fur tribes."

"Fur tribe?"

Mooreman said with some doubts.

"Above this sea, there are traces of fur tribes in many places, but there is only one real hometown of fur tribes, and that is Zou Island in the New World, on the back of the legendary giant elephant."

"This group of fur tribe must come from that place! They must have a navigation pointer to reach Zou Island!"

"Or, it's their own way to return to Zou Island!"

Zou Island is the most special one among the small islands written by Lorne.

Because it is on the back of the legendary giant elephant, Zou Island is not fixed in one place, but is constantly drifting with the giant elephant.

So there is only one way to reach that small island other than luck.

That is to get a permanent pointer to that island!

"During the battle, I hid a life card on their ship."

The pirate spread out his hand, and a broken card kept beating in his palm, as if pointing in a certain direction.

"Through this life card, you can find their ship and get a permanent pointer to Zou Island!"

The corner of the pirate's mouth cracked and looked at Mooreman.

"Is this enough?"


Mooreman took the life card from the pirate's hand and nodded.

"If the news is true, I hope to get a ship and ten strong men."

The pirate said somewhat unwillingly.

"My journey should not end in this place!"

Conquering the sea is the ultimate wish of every pirate. Some people never recover from a setback after failure, while some people become more and more courageous as they fight.

This man is obviously the latter.

He looked at Moorman, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

That's him, unyielding ambition.


"A pirate group composed purely of fur tribes?"

Castle in the sky, SKY, on the throne of the steel castle,

Lorne smiled slightly as he looked at the jumping life card in his hand.

"Things have finally made some progress."

He knew that there was a stone tablet with a historical text hidden in the tree hole of the big tree on the back mountain of Zowu Island.

Therefore, as long as Gu can find Zou Island, he can get that piece of historical text.

"Phew, I finally found it!"

Violet came out from a mountain of documents, and she walked towards Lorne with a document.

"I found a clue about the fur tribe pirate group."

After returning from Su'an Island, she finally let go of her heart and resumed her duties as Lorne's secretary. With Violet's help, Lorne felt a lot easier.

Lorne took the document and looked at a man with a beast face with yellow mottled skin, holding a cigarette, looking at the end indifferently.

"Pellod, this is the man's name."

Violet said slowly.

"They seem to be a pirate group that has just been established. Indeed, as the man said, they are a pirate group composed purely of fur tribes. The starting point is a certain sea area in the new world, going against the great route, towards the new world. The first half, that is, our sea area, came over."

"According to speculation, they are indeed very likely to be near this sea area. Therefore, what the man said is more than 90% likely to be true."

"It's enough. As long as you find where this life card points to, everything will be revealed."

Lorne stood up from the Black Iron Throne, and handed the fragment of the life card in his hand to Violet.

"Find this man."


At the same time, the Ten Thousand Nations Sea Territory. Potato Island.

The entire island here is made up of delicious fried potato products, and the people living here seem to live in a paradise.

Residents of all races live together harmoniously, full of happy smiles.

And at this time, a group of unexpected guests came to the port of Tudou Island.

A pirate group docked at the port of Potato Island, and then a man covered in a cloak slowly stepped off the ship.

He has, like a cheetah, a fierce face.

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