Pirate Family

Chapter 949: The Fur Tribe

"Is this the emperor's territory?"

A man with a short stature walked up to the man with the face of a cheetah and said slowly.

"It's her who captured many of our companions and detained them in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Nations!"

Thinking of this, the slightly shorter man couldn't stop the hatred in his tone, and said coldly.

The fur tribe's population is not as large as that of ordinary humans or murlocs. They huddled in the small land of Zou Island and cherished every one of their companions very much.

However, some time ago, a group of pirates actually attacked Zou Island, and while the two emperors of the fur tribe were fighting, they took away many of their companions.

They tossed and turned for a long time before they finally got the clues of these companions. It turned out that they were only abducted. After several twists and turns, they were finally treated as slaves and sold to this place.

This place called Wan Guo.

"It doesn't have to be that woman who did it. It is said that Pokemus is under the command of that woman now, and we may be able to get his help."

And the man with the face of a cheetah is obviously much more rational. He looked at his companion, and then said slowly.

"Now, the most important thing is to find Pokmus."

"You are still too kind to others, Perode." The shorter man muttered softly.

"Pokemus, after following that woman for so long, I'm afraid he doesn't regard us as companions by now?"

Every island in the Ten Thousand Nations Sea has many races, so Perode and his party soon discovered that their identity as a fur tribe was not conspicuous in this place, so they took off their disguise with confidence.

The leader, Perode, is a jaguar fur tribe. There is a Western sword pinned to his waist, which is strong and mighty.

Following behind him, the slightly shorter man was an orangutan fur tribe named Ke Xing. He is tall and strong, but he looks a little simple and honest, and often does some very reckless things.

And the other one is a female of the fox fur tribe, which is quite rare in the sea, named Chuluo, with snow-white fur all over her body, docile and cute.

This group of people is the main force who came out from Zowu Island to rescue their companions.

They quickly contacted their subordinates beside Charlotte Lingling, that is, Pokmus, who is also a fur tribe. The latter said that he would come to this place from Cake Island soon and meet with Perode and the others to deal with this matter together.

But they didn't expect that before that, they encountered some troubles.

Two days later, when Chiu Luo and Ke Xing went out to find their companions, they met a group of pirates who also just came to this place.

After seeing the well-behaved and cute Chuluo, they wanted to grab her by force and turn her into their pet, and this immediately annoyed the fiery and reckless Ke Xing.

People on both sides fought fiercely, and by the time Perode arrived, the two sides had almost destroyed most of the street.

This was originally a small matter, because for any pirate, fighting an enemy he didn't like was a small matter in itself.

But this has triggered an iron law in the sea area of ​​​​ten thousand countries, that is, it is absolutely not possible to do anything in the sea area of ​​​​ten thousand countries.

The law enforcement officers of Potato Island quickly arrested the other party, but when they were about to arrest Perode and his group, they met with fierce resistance.

Of course, the fur tribe, who did not trust humans, could not entrust their own safety to humans at this time, so when the law enforcement officers of Tudou Island took action, Ke Xing took the first step and blatantly killed two people from Tudou Island. Forced by law enforcement officers, Perode had no choice but to do the same and fled the battlefield with his companions.

This time, the Tudou Island controller was completely angered. That is, the twenty-fifth son of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Snag, who once competed with Garrett for the position of the fourth general of the Charlotte Pirates, and finally lost.

This man was hesitant to be exiled to this relatively remote location by Charlotte Lingling after losing to Garrett, and he was already bitter about it. It's just that with the continuous rise of Garrett's fiancé, the man with the title of devil, he can only swallow this breath.

Therefore, on Potato Island, Snag has been implementing strict laws and regulations, and if he feels that he is not doing what he wants, he will send troops to forcibly suppress them.

The residents of Potato Island dare not speak out, and many pirates who know the horror of the Charlotte family dare not offend the core members of the Charlotte family.

As time went by, fewer and fewer people dared to challenge Snug's majesty, and there was nowhere to vent the resentment in Snug's heart.

Therefore, when Perode and the others took the initiative to bump into them, Snug would not let this opportunity pass. Especially now it is just the time for the mother's tea party. If something goes wrong with me, I am afraid that I will never have the chance to return to the core of the Charlotte Pirates.

Therefore, he decided to catch this group of intruders before his mother found out.

"damn it!"

Ke Xing looked at the pursuers of the Charlotte family behind him, and couldn't help but cursed.

"Why are they haunted?"

After escaping from Tudou Island, Perode suddenly found that the route he could leave from Wan Guo had been completely blocked. In order not to be caught by this group of people, they had only one way, and that was to follow the route of Wan Guo towards Sail the depths of the nations.

But the group of Tudou Island pursuers, like maggots on the tarsus, kept biting behind them, with no intention of giving up.

"Blame me."

Chiu Luo lowered his head, his cute ears drooped together, and he seemed very remorseful.

If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be such a big conflict. And if there was no conflict, he and others should still be on Tudou Island, waiting for Pokmus to come over, right?

It was all because of me that disrupted Perode's plan!

"Human greed is endless."

Perode squinted his eyes and said slowly,

For the first time, he felt that his previous views on human beings might be too kind. Humans are a hopeless race, and their greed is endless.

Can't be satisfied at all.

Perode was disappointed.

But at this moment, a ship suddenly appeared in front of Perode and the others, blocking their way. The people on that boat seemed to be going to Cake Island, and they were a little surprised when they saw Perode and his party passing by.

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