Pirate Family

Chapter 951 Uninvited Guest

Cake Island, Cake Castle.

A man wearing a bowler hat and loose black and white striped clothes, exposing his strong chest, was walking back and forth in the hall.

He frowned, as if caught in a dilemma.

"Damn it! That group of wild beasts are not at peace yet!"

The man sat on the sofa, picked up a glass of drink that was on the table and drank it down, then frowned and said.

He is the nineteenth son of the Charlotte family, a person with the book fruit ability, and the title of "Cheese Minister" Charlotte Mondore.

He can turn books into prisons, and detain some important prisoners to the Charlotte family in the world of books. Without his own permission, others cannot enter this prison of books and are locked in the prison of books. People inside can't come out either.

And some time ago, the people below sent up a group of special "prisoners".

It is not to say how powerful they are, but to say that this is the first batch of "fur tribes" caught by the Charlotte family, especially there are several strong male fur tribes among them, which is very important for the entire Charlotte family. It has an extraordinary significance.

The mother specifically asked herself to take good care of this group of fur tribes. After the tea party this time, she planned to choose a male fur tribe who had seen the eyes well, and give birth to an heir with fur tribe blood.

Therefore, it is of course impossible for Mondoll to treat this group of fur tribes in the same brutal way as ordinary prisoners, because it is not certain that among these people, a "monkey" that has not fully evolved will become his stepfather.

Of course, that being said, none of the children of the Charlotte family would look up to this kind of man who is regarded as an inoculation tool, because many men of this status, after completing their mission, will be taken by Xia Luo. Lotte Lingling was ruthlessly discarded like garbage.

Dragging their drained bodies, finding a quiet island for retirement is the best ending for them, and more of them were ruthlessly slaughtered by the Charlotte family as if they were livestock.

I haven't even seen my own children.

Therefore, what makes Mondore even more troublesome is how to preserve the "integrity" of these fur tribes. Especially when this group of fur guys learned about their possible fate from somewhere, they seemed to go crazy and began to resist violently.

Mont-Doll picked up a book, which was placed on the table, even if no one touched it, it began to vibrate slightly.

At this time, a person came in from the outside, he was Moscato who was almost killed by Charlotte Lingling before.

"How's the negotiation with mother? Do we really need a group of beast-like younger brothers and sisters who haven't fully evolved yet?"

Mondore asked with a frown when he saw Moscato passing by.

At the same time, the book in his hand vibrated even more violently.

"Mother's obsession with building a big family that includes all races, you should know."

Moscato sighed, then said quietly.

"We, even Big Brother Katakuri, no one can change her obsession."

Moscato walked to Mont-Doll's side and took the book in his hand.

"So, you'd better do your duty as a warden and take good care of this group of fur tribes."

After finishing speaking, Moscato sat on the sofa and gently pressed his sword on the book.

Mondore was silent, he got up, took out a bottle of champagne, and after opening it, a fresh fragrance came to his face.

And Moscato smiled and took the fine wine poured out by Mondor, and the two brothers drank happily.

As for his promise to his mother to guide this group of fur tribes, Moscato has long since thrown it out of the sky.

What's the point of joking, tutoring others, and letting him be his stepfather?

After drinking for three rounds, the two fell asleep lying on the table.

But they didn't notice that sparks suddenly appeared from the corner of the book pressed by Moscato's sword.

Like, the sound of something being set on fire.


The time went back to a day ago, when Perode and his gang were being chased in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Nations, they suddenly encountered a ship.

A ship that shouldn't be here.

The silver-white hull reflects a metallic luster. The bow ram is a flirtatious rose, emerald green vines, spreading to both sides of the hull.

Crimson Rose!

In this sea, any pirate in the new world will not fail to recognize this ship, nor will he forget who the owner of this ship is.

"Why is she here!"

Perode looked at the young woman with wine-red hair in a red cloak on the deck of the Crimson Rose in the distance, and said through gritted teeth.

The Blood Queen Charlotte Garrett, or the Vennhill Garrett who changed her husband's surname after being engaged to the man with the title of devil.

Why is she here? Why did it happen to be in front of him? For a moment, Perode even thought that his own compatriot, that Pokmus who was following Charlotte Lingling, had informed him, which made his whereabouts exposed.

But after thinking about it, Perode felt that this was impossible. Maybe it's a little self-deprecating, but Perode can indeed think that he is not qualified to let the woman with the title of Blood Queen come all the way from the Loxor Sea to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Nations just to catch him.

He is not eligible.

Although the words are harsh, it is the truth. Even Perode himself had to admit it.

The scene turned to Garrett's side. Because of the tea party, her mother issued invitations to many forces in the sea. Of course, the Waynhill family, which is an ally of the Charlotte family, received an invitation. Lorne was busy dealing with the main text of the history, so the matter of coming to the tea party fell on the shoulders of Garrett, who was a child of the Charlotte family.

This is why, she will appear in this place.

Seeing Perode and his gang appearing in front of them, a slight flash of surprise flashed in Garrett's eyes, and then she saw Snug chasing after Perode. The delicate brows are slightly frowned.

The relationship between Garrett and Snug is known to everyone in the Charlotte family, and the cause of this incident is said to go back a long time.

So, the woman drove her Crimson Rose, and slowly drove towards Perode and his group, and then.

Stand between Perode's ship and Snug's pursuers!

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