Pirate Family

Chapter 952

Perode didn't know why Garrett did this, but now he had no chance to escape, so he had to dock the boat on the sea and watch the meeting of the two children of the Charlotte family.

"Little Garrett?"

Snug saw the silver-white Crimson Rose, a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he pretended to be friendly and asked.

"Why are you here?"

"Mother's tea party, as a child, shouldn't I come back?"

Garrett gently lifted the ends of her wine-red hair, then looked at Snug and said with a smile.

"After all, I'm one of my mother's favorite daughters!"

After hearing the words "Favorite", Snug's face became gloomy. At the beginning, he was only one step away from the highest glory of the Charlotte family, Candy King. He did not expect that in the final ring battle, he would lose to Forget Garrett who was originally married to that Heitan Orochi and should be married off.

He didn't expect Garrett to be so resistant to marrying Heitan Orochi, nor did he expect that after going out for such a short period of time, his strength improved so much, and he got such a powerful fruit as the blood fruit.

In the arena, he was ruthlessly defeated by Garrett.

Later, the development of things was completely beyond Snug's expectations. He was supposed to be engaged to Garrett at the tea party, but he was defeated by the man who appeared from nowhere, and fled the cake island in embarrassment. , but the mother who was supposed to be furious at sabotaging her plan was bought by Lorne with profit and agreed that he would replace Heitan Orochi and get engaged to Garrett.

After getting engaged to Lorne, Garrett's prestige in the family grew stronger and stronger, and she, who had a gap with little Garrett, was cruelly abandoned by her mother.

Was dispatched to this remote corner.

"If you chat between siblings, let's save it for the tea party."

Snag raised his head, looking at Garrett across the sea.

"I'm going to perform official duties now and arrest the group of pirates behind you who intend to destroy mother's beautiful country!"

He pointed to Perode's ship behind the Crimson Rose, and said coldly.

When mentioning these things, Snag deliberately used "mother", just to use his mother's prestige to overwhelm this woman.

Since he couldn't beat her, and the power under his command was not as strong as that of little Jiarete, but after all, he belonged to his mother, not a married "outsider" like little Jiarete.

In front of mother, even little Garrett has to give in, right?

After Perode and his party heard Snug's words, their hearts almost rose into their throats. At this moment, they are as helpless as fish on the chopping board, fearing that they will be abandoned.

Because whether it is Snug or Garrett, they are not something they can afford.

But after hearing Snug's words, Garrett didn't move at all.

In this way, the Crimson Rose straddled the sea and blocked in front of Snug's ship.

"Pirates? Aren't we all pirates?"

Garrett pretended to be dazed, and said with a smile.

"Or, my dear brother Snag, do you want to take me away together?"

As she spoke, the Crimson Rose did not move at all.

However, Snug's face gradually became gloomy and cold. He looked at Garrett, and finally snorted coldly. Without saying anything, he turned the bow of his boat, and then slowly sailed in the direction of Tudou Island. past,

This confrontation ended with Snag's complete defeat.

"damn it!"

After the ship left, Snug's face gradually became gloomy. He punched heavily on the side of his own ship. The side made of sunken wood couldn't bear his terrifying strength, and he was smashed out. small hole.

And this couldn't vent the anger in Snug's heart at all, he let out an angry roar like a wild beast, the sound echoed on the sea for a long time, and it didn't stop.

"Mother's tea party, I will never let you off, bitch! I will let mother punish you!"

Snag clenched his fist and said fiercely.

However, no one responded to his words.


On the other hand, Garrett looked at Snug's gradually moving away ship, then smiled slightly, commanded the Crimson Rose to turn the bow, and headed in the direction of Perode.

"thank you all!"

The fox man Jiumi looked at Garrett and said excitedly.

The fur tribe's heart is much simpler than that of ordinary people. For them, a benefactor is a benefactor, and an enemy is an enemy.

So this vixen girl is very grateful to Garrett.

"thank you!"

"There's no need to thank me first."

A wooden plank was placed on the side of the Crimson Rose and the Fur Tribe ship, and Garrett walked over slowly through the wooden plank.

"Let's talk about how you offended Snug first. After all, as far as I know, after that incident, although Brother Snug's character became a lot more violent and perverse, he still rarely Getting so angry with someone."

Perode sighed, then stepped forward, and told Garrett exactly what happened to him and others on Potato Island.

"Is that so? Then you are really out of luck."

Garrett smiled lightly, "There are so many islands in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Nations, but you chose the Potato Island of Brother Snug, who has a bad temper."

"Fate tricks people."

Perode smiled wryly, then bowed slowly to Garrett, and said gratefully.

"Although I don't know what your purpose is, but you really helped us and let us get rid of the trouble of Snug."

"The fur tribe always repays kindness and revenge, so we will remember your kindness."

"If there is a need, our fur tribe will definitely do our best to help you."

"A small kindness is not worth mentioning."

Garrett smiled slightly, the reason why she helped this group of people was just because she was unhappy seeing Snug. Nothing to do with this group of people.

It's just that looking at the seriousness of the fur tribe, Garrett knew that they really regarded themselves as benefactors.

Compared with the complicated human nature, the fur tribe's mind is much simpler.

"You said that the reason why you came to this place is to rescue your captured companion from your mother?"

After pondering for a while, Garrett spoke slowly.

"Mother's obsession with building a home that accommodates all races is beyond your imagination."

"However, I can't tolerate letting my companions suffer in this kind of place."

Perode sighed, then said firmly.

"Whether they can be rescued is one thing, but whether they try is another."

"I don't want to give up without even trying."

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