Pirate Family

Chapter 953 Family

When Perode's voice fell, not only him, but even the fur tribe behind him showed firmness.

As if for the sake of his companions, it doesn't matter even if he dies.

"Such a belief?"

Garrett looked at the fur tribe people in front of her with a pensive look on her face.

She couldn't help but think of brother Lorne, because brother Lorne is also such a person.

When his family members were in danger, Lorne would definitely rescue them.

No matter how many enemies there are, no matter who the enemies are.

Because Lorne is such a person.

"Maybe I can help you guys."

Garrett thought for a while, and then said slowly to the group of fur people in front of her.

"Because, for anyone, family is the most important thing."


Back to the present, cake island, castle.

Mondore and Moscato were still lying on the table drunk.

But the flame of the book they put on the table intensified. From the very beginning, a little spark gradually burned into a flame, and finally completely ignited the book.

A cute rabbit poked its head out of the book, and after making sure that no one was around, it jumped out of the book.

And behind her, a group of fur people followed her and escaped from the books.

"Ah! It's so hot!"

However, when escaping from the book, the hair on a monkey's body was accidentally ignited by the flame on the book, and he rolled on the ground trying to extinguish the flame on his body.

"Keep down! Don't wake them up!"

At this time, a gibbon fur tribe suddenly patted the monkey's head, and then made a silent gesture.

Mundol's ability can create a book and lock the opponent in the book prison. Without his permission, no one can escape from the prison of books.

But there are exceptions to everything. There is no invincible ability in this world, and any ability has its restraint method.

It is actually very simple to forcibly escape from the book prison, all you need to do is destroy it.

After all, a strong book is a book after all, and a strong book will also appear fragile when facing flames.

Therefore, when Mondore detains prisoners, he will first search them for things that can ignite objects, and this time is no exception.

But he didn't expect that every fur tribe can create static electricity by quickly rubbing the hair on their body. This is one of the fur tribe's fighting skills. Weaker enemies may even be directly paralyzed by the static electricity and lose their fighting power.

And igniting some books that are already flammable is a simple matter for the fur tribe.

"It's us he imprisoned!"

After the monkey fur tribe extinguished the flames on his fur, he saw the sleeping Mundol and said viciously. Then he pretended to teach him a lesson.

But his movement was stopped by the older gibbon fur tribe. The gibbon fur tribe lifted the monkey fur tribe up and covered his mouth.


The monkey kept struggling in mid-air, but couldn't break free after all. However, a trace of coldness gradually flashed in the monkey's eyes.

"If you want to die, don't bring everyone with you!"

The gibbon said viciously, "Now, while the guards are sleeping soundly, everyone hurry up and get out of this ghostly place!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled the monkey that was still struggling, and with his companions, sneaked away from here.

The passages of the Cake Castle are complicated. Not to mention the fur tribe who are newcomers, even the children of the Charlotte family who have lived here for a period of time will get lost if they are not careful.

This group of people went around in the corridors of the castle a few times, but they couldn't find a way out, so they became impatient.

"Otherwise, if we sneak attack a group of guards in this place, we will definitely be able to get out from their mouths!"

At this time, the monkey had recovered from the previous excitement. He touched his head, and then looked at his companions.

"No, this will alarm other people!"

The gibbon immediately rejected this proposal. After all, this place is Charlotte Lingling's lair, and the names of the four pirate emperors, even those who live in the isolated Zou Island, have heard of them a little bit.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what are you going to do?!"

At this time, the monkey finally couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his head, looked at the gibbon that was one head taller than himself, and said harshly.

"If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have been captured by those pirates. Now that everyone has fallen to this point, do you still pretend to be your big brother? Do you still think you are our boss? ?”

The grievances suffered during this period of time finally broke out at this time, and the monkey growled at the gibbon.

"I will definitely flee from this place. If you don't listen to me, just go with that stupid Doros."

Doros is the name of the gibbon.

"Ugu you..."

Doros looked at the monkey fur tribe in front of him, as if he didn't know him.

But at this moment, Wugu turned around as if he didn't hear his words, and left them angrily.

"Forget it, Wugu has his own ideas."

In the end, Doros could only sigh helplessly, then turned around and said to his companions.

"I will definitely take you away."

But after Wugu left his companion, he wandered around the castle like a fly on his brow, and after going around, he returned to the original place.

That is the hall where Mundol is. Seeing Montor and Moscato who were still asleep, a murderous intent flashed in the monkey's eyes.

He snapped his fingers, and a string of electricity appeared between his two fingers, which is how they had previously ignited the book prison.

Wugu walked slowly under the curtain in the hall, and then lit this exquisite curtain.

The curtains made of silk were instantly ignited, and Wugu's sinister face was reflected in the firelight. And Wu Gu, who had done all this, seemed to have vented the anger in his heart, turned around, and ran away from this place.

The raging fire continued to spread. After the curtains were first lit, the flames gradually spread. A bottle of wine placed on the cabinet by Mont-Doll suddenly fell from the cabinet as if it could not withstand the heat wave.

Finally, it fell to the ground, and the red wine spilled all over the floor.

But at this time, a piece of embers from the curtain fell from the midair, sparks danced in the air, and finally just happened to land on the spilled wine.

Then, the flames engulfed the entire hall in an instant.

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