Pirate Family

Chapter 954 Reunion

"It's so hot."

Montor muttered to himself in his sleep, he felt as if he was in a hot spring at this moment.

The temperature of the hot spring was getting hotter and hotter, as if turning into a raging fire and burning his body.


Mont-Dole finally couldn't bear the scorching temperature and woke up from his sleep. But the picture that appeared in front of his eyes made her think that she was still asleep.

"Am I wrong?"

He shook Moscato beside him. Then he wiped his eyes with his hands, and said with disbelief,

"What are you doing?"

After being drunk, Moscato was still in a daze, and he said to Mondor with some dissatisfaction.

But the next moment, he was so frightened that he jumped up from the sofa.


The raging flames completely surrounded him and Mondor. At this moment, the two of them were in a sea of ​​flames!

On the table, a book was completely burned, leaving only a pile of ashes.


Cake Island, the port, a silver-white ship slowly docked.

"Finally back to this place."

Garrett looked at the familiar scene of Cake Island and said to herself.

This place is where she grew up. If she hadn't gone out to sea with the caravan when she was eight years old, she wouldn't have met Lorne, and her fate might be the same as that of her brothers and sisters who are still in Cake Island. Similarly, destiny is completely dominated by the mother. Maybe if you are lucky, you can meet a not bad marriage partner and become a tool for your mother to expand her power.

For this "home" that cannot be called "home", Garrett has no nostalgia for it, which is why, after getting engaged to Lorne, she has always chosen to stay in the Roxor sea area.

Because of this place, except for those few people, she can't feel a trace of family feeling.

And among the few people, his mother was not included...

"Cake Island!"

A man covered in a black robe followed Garrett off the boat. Looking at the bustling and peaceful Cake Island, where countless races live in harmony, he couldn't help sighing.

When he went to sea, he knew the legend of Cake Island, and knew that this paradise included most races in this sea. He originally thought that Charlotte Lingling, who established the kingdom of all nations, was a gentle woman. But he didn't expect that Charlotte Lingling would use such a dirty method to expand the race in her territory.

Under this piece of peace and tranquility, there is an unspeakably dirty darkness.

"Go and find your companions first. Pokmus is highly regarded by his mother. He has no news from you now, so he should be very anxious."

Garrett turned around and said slowly to the man in black behind him.

"If you really have no choice, you can come to me, and I will try my best to help you."

The man in black was silent, and then slowly bowed to Garrett.

"Thank you."

Apart from these words, he didn't know what to say. Since they left Zou Island, they met many humans, but none of them helped them like Garrett now.

This steely man is really touched.

After a brief farewell, the man quietly left Garrette's boat with his men.

He was going to meet at the place agreed with Pokmus. Then through Pokmus, know the whereabouts of his companions.

And Garrett sighed softly, then said goodbye to the sailors who were still docking the ship, and walked towards the cake castle alone.

This place is where she grew up, and she can be said to be familiar with it.

This street has not changed at all from the way she remembered it. She walked into a cafe familiarly, then found a corner, ordered a cup of coffee and sat down.

Just like a very ordinary tourist who came to Cake Island.

After a while, a woman with long purple hair in a light blue dress also walked into this cafe. She looked left and right, and suddenly found Garrett sitting in the corner, with a hint of surprise on her face, and then tiptoed towards Garrett.

"Little Garrett! Guess who my sister is?!"

She quietly walked behind Garrett, then covered the latter's eyes, and said with a smile.

"Sister Bree, there is no need to play this kind of game between us."

And Garrett was also unhurried, gently opened Bu Lei's hand, and then said with a smile.

"Every time I come back, don't I always wait for you at this place?"

"Little Garrett knows me best."

Bree sat in front of Garrett, and then waved to the waiter who came over.

"Still the same."

The waiter, with a clear face, turned around and left.

It's like it's been done countless times.

In this regard, Garrett could only sigh helplessly.

Because of the ugly scar on her face, Sister Bulei has always been withdrawn. Except for Brother Katakuri and the few younger brothers and sisters she watched grow up like herself, she hardly communicates with anyone. Usually, apart from hiding in the candy forest alone and being with those "Homiz", every day at this time, I would come here to order a cup of coffee, and then watch the bustling crowd outside, spend this time alone. some time.

It has been like this for decades.

So every time Garrett returns to Cake Island, she will be here to surprise Sister Bree.

"Didn't you just come back a while ago? Why did you come back so soon this time?"

After the hot coffee was served, Bree supported her chin and looked at Garrett with a smile.

"Because of the mother's tea party, Lorne is busy with other things now and can't get away, so asking me to come back is also a representative of him."

Garrett said helplessly.

"Men are like that."

Garrett seemed to be complaining about Lorne, showing a rare little woman's posture.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Garrett like this, Bree's laughter trembled wildly, and it took a long time before he recovered.

"After all, Lorne is the one you personally chose, but it's still too late for you to regret it. I'll let Brother Katakuri come forward. Maybe mother will accept you back home."

She looked at Garrett and counted jokingly.

"How can that be!"

Garrett, on the other hand, looked like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, her eyes widened.

The two sisters looked at each other, then laughed together.


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