Pirate Family

Chapter 955 The whole island is wanted!

The two sisters laughed for a long time before they recovered.

"This time, taking advantage of mother's tea party, you have to stay here for a while."

After a while, Bree took a sip of coffee and said seriously.

"Brother Katakuri hasn't seen you for a long time, although he didn't say it, but as his younger sister, I know this very well."

"He was lonely and wanted company."

As the second son of the Charlotte family, Katakuri is also the most powerful man in the Charlotte family. He has carried a lot of things alone.

He is a child of all the Charlotte family and is regarded as a protector.

"I see."

Garrett nodded seriously. Of course she knew Katakuri's love for them. When Lorne fell into a deep sleep and Sdio was invaded by a large group of pirates, it was also the most difficult time for the Vinhill family. At that time, Brother Katakuri came here alone to help him through the difficulties.

If there is anyone in the Charlotte family that I can never give up, Brother Katakuri is definitely one of them.

Garrett was about to say something, but at this moment, urgent sirens suddenly sounded on the street outside, and then a large group of armored "Homiz" soldiers rushed out of the castle, as if they were Looking for someone, or something.

"What happened?"

Garrett asked in surprise, did some pirates invade Cake Island?

But this is impossible, not to mention that there is no news that the mother has fallen into a "crazy" state, even if it is just the defensive strength of Cake Island, it is not something ordinary pirates can get involved in.

If you want to capture this place, at least you have to mobilize the entire army of the same force to do it.

But now in the sea, there are very few forces at the same level as the current Charlotte family.

"I'll go out and ask."

And Bu Lei was also full of doubts, she got up, walked out of the cafe slowly, and then stopped a passing Homiz.

The Homiz knight was stopped, and he wanted to have a fit, but after feeling the same blood in Bree's body as Charlotte Lingling, he immediately bowed respectfully, and then spoke sincerely.

When Bree returned to her seat, her expression was no longer as relaxed as before, but a little more dignified.

"In the Mont-Dole prison, several prisoners escaped from the prison, and before leaving, they ignited the Mon-Door residence, and the fire spread. If it was not discovered in time, the entire cake castle might be affected."

Bree said solemnly.

"Mother was furious, and when the two men involved, Mondor and Moscato, were about to be arrested, if those prisoners were not brought back, she would severely punish Mondor and Moscato. "

"So now a lot of Homiz have been mobilized. There is a citywide search now."

"Is it that serious?"

Garrett asked in surprise.

"Those prisoners are important? Are they some great pirates who were defeated by the mother?"

"It's not very important either,"

Bree sighed, as if it was a little difficult to say.

"These prisoners are a certain rare race that the mother obtained from the black market, and you know what the mother thinks. She wants to give birth to a few younger brothers and sisters with the blood of the rare race. And the escape of these people is undoubtedly Totally pissed off my mother."

When mentioning her younger siblings, Bree had no expression on her face, as if she was talking about a few people who had nothing to do with her.

This is also the reason why the Charlotte family is a mess. In addition to the large age gap, I and my brothers and sisters may even be different in race.

And Garrett always felt that something was wrong when she heard Bree's words. She thought for a while before asking slowly.

"Then what is the race of these prisoners?"

"Eh? Don't you know?"

Bree said a little surprised, but after thinking about it, Garrett hasn't stayed in Cake Island these years, and maybe she doesn't even know which siblings she has.

"They're fur people."


On Cake Island, in a certain alley, Doros poked out half of his head and looked at the scene outside. Numerous armed "Homiz" were patrolling the long street, and they would arrive soon. this place.

He frowned, then turned around, and the brothers and sisters behind looked at him anxiously.

Doros was about to speak, but an inappropriate voice rang in their ears.

"The entire Cake Island has been cordoned off! They won't let a single ship leave Cake Island until they find us."

Wugu jumped down from the eaves and said coldly to Doros.

"You bastard still dare to come back?"

Doros looked at the monkey fur tribe in front of him, and he couldn't get angry. He walked over in one step and lifted Wugu up.

"There's no reason why they found out we were gone so quickly!"

"Is it you, after leaving our team, went back there, and did something that made them discover us!"

"Now, do you still remember my lesson?"

However, Wugu just snorted coldly, and then broke free from Doros's grasp suddenly.

"Now, it's better to think about how to deal with that woman in Big Mom. I don't want to be a tool for her vaccination."

When he thought of the fat and bloated body of that woman in BIG·MOM pressing on him like a hill, Wugu felt sick for a while.

Thinking of this, Wugu felt that he might as well die.

The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer, Homiz and the others were going to search this place soon.

And Doros was not in the mood to entangle with Wugu any longer, he took a deep breath, and prepared to hold back the group of Homiz, and then buy time for his companions.

But at this time, a somewhat familiar voice rang in their ears.

"Brother Doros! Come here!"

Wearing a pink suit, wearing sunglasses, a short man with hair like a lion appeared in the corner of the alley.

Behind the man, there is a small hole that does not know where it connects. The man made way and waved to Doros and the others.

"It's Pokmus!"

Doros recognized this person. It was the lion-fur clansman who claimed to leave Zou Island and go to the outside world a few years ago, Pokmus!

He hurriedly led his companions into the hole behind Pokmus, and Wugu snorted coldly, glanced at Pokmus, and then burrowed in.

A stone slowly blocked the small hole. At this moment, a group of Homiz knights walked in from outside.

They looked at the empty alley, then turned around and searched towards the next place.

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