Pirate Family

Chapter 957 Conflict and Struggle

Time to go back to the cafe on Cake Island Street.

After learning about what happened in Cake Island, Garrett frowned slightly.

Growing up in Wan Guo, she is very clear about her mother's character. If she can't find the group of fur people who escaped from her, she will never let it go.

And Cake Island is in the core area of ​​the entire Ten Thousand Nations Sea, even if those people were lucky enough to pass through the heavy blockade of Cake Island, they would not be able to leave the Ten Thousand Nations Sea.

Will definitely be caught.

"What about you?"

Bree next to him sensed Garrett's strangeness and asked with some concern.

"Don't be afraid, the fighting power of this group of fur tribes is not strong. Mom's Homiz will catch them soon, and it won't affect the next tea party."

"hope so."

Garrett sighed, then spoke slowly.

After all, she grew up in an environment full of pirates, and there is an essential difference from those silly white sweets who grew up in ivory towers, that is, she values ​​benefits more.

Yes, interests.

The reason why she helped Perode and the others was just to see that Snug was upset, and it was not worthwhile to offend her "mother" for this group of fur tribes, and possibly even involve Lorne.

So she decided to abandon this group of people.

But at this time, a phone bug she was carrying suddenly rang.

Garrett frowned, because this phone bug was a dedicated phone bug for the Vinhill family, and it was usually used to convey information within certain families.

"I understand, it's some whisper between you little lovers, I just avoid it. Hahaha."

And Bree obviously understands this truth, that is, although Garrett is his younger sister, she is also a core member of the Vinhill family, and it is inconvenient for her to know certain things, so she walked over to the next door with interest. He sat down at a table, then turned his head and ordered another cup of coffee to the waiter.

After the other side of the phone bug finished speaking, Garrett's face froze,

"It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

Garrett said incredulously.


From the other end of the phone bug, Lorne's doubtful voice came.

"Through this life card, I know that the group of fur pirates should be in the direction of the Sea of ​​Nations. Could it be that you have met them?"

"It's not just that simple." Garrett put away her shock, and then said solemnly.

"In fact, I helped them escape from Snug. Or I saved their lives."

"That's the best, we can find the way to Zou Island through them."

And Lorne was also a little surprised. He really didn't expect things to develop so smoothly. After all, wanting to find the location of a pirate group in the vast sea is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. But it's a little bit simpler.

Now that Garrett actually saved their lives and gained their favor, things are much simpler.

"It would be nice if that was the case."

Garrett said with a wry smile.

"The purpose of their going to sea is to rescue their companions who were abducted by slave traders, and this group of abducted fur tribes went around and came to the hands of their mother."

"I took them to Cake Island, but I didn't expect that their companions escaped from their mother, and now the whole Cake Island is completely blocked."

"Mother has sent a large number of Homiz and is hunting for them all over the island."


From the other end of the phone bug, Lorne's long silence came.

"Do you need me to come over?"

After a long time, Lorne opened his mouth and said

He must go to the end of the great voyage, Ralph Drew. And if you want to go to that place, you must get those few historical texts.

Therefore, for this group of fur tribes, he is bound to win. No matter who the opponent is, even if it is Charlotte Lingling who is also the Pirate Emperor, he will not give in.

"If you come over, it will only intensify the matter."

Garrett breathed a sigh of relief, then said slowly to Lorne.

"Forget it, let me handle the matter now."

After the phone bug hung up, Bree came over. Seeing that Garrett's face was obviously looking a little bad, she asked with some doubts.

"What's wrong? Did you quarrel with Lorne?"

Her tone obviously blamed Lorne, his sister was spoiled and spoiled, how could he, Lorne, bully little Garrett.


Garrett shook her head, then looked at her sister.

"Sister Bree, can you help me once?"


In the candy forest, King Bam led a group of Homiz and slowly approached Perode and the others.

"I found you, I found you who are wanted by my mother!"

King Bam's deep voice echoed around the small lake. He raised his arm made from a huge tree branch, and slammed down on the chocolate pavilion.


Everyone jumped away, and the chocolate pavilion was smashed into pieces by King Bam, and the brown chocolate pieces were scattered all over the ground.

"Damn it, it was discovered!"

Perode threw his hood aside, revealing his muscular muscles.

The people of the fur clan are born tall warriors, not only because they are born with strength several times higher than that of ordinary humans, but also because they have mastered the skill of creating static electricity through friction.

Their destructive power is far beyond what ordinary humans can imagine. Even a delicate fox-fur tribe like Jiumi can rival the strongest among humans once they become ruthless.

Or it can be said that after escaping from Tudou Island, the reason why they chose not to fight Snug, apart from being afraid of Snug's strength comparable to Candy General, was that they were unwilling to be defeated by Snug. Hold back, and then surrounded by more and more Charlotte family members.

"I'll hold this big tree, and then you all escape with Pokmus!"

Perode stood in front of King Bam, turned his back to his companions, and said slowly. But Doros wanted to say something, but was directly held back by Wugu, and then fled towards the edge of the forest.

"Pockmus, that bastard, dares to betray mother!"

And King Bam obviously also found Pokmus hiding among the fur tribe, and immediately roared angrily.

Because it was created by Charlotte Lingling, it has absolute loyalty to Charlotte Lingling, so it will not forgive any behavior that betrays Charlotte Lingling.

But before it could continue to move, a black shadow rushed in front of it, and then.

Perode punched with static electricity, and directly blasted a hole in King Bam's trunk!

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