Pirate Family

Chapter 958 The Pirate's Promise

"I have a small boat parked in the west port, and the crew are all my confidantes."

And Pokmusi said while leading the crowd along the road.

"I can pass them and try to see if I can send you out."

"It's just that the whole cake island is completely blocked now, maybe..."

Pokmus' complexion was slightly dark, and everyone knew what he didn't say.

Maybe they were intercepted by the guards of Cake Island before they escaped from Cake Island, and then they were caught in front of Charlotte Lingling.

The route they escaped was deliberately chosen by Pokmus. The place was sparsely populated, and they escaped along the soft bread path without meeting a single person.

Soon, they came to the west port that Pokmus mentioned. It seemed that this place had been abandoned for a long time, and even some weeds growing on the ground had not been cleaned.

A small sloop, just docked in the port.

"There it is!"

Wu Gu roared, and then wanted to rush out of the crowd, towards the small boat.

There, is their only hope of escape.

But at this moment, a broad palm suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

"It's weird!"

It was Pokmus himself who spoke. He stared at the small boat with a trace of solemnity on his face.

Because, not only is there no one in this port, but even the sailors who should have been on the deck have disappeared!

These sailors were brought out by himself, their loyalty was unquestionable, and they would never betray themselves.

And they don't show up where they should, there's only one case!

"As expected, she is one of the most valued subordinates of mother."

At this time, a cold female voice came from the boat, and then a tall and thin woman with a light yellow hat, a yellow scarf, and long white hair that spread to her legs walked down from the boat, slowly Look at Pokmus.

"It's just that I didn't expect that you would betray your mother's trust in you."


Pokmus almost spoke the name from his teeth, and the person who appeared in front of them was none other than the fourteenth daughter of the Charlotte family, who also had the title of Candy Star.

Charlotte Smoothie!

She can be said to be the strongest female powerhouse in the entire Charlotte family, except for Charlotte Lingling herself. Even Pokmus in his heyday has no chance of winning against her.

Pokmus didn't even have time to think about why this woman appeared in this place. He only had one thought in his mind at this moment, and that was how to get rid of her and leave this place!

Because Pokmus knew one thing very well, that is, this woman alone was enough to capture them all.

"It seems that in your heart, your group of companions who have not fully evolved are more important than your mother."

Smoothie glanced at the fur tribe behind Pokmus, and then said slowly.

She stepped off the boat step by step and walked towards the crowd.

"Well, I'll give you a chance and let you decide for yourself."

"Anyway, mother only needs one breeding. As long as you keep one male and one female, I can let you leave here." She stopped and looked at Pokmus.

"In this way, it can be regarded as a reward for your dedication to the family for so many years."

Pokmus didn't speak. Without a doubt, Smoothie's request was already quite kind to them.

If they were caught by other members of the Charlotte family, they would all be taken back, but Smoothie only needed two of them to stay, and the others could leave safely.

"But, with all due respect, I don't want to give up either..."

All fur tribe compatriots are like relatives to Pokmus, and he doesn't want to give up any one of them!

But before Pokmus finished speaking, a scream came from behind him.

Wugu picked up a stone and suddenly attacked Doros who was standing in front of him. The hard stone hit Doros on the head unexpectedly. Doros wailed, looked at Wugu in disbelief, and then slowly Slowly fell to the ground.

Blood seeped out from the back of his head, staining the ground red.

"That's enough."

A hint of sternness appeared on Wugu's face, and he raised his head to look at Smoothie.

"I saved a little strength in my hands. He should wake up after a period of rest."

"In this way, it should be able to meet your request."

"Papa papa."

Smoothie looked at the fierce monkey, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he clapped his hands slowly.


In the candy forest, the originally quiet and beautiful forest has been completely destroyed now, and the raging flames are constantly burning in the forest.

All kinds of anthropomorphic Homiz looked at the raging flames and the tall man standing in the flames in fear.

"Mother, I won't let you go!"

King Bam fell to the ground, his tall and straight trunk was riddled with holes and traces of burnt charcoal. The huge body fell to the ground, and the dense canopy was burning with flames.

"You can't escape Cake Island!"

King Bam yelled at the man standing in front of him, but the man didn't speak, but used his fist to make the big tree shut up.


After doing all this, Perode suddenly lay down on the ground, but no Homiz dared to approach this seemingly exhausted man.

And Perode didn't lie down for a long time, he struggled to stand up, and then staggered towards the edge of the candy forest.

There, it was the route that Perode let Pokmus and the others escape.

He hasn't rescued all his companions yet, so he absolutely can't fall down here.

But he stopped suddenly, because a person walked out of the forest.

It was a man with a curly black beard, wearing a pink suit, but wearing an eggshell like a skirt.

"Baron Eggs."

Perode knew this man, and according to the news from Polkmus, this man was Polkmus' partner under Charlotte's command, and the two had worked together for a long time. But for some reason, when Perode saw this man, he suddenly felt a sense of fate.

"Good afternoon, sir."

The man made a gentleman's salute to Perode, but Perode did not dare to take it lightly.

This man is very strong, this is Perode's first judgment.

Perode took a deep breath and put his distracting thoughts behind him.

Only by defeating all enemies can he leave this nightmarish place.

He clenched his fists and looked at the gentlemanly man in front of him.

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