Pirate Family

Chapter 959 The Most Unbelievable!

"Very wonderful."

At the west port of Cake Island, Smoothie looked at the scene in front of him and said with a smile.

"There is nothing more exciting than the betrayal of a companion."

"I did what you asked, so please let us go now."

And Wu Gu clenched his blood-stained stone tightly, took a deep breath, and looked at Smoothie nervously.

This is the rule of this sea, and it is also the helplessness of the weak.

In the face of an invincible strong man, it is a very stupid and sad thing to pin the hope of survival on the other party's kindness.

But he had to do this, because Wugu definitely didn't want to leave himself in the cake island. The fear of the cake island overcame his fear, so he straightened his back and looked straight into Smoothie's eyes.

"I did make such a commitment."

Smoothie nodded, the smile on his face subdued slightly.

"However, you don't seem to have fulfilled my request."

She stretched out her slender fingers and pointed to the companions behind Wugu.

"You still owe me someone now."

And the rest of the fur tribe looked at Wugu with disbelief.

"how could you do this……"

A female rabbit fur tribe raised her hand tremblingly, pointed at Wugu, and said with disbelief.

"Why did you sneak attack on Brother Doros!"

As the eldest among them, Brother Doros has always played the role of the big brother. Even after being caught, he tried his best to protect them. Before igniting the book prison and escaping, it was also Brother Doros. come up with. So they're pretty alarm bells for Big Brother Doros.

"There is no way to do this. If you want to escape, you must make a little sacrifice."

But there was no trace of guilt in Wugu's eyes, and he slowly walked towards the crowd.

"Brother Doros wants to protect us so much and sacrifice himself, that's his original intention."

As soon as these words came out, all the people of the fur clan, including Pokmus, looked at Wugu in disbelief, as if they didn't know him anymore.

And several female fur tribes looked at Wu Gu with vigilance. I was afraid that the blood-stained stone in his hand would hit his head.

"Weak people cannot survive in this era!"

Seeing these gazes, Wugu finally stopped hiding, and he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Weakness is a sin, and weakness is a sin. Let you sinners become the nourishment of this era!"

The experience of being captured has completely changed this originally pure fur tribe. He wants power, and he wants to be as terrifying as those powerful pirates.

Only with power can he control his own destiny. The powerful pirate, Charlotte Lingling, and even the legendary man with the title of devil cannot threaten him!

"And you are the first batch of victims!"

He suddenly rushed towards a female fur tribe, and Pokmus wanted to stop him, but Smoothie stopped him.

The woman looked at Wugu with great interest.

The resistance of the weak is sometimes very interesting.

The little fox fur clan Jiumi couldn't dodge in time, and was grabbed by Wugu. She was trembling all over, as if she still couldn't believe that Wugu had become like this.

"Two sacrifices are enough."

Wugu lifted Chumi in front of Smoothie, and threw her together with Doros, who was lying unconscious on the ground.

"Now, can we be let go?"

"Oh heh heh."

Smoothie covered his mouth and laughed loudly, all the fur tribes looked depressed, for them, the betrayal of their companions was a very uncomfortable thing.

But at the same time, there was some hope in their eyes. I hope Smoothie can really keep his promise and let them go.

It's ironic, but it's true. Because apart from a saint, no one can really put himself in the same position as other people. Especially when faced with the threat of death.

"I did promise you."

Smoothie suppressed his own smile, "Let you go."

These words relieved most of Wugu's hanging heart, and he was finally able to leave this nightmare place.


However, Smoothie's next words made Wu Gu's heart hang again.

"I'm not in charge of this cake island."

All the fur tribes felt a biting chill from the soles of their feet all the way to the top of their heads.

I was cold and chilled all over my body.

Even in the scorching sun, it still feels like falling into an ice cave.

The most credible thing in this world is the promise of pirates.

In this world, the most untrustworthy thing is also the promise of pirates.


Perode left the candy forest with a little surprise on his face. He originally thought that there would be a big battle next. He was even ready to die with that Eggy Baron.

But I didn't expect that Baron Dandan looked at him for a long time, and finally he waved his hand like a sigh, and then made a way for Perode to leave.

Perode didn't know what was going on, but it was still a good thing to avoid a fight with a strong man.

So he left the forest in a daze.

"If there is nothing wrong, it should be in that direction."

Perode searched along the escape route of Pokmus and the others, and at the same time sniffed his nose, capturing their remaining scent in the air.

The fur family is a creature between humans and animals. While possessing human intelligence, it also possesses various characteristics of animals.

Therefore, the remaining smell in the air is almost invisible to humans, but to Perode, it is as dazzling as a bright light in the fog of the sea.

But when he arrived at West Port, he found that there seemed to be a battle here. Besides his fur clan companions, there was also a strange aura.

"They were caught."

The boat was still docked at the port, and Perode deduced that this boat should be the boat they were planning to use to escape here, but the boat didn't move at all, which meant that they didn't leave this place?

The other party alone captured all his companions?

A dangerous thought flashed through Perode's mind, and he hurried onto the boat, only to find that there was no sign of any companion on the boat except for Pokmus, who was severely injured.

"what happened?"

Perode helped Pokmus up, and found that the man still had a trace of breath left. He struggled to open his eyes, looked at Perode, and said apologetically.

"Sorry, I didn't protect everyone..."

"Everyone, they were all taken away."

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