Pirate Family

Chapter 960 Tracking

"You are my sister, and I will support all your decisions."

On Cake Island, in the cafe, Bree stared into Garrett's eyes and said word by word.

At this time, she clearly still had a terrifying scar on her face, but in Garrett's eyes, it made people feel like a spring breeze.

Family, after all, is family.

When the waiter came up with a cup of hot coffee, he found that the two women who were sitting there had disappeared at some point, and a stack of Baileys was neatly placed on the table, next to Baileys , The unfinished coffee is still steaming.

Garrett and Bree are walking through the mirror world. This is Bree's fruit ability, which can connect all the mirrors in her domain. After entering the mirror world, it is equivalent to walking in another world among.

The world in the mirror is extremely distorted, winding and rugged, making people confused. If you walk for a while, you will feel dizzy.

But because Bree lived alone in this world for many years, she knew everything about this world. She held Garrett's hand and ran in the mirror world.

Mirrors flashed beside them, and various scenes of Cake Island were reflected in the mirrors.

There are two couples kissing, there is a model couple arguing fiercely with their backs facing each other, and some evil forces that breed in the cake island slowly reach out to the weak in places where the light cannot shine. own hands.

There are many, but these have nothing to do with them.

"If I were that group of fur tribes, I would definitely avoid the search range of Homiz and hide in a secluded place, waiting for others."

Bree said slowly to Garrett, and soon they came to several mirrors.

"These mirrors are connected to the most sparsely populated place in Cake Island. If I were them, I would definitely choose to hide here."

Garrett followed Bree's gaze and found that the picture reflected in the mirror was empty.


Bree frowned. The Cake Island is not big, but with the two of them, it is undoubtedly quite difficult to find those fur tribes before the Homiz all over the Cake Island.

"By the way, there is another place."

Bree had a flash of inspiration, and then dragged Garrett's hand to a special mirror.

The picture in this mirror is a secluded forest, but these forests are made entirely of candies, just like the realm of fairy tales.

However, the forest that was supposed to be like a paradise, at this time, seemed to have experienced a tragic battle, and a raging fire was burning.

"right here!"

A light flashed in Garrett's eyes, and Bree also understood what she meant, holding Garrett's hand, and emerged from the mirror world.

"This is Candy Forest," Bree said slowly.

"It's also my territory. Usually, few people come to this place, and people under the family's command are generally respectful when they come here."

She saw the big tree lying on the ground, with coke all over its body.

"Even King Bam fell here, it seems that they are really hiding in this place."

"At least, I hid here before."

Garrett added that after a while, the flames would not burn like this, and it almost spread to the entire forest.

It means that this battle has been over for a long time.

"Baron Eggs!"

But at this moment, Bree suddenly saw a man who should not have appeared in this place.

A man in a pink suit was sitting on the edge of a small lake, enjoying afternoon tea while admiring the fire.

"Why are you in my place? Did you do all of this?"

Bree asked, Baron Eggy is one of mother's absolute confidantes. Although he has the same rights as ordinary children of the family, but because he is one of the old members who followed his mother when she should not have developed. , so he has an extremely lofty status. Even the current Candy General will consider this man's thoughts when dealing with certain issues.

"Don't get me wrong, dear eighth princess," Baron Dandan stood up, bowed to Mr. Bree, and then looked at Garrett who was beside Bree.

"And the respected eighteenth princess."

"This disaster was not by my hands."

"It was done by one of the fur tribe who is being wanted by mother."

"Have you seen them?"

Before Bree could speak, Garrett spoke first, a cold light flashed in her eyes, if the group of fur people were caught by mother's people, everything would be difficult.

She knew her mother quite well. Her mother was extremely stubborn, and even had a little childishness. She had to get what she wanted, and this might only be comparable to Lorne.

"Yes, I also saw a rather brave man."

Eggy Baron said with some emotion.

"For the sake of my companions, I dare to go deep into the hinterland of the Pirate Emperor's domain, and then stay here alone to kill off the heir for my companions."

"Even as an opponent, I respect him very much."

"So, did you catch them?"

Garrett wanted to say something, but was stopped by Bree. The woman looked at Baron Eggy and said slowly.

"Now, where are they? They burned down my forest, and I must seek revenge from them!"

When Bree said this, she looked angry, as if she really didn't want to let go of the group of people who destroyed her home.

"I respect his courage so much that I let him go."

Eggy Baron said slowly.

"But as for the others, perhaps they have already been captured by Your Excellency the Fourteenth Princess."

The fourteenth princess of the Charlotte family is Charlotte Smoothie, one of the candy stars.

In the entire family, the woman second only to mother Charlotte Lingling, even the current Garrett, dare not say that she will definitely be able to defeat her.

"I see."

Bree nodded her head.

"Sure enough, they were discovered."

After saying goodbye to Baron Egg, Bree turned around and said to Garrett with a wry smile.

She is well aware of Smoothie's strength, and there is absolutely no chance that this group of fur tribe will survive after encountering her.

"Sister Smoothie should be detaining them now, returning to Cake Island Castle from the nearest path." Garrett lowered her head, showing a contemplative expression.

"So, there is still a chance."

She looked up at Bree.

"Sister Bree, please take me there."

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