Pirate Family

Chapter 962

In the end, Smoothie chose to back down.

She only asked Lorne to leave a fur tribe so that she could deal with her mother. Of course, Lorne would not make things difficult for Smoothie.

After all, he doesn't care about the lives of these people, what he wants to know is just the way to Zou Island.

So even if these fur tribes are hostile to him, Lorne has a way to get them to tell them how to get to Zou Island.

Smoothie leaves the snow mountain with a poor ghost who is unlucky, while the other fur tribe stays on the road leading to the snow mountain in shock. They looked at Lorne in horror.

Smoothie is already a strong man who makes them unable to resist, but how terrible is this man who makes Smoothie have to give in with a few words?


"Sorry, I didn't handle it well."

Garrett said with some shame that she clearly promised Lorne to handle the matter by herself, but in the end she let him come forward in person.

Sister Smoothie's retreat was just because she was afraid of Lorne's power. After this incident, the originally strong alliance between the Vernhill family and the Charlotte family is very likely to have a rift.

"You've done a good job."

Lorne stroked Garrett's head lightly, just like ten years ago.

Even after so many years, Garrett will always be a little sister who hasn't grown up in his heart.

"The next thing is up to you."

After Lorne finished speaking, he led the fur clan people and left Cake Island through the void gate. If it wasn't for the faint sound of Homiz searching the entire island, maybe Jialei Te will think that everything that happened just now is just an illusion.

"Let's go."

Bree patted Garrett on the shoulder, then said slowly.

"Next, I have to go to my mother's tea party."

At this moment, she finally understood one thing. Perhaps, the younger sister she watched and grew up with was no longer a member of the Charlotte family.

But she will not stop Garrett, because everyone is entitled to choose their own path.

When Smoothie brought the only remaining fur family back to Cake Castle, Charlotte Lingling was furious, and the whole Cake Castle seemed to tremble slightly because of her anger.

However, this anger didn't last long, and it stopped, and turned into a long sigh of Charlotte Lingling.

A long, helpless sigh.

The little guy who could only tremble in front of her at the beginning has grown to the point where he can be on an equal footing with him.

No, after the end of the war between Lorne and Kaido, he was already faintly ahead of him.

Or it can be said that Lorne is the closest man to the position of One Piece in this era, and he is ahead of everyone.

At this moment, he is only one step away from the ultimate secret of this sea!

The Homiz stopped the search, the law and order in Cake Island returned to normal, and the tea party was held as scheduled.

The guests who came to participate didn't know that a fight without gunpowder was over before they noticed it.

And this struggle ended with Charlotte Lingling's concession.

At the tea party, Charlotte Lingling excitedly introduced her new husband to the guests. This is a strong monkey fur family. With a happy smile on her face, she seems to be looking forward to, she is flowing fur What does a baby of the family blood look like.

Just like an ordinary mother.

At the tea party, everyone was equipped to celebrate the event, and everyone congratulated.

Except, the "lucky guy" who was favored by the Pirate Queen.

Perode searched around Cake Island for a long time, but couldn't find the clues of his companions. Finally, just as he was about to break the boat and sneak into Cake Castle, he met Garrett.

Through Garrett, he finally learned that his companion was saved by Lorne. So this strong man bowed solemnly to Garrett.

"thank you all……"


"Excuse me, do you want to go to Zou Island?"

Doros sat on a chair with a white gauze wrapped around his head, looking at Lorne respectfully.

After he woke up from the coma that was attacked by Wugu, he found himself sitting on a majestic black hall, surrounded by knights in full armor, like statues, holding their weapons, ranking on both sides. And a man with black hair that he had never seen before was sitting on the throne in the main hall, looking down at him.

After finally learning the ins and outs of the matter from his companion, Doros realized that the man in front of him was the strong man who could force Smoothie back, and also the savior of himself and others.

"Saving you, to me, is just a trivial matter."

Lorne looked at Doros and the others, and said lightly.

"However, you must come up with enough to pay back."

"The eternal pointer to Zou Island," Lorne snapped his fingers.

"Use this thing to exchange your lives."

Lorne's words didn't have a trace of emotion, but these fur tribes felt an inexplicable coercion, and couldn't help but want to kneel down to Lorne.

Domineering color possesses domineering, even if it is not used, it often has an inexplicable appeal when speaking.

Either it is easy to believe, or it is bold and domineering, but Lorne is carrying a lot of pressure.

And Doros also felt his words froze, unable to speak.

"I'm sorry, Lord Lorne."

After a long time, Doros slowly knelt down to Lorne, and said respectfully.

"We don't have a permanent pointer to Zou Island."


Doros's answer was a bit unexpected to Lorne. He thought that these people would not be so willing, but he didn't expect them to refuse so simply.

"So, do you want to die?"

Lorne narrowed his eyes slightly. It had been a long time since anyone had rejected him, and he even forgot who the last person who rejected him was.

But no matter who it is, it should have become a pile of dead bones in this sea by now.

But it doesn't matter, he has a way to get these people to hand over the permanent pointer to Zou Island.

The Vinhill family has stood in this sea for so long, and there is no lack of means to extract confessions, not to mention, there are so many capable people with various strange abilities in the family.

"not like this."

However, Doros raised his head and showed a simple and honest smile.

"In this world, there is no permanent pointer to Zou Island."

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