Pirate Family

Chapter 963 Zou Island

"In this world, there is no permanent pointer to Zou Island."

Doros looked at Lorne and showed a simple and honest smile.

This group of pure fur tribes didn't take Lorne's threats to heart at all. In their eyes, a savior is a savior, and their own lives belong to those who saved their own lives.

"However, because any member of the fur clan wants to go to Zou Island, he doesn't need the so-called permanent pointer."

Lorne was slightly surprised by what Doros said.

But after Doros's explanation, Lorne finally understood.

There are countless electromagnetic fields in this sea, and every small island that exists on this sea will slightly disturb the originally straight electromagnetic field. The permanent pointer finds its source through the disturbed electromagnetic field.

This is why, the weather and the sea in the new world, the reference coordinate system will change, and as long as you have a permanent pointer, you can find the destination accurately.

But Zou Island is a bit special. It is different from ordinary islands. It is located on the back of the giant creature "Elephant Lord", and it moves with the elephant owner on the sea all year round.

Therefore, the permanent pointer to determine the position through the electromagnetic field cannot be used to find the position of Zou Island. This is why Doros said that there is no permanent pointer to Zou Island in the entire sea.

The second half of Doros's sentence answered Lorne's doubts.

Every member of the fur clan will have a natural belonging to Zou Island. No matter where the elephant owner is at this time, they will point in the direction of the elephant owner in their hearts. As long as they follow this feeling, they will always be able to Find the location of the elephant master.

The people of the fur tribe call this feeling of belonging to their hometown.

But Lorne was silent for a long time after learning about it.

He prefers to call this fate.

The so-called fate is predestined.

Tianlong was born noble, pirates are doomed to die in the sea, and people of fur clan can always find their way home.

These are destiny.

Lorne, on the other hand, did not believe in fate.


One day later, a long-distance voyage team was formed among the Vinhill family. People from the fur family led the expedition team to Zou Island with members of the Vinhill family.

And just to be sure, Lorne specially let Enilo lead this event, and specifically asked him not to hurt the fur tribe on Zou Island, and asked him to come back immediately after he got the piece of historical text on Zou Island.

And Enilu nodded solemnly, or it can be said that in his proud eyes, his opponents are only enemies of the same level as himself, and these weak fur tribes don't even know that he uses force to bully.

Looking at the back of the expedition team gradually leaving, Lorne stood at the port of Sdio, thoughtful.

Half a month later, Enilo returned to Sidio, the battleship of the expedition team was slightly damaged, and the participating Vinhill family warriors were all slightly injured, as if they were not looking for the historical text, but It's like going to a fight.

As for Anilo himself, there are a few claw marks of unknown beasts on his strong chest.

It turned out that everything went well until they arrived at Zou Island, but after they arrived at Zou Island, they were regarded as enemies by the two people in power on Zou Island. The soldiers led by Anilu were ambushed in a tragic way, and Anilu himself was attacked by a huge strange cat.

If Enilo hadn't responded in a timely manner and used his knowledge and arrogance to avoid the vital parts of his body in time, he might have been disembowelled as well.

The two groups fought extremely fiercely, and neither side had the slightest intention of backing down. If Doros and the others tried their best to explain in the end, the losses would have increased even more.

However, after learning of the purpose of Enilo's visit to Zou Island, one of the rulers of Zou Island, the two strong fur tribes, Maobamushi and Inuarashi, resolutely rejected Enilo's request, and said that if If Anilu insists on going on, even if she saves Doros and the others, she will be regarded as an enemy by the fur tribe on Zou Island.

When the conflict between the two sides was about to break out, Enilo suddenly discovered that there were symbols of the Kozuki clan on the clothes of Momomushi and Inuarashi. So subconsciously asked about their relationship with Kozuki Oden.

It's ingenious that Nekomushime and Inuarashi, like Denjiro and Kappa Kawamatsu, were once one of Kozuki Oden's retainers. After Kozuki Oden's death, they were forced to live in seclusion in this place with the fur tribe.

And because of what happened back then, the two of them have been brooding over it, waiting for the twenty-year agreement that "Mrs. Shi" said.

After learning about this important relationship, Enilo finally relaxed a little. He told Maomushi and Inuarashi what happened in Wano Country, and then told them that the current Wano Country has separated from Kai. Duo and Heitan Orochi have completely returned to the control of the Kozuki Clan.

The current ruler of Wano Country should be the daughter of Kozuki Oden, Kozuki Hiyori.

At first, after hearing the news, Maomushi and Inulan sneered, and became furious when they gave birth to a child, thinking that Enilo was playing with the two of them. If they were not stopped by their subordinates, they might even do it directly , Teach Enilo a lesson, this ignorant brat.

But after calming down, they learned about the position of the Vinhill family in this sea through Doros and the others, and learned of the position of Enilo in the Vinhill family.

And, the Kaido Pirates, the news of their demise some time ago.

After learning about this, the two strong men were stunned for a long time, and then suddenly started to cry.

They ran wildly on the forest and plain, venting their excitement.

After a long time, they calmed down slightly. Only this time, their attitude towards Enilo has completely changed.

Zou Island is a subsidiary country of Wano Country that has lasted for hundreds of years. Lorne's saving Wano Country is equivalent to saving Zou Island, and he is Zou Island's benefactor.

As for the benefactor, a mere stone tablet engraved with the text of history is not so important. They brought Ainil to the cave in the back mountain. In the deepest part of the cave, Ainil finally saw the text of history that Lorne was thinking about.

"This is the main text of Zou Island's history."

Enilu took out a stack of papers, on which some incomprehensible texts were rubbed, and Lorne had seen these texts.

It is exactly the same as the text of the history text of Sky Island.

"Then there are only two less."

Lorne put away this hard-won information, then looked at a document on the table, and slowly crossed out the words Zou Island.

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